CPA Online Registration Tips
* Important Changes - Please read carefully *
* For futher details about registering, please review the NASBA CPA Exam website *
- Go to the Maryland website to register online for the exam part you wish to take within 180 days.
After you choose your examination section(s), NASBA will contact you with instructions on how to proceed with payment within 4 business days.
When you receive payment notification, go to NASBA's website to create your NASBA CPA Candidate account and to pay for the payment coupon once
you are notified it is available:
- Go to NASBA's website to print your NTS when you receive notification it is available from NASBA.
- Schedule your exam appointment with Prometric.
- To check your scores, you will log onto Maryland's website.
Important expiration times to remember:
- NASBA will send you a payment coupon that will expire after 90 days of being issued. If your payment coupon expires, you must go back to Maryland's website and register for the exam part(s) you wish to take again.
- A Notice to Schedule (NTS) will expire 180 days from the date of issuance. If your NTS expires, you must go back to Maryland's website and register for the exam part(s) you wish to take again.
- A conditioned (passed) exam section will expire 18 months after passage, unless all of the remaining parts are passed successfully.
Make sure you have your candidate tracking number and password for easy reference.
Make sure your personal information (name, address, telephone number and e-mail address is correct.
Incorrect information in your file will interfere with the processing
of your examination registration and delay delivery of your Notice to
Schedule (NTS).
make sure that your name and address appear exactly as they are indicated
on your primary personal identification cards. You will be required
to show your Notice to Schedule (NTS) and personal identification to
test center officials. The name and address must be exactly the same
on the NTS and your primary forms of identification. Otherwise, you
will not be permitted to take the examination. Name changes can't be
made on-line.