You may search for active registered tax preparers practicing in the State of Maryland as follows: |
PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER: | Attorneys, CPAs, and Enrolled Agents, due to their particular requirements for qualification and certification, are exempt from Maryland Registration and will not appear in your search. |
Note: Please contact us if you need information regarding disciplinary actions against a registrant.
If you have any questions about performing the search or the results you receive, you may contact the Maryland State Board of Individual Tax Preparers, Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, at the following telephone number: 410-230-6231.
Please direct any questions about the Board of Individual Tax Preparer to
Please direct any questions about Occupational and Professional Licensing to
Questions or comments regarding the DLLR website may be directed to
Updated February 08, 2012