Plumbing Inspector
This application is for a:
Master Inspector
- You must be a licensed Master Plumber to apply for a Plumbing Inspector's Card and, upon appointment, you must surrender your current license to the Board.
Journeyman Inspector
- You must be a licensed Journey Plumber to apply for a Plumbing Inspector's Card and, upon appointment, you must surrender your current license to the Board.
Non-Master Inspector
- You must have at least four years experience as an inspector or craftsman in a building and construction trade and pass a written examination to qualify for a Plumbing Inspector's Card.
Additionally, to be eligible to apply for a Plumbing Inspector Identification Card, you must:
Be employed be a local governmental agency or by a company which has an inspection contract to perform plumbing inspections for a local governmental agency.
Submit an original letter of employment verification from the local government agency on their letterhead and signed by the chief of inspections or someone of higher rank.
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