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Education Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Real Estate Commission

  1. I am licensed in another state and wish to become licensed in Maryland. Can I apply through reciprocity?
  2. How do I apply for the examination?
  3. Is this school approved?
  4. How many hours of continuing education do I need?
  5. Can I take the same course more than once in the licensing term?
  6. If I take more than 15 hours, will the extra hours roll over to the next period?
  7. What do I do if I did not get all of my CE hours by the renewal expiration date?
  8. I have real estate licenses in more than one state. Can I use any of those hours for my Maryland license?
  9. Do I have to pay renewal fees and take continuing education if my license is on inactive status?
  10. How do I become certified to teach?
  11. How can I be approved to teach continuing education?
  12. My company offers courses in other states, how can I teach in Maryland?
  13. I have a referral license. Do I have to take continuing education?
  14. Can I take classes online?
  15. Which school(s) offer the Brokerage Relationships and Disclosure or MREC Supervision online?

1. I am licensed in another state and wish to become licensed in Maryland. Can I apply through reciprocity?
The Commission only has reciprocal agreements with Pennsylvania and Oklahoma. Individuals actively licensed in all other states may start the process by providing a certificate of full licensing history from the state where they were first licensed and are currently licensed.

Send the history document (original only, not a copy) to us within 30 days of its issue date by your home state along with a cover letter, personally signed, with your mailing address and complete contact information, including an e-mail address. Send to the Education Director, Maryland Real Estate Commission, 100 S. Charles St., Tower I, Baltimore, MD 21201 or email to Do not fax this information.

If qualified, you will be sent all information needed to register for the exam, and if you do not qualify, you will be so advised. Education and experience from a home state are reviewed for transferability, individually for each applicant. Waivers may be offered only to active licensees.

2. How do I apply for the examination?
Contact the Board's examination vendor, PSI (855-744-0318).

3. Is this school approved?
All Maryland approved providers are listed on the website under Approved Education Providers.

4. How many hours of continuing education do I need?
Complete continuing education information can be found online.

5. Can I take the same course more than once in the licensing term?
Yes, any courses taken in excess of the required topics will be counted towards your electives for that period only.

6. If I take more than 15 hours, will the extra hours roll over to the next period?
No. CE credits do not roll over for credit in the next licensing term.

7. What do I do if I did not get all of my CE hours by the renewal expiration date?
You will not be able to renew and your license will expire. You must then complete the CE requirements, complete the process for reinstatement and pay the necessary fees.

8. I have real estate licenses in more than one state. Can I use any of those hours for my Maryland license?
If you hold a license in another state, hours may be considered toward your Maryland ELECTIVES. To find out, e-mail the out-of-state CE course completion certificate(s) to at least 30 days prior to the expiration of your license. If recognized, the hours credited will be entered into your licensing record. You may verify credits earned online. NOTE – Maryland does not recognize post-licensing education.

9. Do I have to pay renewal fees and take continuing education if my license is on inactive status?
Yes, you must complete your continuing education and pay renewal fees to maintain an inactive license.

10. How do I become certified to teach?
The Real Estate Commission does not certify teachers. With the exception of the MREC Agency and Supervision classes, all approved providers are responsible for hiring their own qualified instructors.

11. How can I be approved to teach continuing education?
If you are interested in being an instructor, contact the school of your choice for possible job openings.

12. My company offers courses in other states, how can I teach in Maryland?
Only Maryland approved providers may offer continuing education. Unless qualified as a professional organization, you must become an approved private career school and offer the prelicensing course. Send an e-mail to continuing education coordinator for this information.

13. I have a referral license. Do I have to take continuing education?
Referral is a term and not a license type. There are two license types, active and inactive. Both require continuing education to be renewed.

14. Can I take classes online?
Yes, all required courses are available online, including many elective courses.

15. Which school(s) offer the Brokerage Relationships and Disclosure, MREC Agency – Commercial or MREC Supervision online?
The following schools offer MREC Agency and Supervision online.