Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack Operating Authority - Maryland Racing Commission
August 23, 2023
Authority Members Present:
Greg Cross, Chairman
Alan Foreman
Jeff Hargrave
Tom Rooney
Tom Sadowski
Craig Thompson
Chuck Tildon
Mary Tydings
Lou Ulman
Nicole Earle (non-voting)
Joe Franco (non-voting)
George Mahoney (non-voting)
Gavin Stokes (non-voting)
Staff Present Representing the Maryland Thoroughbred Operating Racing Authority:
Eric B. London, Assistant Attorney General
Marc Broady, Executive Director
Kristy Taylor, Executive Assistant to
Craig Thompson
In accordance with §3-302, General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack Operating Authority (“Authority”) met at 333 W. Camden Street, 5th Floor Conference Room, Baltimore, MD 21201 and by Google Meet in open session at 12:00 p.m. on August 23, 2023. Greg Cross introduced himself as the Chairman of the Authority. Chairman Cross confirmed that all Authority members were present in person or participating by the Google Meet platform.
Introduction of the Board, Executive Director and Public Attendees
Chairman Cross introduced himself and then asked that each Authority Member do the same. Chairman Cross then introduced the newly hired Executive Director, Marc Broady, and welcomed him to the Authority. Mr. Broady introduced himself to the Authority and public. The public, guest presenters and media also introduced themselves.
Approval of Minutes for Open and Closed Session
A motion for approval of the August 3rd Open Meeting minutes was requested by Chairman Cross and a motion was made by Lou Ulman to approve the minutes of the August 3rd meeting, which was seconded by Alan Foreman. Hearing no objection, the motion to approve the Open Meeting minutes of August 3rd passed unanimously.
A motion for approval of the August 3rd Closed Meeting minutes was requested by Chairman Cross and a motion was made by Lou Ulman to approve the minutes of the August 3rd Closed Meeting, which was seconded by Mary Tydings. Hearing no objection, the motion to approve the Closed Meeting minutes of August 3rd passed unanimously.
Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA) Presentation
Chairman Cross advised the Authority and public that Gary McGuigan and Chris Deremeik of the Maryland Stadium Authority would be making a presentation concerning the Pimlico and Laurel Park Racing Facilities Redevelopment Project over the past three years, and the estimated costs. The PowerPoint presentation is on the Stadium Authority website and can be viewed at the following link: the Pimlico and Laurel Park Racing Facilities Redevelopment Project PowerPoint presentation [pdf]
After the presentation, Chairman Greg Cross advised the Authority that by December 1, 2023, it was required to (1) report on the progress of the Laurel and Pimlico plans; (2) report on the feasibility of providing two alternate thoroughbred training facilities; and (3) best practices for the thoroughbred industry operating models and recommendations for operating models in the State.
Authority Member Alan Foreman gave some historical context of the project and the financial challenges to have both Laurel and Pimlico redeveloped. Authority Member Jeff Hargrave requested that the PowerPoint presentation be uploaded to the Stadium Authority website.
Public Comment
Chairman Cross asked for public comments. A variety of questions regarding the status of Pimlico and Laurel were read from the Google Meet platform. Ross Peddicord, from the Maryland Horse Council, spoke about his organization and stated that they would like to work with the Authority moving forward.
Closed Session
Chairman Cross advised the public that the Authority was going to be taking a vote to go into closed session to discuss both technological issues relating to tablets given to the Authority members as well as to consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose and matters directly related thereto; to consider the investment of public funds; and to consult with staff, consultants, or other individuals about potential litigation under Section 3‑305(b)(3,5, 8 and 15) of the General Provisions Article. Chuck Tildon made the motion to go into closed session and Lou Ulman seconded the motion and the Authority unanimously went into closed session. In the closed session, the Authority was advised about the use of their new technology as well as to consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose and matters directly related thereto; and to consider the investment of public funds.
Authority Member Craig Thompson was not in attendance for the closed session.
Next Commission Meeting
September 8, 2023, 12:00 p.m. at the Maryland Stadium Authority.
/s/ Greg Cross
Date: September 8, 2023