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Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack Operating Authority - Maryland Racing Commission


September 8, 2023

Authority Members Present:

Greg Cross, Chairman
Alan Foreman
Jeff Hargrave
Tom Rooney
Tom Sadowski
Michael Frenz (MSA Representative)
Chuck Tildon
Mary Tydings
Lou Ulman
Nicole Earle (non-voting)
Joe Franco (non-voting)
George Mahoney (non-voting)
Gavin Stokes (non-voting)

Craig Thompson

Staff Present Representing the Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack Operating Authority:

Eric B. London, Assistant Attorney General

Marc Broady, Executive Director

Kristy Taylor, Executive Assistant to
Craig Thompson

In accordance with §3-302, General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack Operating  Authority (“Authority”) met at 333 W. Camden Street, 5th Floor Conference Room, Baltimore, MD 21201 and by Google Meet in open session at 12:03 p.m. on September 8, 2023. Greg Cross introduced himself as the Chairman of the Authority.  Chairman Cross confirmed there was a quorum, and all Authority members were present in person or participating by the Google Meet platform.

Opening Remarks
Chairman Cross started the meeting by remarking on issues facing the committee, providing background of the Authority and the importance of the industry in Maryland. He noted that in 2020 the Maryland legislature authorized a great deal of money to fix the two tracks, but the present budget allocation is insufficient to fund a re-construction of both tracks.

Chairman Cross advised the public that the Authority is tasked with making a recommendation to the State about the facilities.

Approval of Minutes for Open and Closed Session
A motion for approval of the August 23rd Open Meeting minutes was requested by Chairman Cross and a motion was made by Lou Ulman to approve the minutes of the August 23rd meeting, which was seconded by Alan Foreman. Hearing no objection, the motion to approve the Open Meeting Minutes of August 23rd passed unanimously.

A motion for approval of the August 23rd Closed Meeting minutes was requested by Chairman Cross and a motion was made by Lou Ulman to approve the minutes of the August 23rd Closed Meeting, which was seconded by Alan Foreman. Hearing no objection, the motion to approve the Closed Meeting minutes of August 23rd passed unanimously.

Public Comment
Chairman Cross asked for public comments. A request was made for the Authority members that were participating via the Google Meet platform to turn on their cameras. Dr. Michael Harrison, representing the Maryland Horse Breeders Association, advised the Authority of his hope that the Authority could help to build a new track as a beacon to the industry. He also advised that he hoped artificial intelligence could help keep horses safe and create a world class environment. Chairman Cross responded by saying that it was the Authority’s intention to address track surfaces and horse safety at a meeting in November.

Closed Session
Chairman Cross advised the public that the Authority was going to be taking a vote to go into closed session to consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose and matters directly related thereto; to consider the investment of public funds; and to consult with staff and consultants regarding potential litigation, Section 3 305(b)(3) (5) and (8), of the General Provisions Article. Lou Ulman made the motion to go into closed session at 12:12 p.m. and Tom Rooney seconded the motion, and the Authority unanimously went into closed session. In the closed session, the Authority had a discussion of investment options for Pimlico and alternative training center locations.

Next Commission Meeting
September 29, 2023, 12:00 p.m. location to be determined.
/s/ Greg Cross
Date:  September 29, 2023