Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack Operating Authority - Maryland Racing Commission
September 29, 2023
Authority Members Present:
Greg Cross, Chairman
Alan Foreman
Jeff Hargrave
Tom Rooney
Tom Sadowski
Craig Thompson (MSA Representative)
Chuck Tildon
Mary Tydings
Lou Ulman
Nicole Earle (non-voting)
Joe Franco (non-voting)
George Mahoney (non-voting)
Gavin Stokes (non-voting)
Staff Present Representing the Maryland Thoroughbred Operating Racing Authority:
Eric B. London, Assistant Attorney General
Marc Broady, Executive Director
Kristy Taylor, Executive Assistant to
Craig Thompson
In accordance with §3-302, General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Thoroughbred Racetrack Operating Authority (“Authority”) met at 750 East Pratt Street, Suite 900, Baltimore, MD 21202 and by Google Meet in open session at 12:03 p.m. on September 29, 2023. Greg Cross introduced himself as the Chairman of the Authority. Chairman Cross confirmed there was a quorum, and all Authority members were present in person or participating by the Google Meet platform.
Opening Remarks
Chairman Cross started the meeting by explaining the need to change venues for the meeting, meant to improve on the technology needs for increased public access. Chairman Cross also reiterated the Authority was posting its notices, agendas, and minutes on the Maryland Racing Commission’s website, as the Authority still did not have a website. He also noted that the Authority would continue to post its notices and agenda in the Daily Record.
Approval of Minutes for Open and Closed Session
A motion for approval of the September 8th Open Meeting minutes was requested by Chairman Cross, at which point an amendment was requested by Joe Franco to reflect an error in the attendance. Chairman Cross then requested a motion for approval of the Open Meeting minutes with the amendment, and a motion was made by Lou Ulman to approve the minutes of the September 8th meeting, which was seconded by Mary Tydings. Hearing no objection, the motion to approve the amended Open Meeting Minutes of September 8th passed unanimously.
A motion for approval of the September 8th Closed Meeting minutes was requested by Chairman Cross, an amendment to the attendance was made by Joe Franco and a motion was made by Lou Ulman to approve the amended minutes of the September 8th Closed Meeting, which was seconded by Alan Foreman. Hearing no objection, the motion to approve the amended Closed Meeting minutes of September 8th passed unanimously.Presentation by The Stronach Group
Chairman Cross thanked the Stronach Group representatives Kevin Gilmore, Craig Fravel and Marie Long, for their willingness to share a presentation to inform the Authority and public regarding Maryland racing. Kevin Gilmore gave a preamble to the presentation, and Craig Fravel made the PowerPoint presentation, which can be viewed on the Maryland Racing Commission’s website.
Authority members and Chairman Cross then asked questions of Mr. Fravel and Mr. Gilmore, which were answered.
Public Comment
Chairman Cross asked for public comments. Diane Hain advised the Authority that the Stronach Group had left out Delaware, Pennsylvania and West Virginia Racetrack Operations when comparing other states to Maryland, and the information on those states should also be provided for comparison.
Marilyn Bobby, who stated she was a racing fan, commented that The Stronach Group does not want to spend money, and that Belinda Stronach decided to sell parcels at Pimlico and does not want to invest in the property. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Cross thanked the public for their contributions.
Closed Session
Chairman Cross advised the public that the Authority was going to be taking a vote to go into closed session to consult with staff regarding potential litigation, and to discuss IT security related issues, citing Sections 3 305(b) (3), (5), (8) and (15), of the General Provisions Article. Alan Foreman made the motion to go into closed session at 2:10 p.m. and Mary Tidings seconded the motion. The Authority unanimously went into closed session. Gavin Stokes and Chuck Tildon did not attend the closed session. The Authority discussed potential litigation and IT Security issues. The closed session adjourned at 2:25 and the meeting concluded.
Next Commission Meeting
October 6, 2023, 12:00 p.m. at Offices of “Venable LLP”.
/s/ Greg Cross
Date: October 6, 2023