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Maryland Board for Professional Engineers

Welcome to our home page. The Board for Professional Engineers qualifies and licenses individuals seeking licensure and issues permits to business entities through which engineering is practiced. The Board regulates the practice of engineering under the provisions of Business Occupations and Professions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, Title 14 and the Code of Maryland Regulations, Title 9, Subtitle 23. The Board investigates complaints against licensees, as well as complaints related to unlicensed practice. The Board may issue a reprimand, suspend or revoke a license or permit, and /or impose a fine.

The offices of the Board for Professional Engineers are open and serving our customers through our online licensing resources, via e-mail and telephone, and by limited in-person appointments. Please note, walk-in assistance is not available. We can be reached using our contacts page for e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of individual staff members; or

Use Labor’s Central Scheduling System to meet with a representative from one of our boards or commissions. Please select the type of appointment you need from our list of available in-person services using the drop-down menu on the scheduler. You will receive an e-mail confirming the date and time of your appointment.

Appointments are available Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at our offices located at our NEW ADDRESS: 100 S. Charles Street, Tower I, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early before your scheduled appointment time.

News and Updates

New address for the Maryland Board of Professional Engineers:
100 S. Charles St., Tower 1
Baltimore, MD 21201

Firm Pin Request - Online Firm Permit Renewal
You can now renew your Professional Engineer Firm Permit online. You will receive an automatic notification once you are within 60 days of your expiration date. If this is the firms first time renewing online, you will receive your password in the mail 1 - 2 weeks following the renewal notification. If you need your pin sooner, e-mail the board staff at

Testing in jurisdictions other than Maryland (Transfer of Grades)
Applicants who have completed the PE exam in another jurisdiction but are not yet licensed, must apply for a license by examination. During the application process, you will be required to transfer your grades to the Maryland Board via NCEES or outside jurisdiction. You must meet Maryland's minimum requirements for examination to gain Board approval for licensure. This does not include reciprocity applicants.

Important Notice to All Applicants for PE Examination

Board Meeting Dates


All exam candidates must register with the National Council of Examiners of Engineers and Surveyors (NCEES) for the Principles and Practice of Engineering examination. Exam and testing administration fees will be paid directly to NCEES at the time of registration. The role of the Maryland Board will only be to review and approve exam applications. Once the exam applications are approved, the Board will notify NCEES of the candidate’s approval.

Please go to NCEES for the exam dates and the dates for registration.

Print Your License Online

The Maryland Board for Professional Engineers no longer prints and mails licenses. After completing an original application or renewal application you will receive an email from the Board. The email is sent to the email address we have on file for you. This usually occurs within 3-5 days of completing the application or renewal. The email will contain instructions and a link to a website which will allow you to login using your Maryland Department of Labor credentials (License type, registration number and password).

If you do not receive the e-mail notice, you may go this online application and complete the process.

To register your comments with the Board, send your letter to Maryland Board for Professional Engineers, 100 S. Charles St. Tower 1, Baltimore, MD 21201; e-mail; or fax 410-962-8483.

Contact the Board
Maryland Board for Professional Engineers
100 S. Charles St. Tower 1
Baltimore, MD 21201
Fax: 410-962-8483