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Renew or Reinstate a License - Professional Engineers

Complete the Renew or Reinstate a License application online using this link

Please read ALL requirements and instructions before proceeding with the application process.

Renewal notices are sent approximately 60 days before expiration of the license. The renewal fee is for a two-year license. A reinstatement fee of $112 will be automatically assessed if your license is expired.

Note: You cannot renew online prior to 60 days before your license expires. If you attempt to renew one day late or more, the reinstatement fee will automatically be assessed on your license renewal fee. You will also be audited for your Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) requirements.


  1. For best results, we recommend using the most recent version of your browser to access the electronic licensing programs. You can update your browser at no additional cost by visiting our browser information section.
  2. Go online, to create a password by identifying yourself with certain personal information. Then, with this password and your registration number, you will be able to apply for a license, renew, or update your registration record.
  3. Employers need to have their workers compensation policy number and insurance company's name to complete the renewal forms.
  4. A firm’s managing agent must renew his or her individual license before the firm’s permit may be renewed.
  5. Firms may not cover all employees' renewal fees with one charge. This process can only be completed with individual charges for each employee.
  6. The Board collects e-mail addresses to facilitate communication with licensees.


  1. Click on the “Renew or Reinstate a License” link at the top of this page.
  2. Enter your registration number exactly as it appears on the data card. Follow the instructions to create your password, or to use your previously created password.
  3. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of the completed transaction. Please ensure your e-mail address is updated with the Board.


As part of the review process for license reinstatement, please submit to the Board one of the following:

  • An explanation of your failure to timely renew your license and a statement from you certifying that you DID NOT sign and seal documents in the State of Maryland during the period your license was lapsed.


  • Please include a statement advising the Board if you were continuously licensed in another State during the time your MD license was lapsed. If so, please indicate the State(s) of licensure.

    Send this information to the Board by:

    Mail – 100 S Charles St, Tower 1, Baltimore, Maryland 21201


    E-mail – *** PREFERRED ***

    You must submit proof of completion of the required CPC hours within 30 days of applying for reinstatement. Failure to do so will result in your application being rejected for failing to submit a complete application. The license fee will be refunded.

    If your license has expired for more than three licensing periods (6 years) and you haven’t been continuously licensed in the US or US Territories. Contact the Board email ( before applying for license reinstatement.


    1. A licensee shall complete a minimum of 16 PDH units earned from the participation in, and completion of qualified programs described as:
      1. Technical, research, analytical, or design aspects of engineering
      2. Laws and regulations applicable to the practice of engineering in Maryland
      3. Engineering-related computer hardware and software topics
      4. Standards of practice or care
      5. Professional engineering ethics
      6. Project management, risk assessment and management, or emergency and disaster management; or
      7. Similar topics aimed to maintain, improve, or expand the skills and knowledge relevant to the licensee's field of practice.

    2. A minimum of 1 PDH in each biennial licensing term shall be earned from the participation in the completion of qualifying programs with content related to the following:
      1. The awareness of ethical concerns and conflicts related to the practice of engineering;
      2. An enhanced familiarity with the code of conduct for professional engineers;
      3. An understanding of standards of practice or care related to the practice of engineering; or
      4. Laws and regulations applicable to the practice of engineering in Maryland.

    3. A maximum of 8 PDH hours earned in excess of 16 units that are required for a license renewal during the licensing term can be carried forward to apply as credit toward the next individual licensing term.
    Licensees renewing for the first time after receiving their initial license are exempt. Carry forward hours are not permitted on the first renewal cycle.