Apply for an Original Home Inspector License - Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies and Home Inspectors
Starting July 31, 2021, due to the State of Emergency being lifted, all 72 hours of qualifying education for Home Inspectors must be completed on-site and not virtually.
APPLY ONLINE for your Original or Reciprocal Home Inspector License (SHORTEST PROCESSING TIME)
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Download an application for home inspector license
NOTE: If you hold a Home Inspection license in good standing in one of the following states please consider applying for a reciprocal license. AZ, AR, CT, DE, FL, IL, IN,KY, LA, MA, MS, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VT, VA, WA,WV.
Reciprocal license application-Home Inspector (pdf).
After completing the application, mail it along with a $50 non-refundable application review fee to:
Maryland Commission of Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies
and Home Inspectors
100 S. Charles Street, Tower 1
Baltimore, MD 21201
Current License Period
All original home inspector licenses are valid for two years commencing on the effective date that appears on the license. All renewals are issued on a two year cycle when renewed before their expiration date.
See the “License Requirements” feature on our website.
Application Process – Applying for an Original Home Inspector License
- Complete the application and remit photocopies of course certificates reflecting your completion of 72 hours of an on-site classroom-based training course approved by the Commission;
- Provide evidence of having obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent including high school transcripts or college diploma or college transcripts;
- Provide an examination score report verifying successful completion of the National Home Inspector Examination; See PSI Home Inspection Candidate Bulletin. and
- Remit a non-refundable application review fee in the amount of $50.
If your initial application is approved, you will be mailed an application and instructions that will allow you to proceed with the application process and to receive a license. In order to receive a license, you will be required to remit a license fee in the amount of $325, along with proof of having general liability insurance in the amount of at least $150,000.
The applicant's name must appear on the Certificate of Insurance. A company name may also be listed on the certificate. Thereafter, you will be issued a license for a two-year term.