Resources - Cosmetologists
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Board Inspectors
Board inspectors conduct inspections throughout the State of Maryland on a daily basis. Upon the arrival of a board inspector at a beauty salon, the inspector is required to present his/her credentials (in the form of a State-issued identification card) prior to conducting the inspection. If a person comes to a salon to conduct an inspection and fails to present his /her proper credentials, you are not required to, and should not, allow that person to conduct an inspection. It is illegal for a board inspector to take any money from any person for any reason prior to, during, or after an inspection.
Apprentice/Sponsor Portal
We now allow you to report your apprentice's training hours online!
Entering training hours is simple. Under the Features menu (on the lefthand side of the screen for desktop computers), select Education/Apprenticeship. Once you are there, scroll down to the link that says Sponsor Certification for Apprenticeship Training.
Log in and follow the instructions within to submit your apprentice's training hours. If you do not already have a password set up, you can create one with the "Create My Password" button. The hours will be logged immediately, and you will receive an immediate confirmation that they have gone through.
Hairstylist License
Maryland now offers a limited hairstylist license for those who are interested in only performing hair services. Hair services are defined as arranging, bleaching, cleansing, coloring, curling, cutting, dressing, singeing, permanent waving or waving the hair, as well as performing any other similar procedure intended to beautify, clean or embellish the hair.
To become a hairstylist, applicants must be at least 17 years of age and have completed 9th grade or a GED®. Applicants must submit proof of completion of 1200 hours of training in a cosmetology school or 15 months as an apprentice hairstylist in a licensed beauty salon, and qualify by an examination given by the Board.
HB 250 State Board of Barbers and State Board of Cosmetologists - Special Fund and Fees
Beginning July 1, 2018, the Boards of Barbers and Cosmetologists will convert from general funds to one special fund. This is an administrative change, and there is no action required on the part of licensees. No changes in fees are planned.
Under COMAR; Cosmetic tattooing is prohibited in any full service or limited practice salon or in regard to any salon-sponsored services. Tattoo means to prick, pierce, or otherwise enter the skin or mucous membrane of an individual for the purpose of inserting pigments or raising scars. Microblading and other forms of permanent, semi-permanent, or long-lasting make-up are all cosmetic tattooing.
COMAR - Citations to Beauty Salons
Fish Pedicures
Pedicures involving the use of fish (“Fish Pedicures”) have not been approved by the State Board of Cosmetologists primarily due to the foot bath or pedicure spa used for the “Fish Pedicure” not being properly disinfected after each client with an EPA-registered disinfectant COMAR
Maryland Sanitation Regulations for Nail Technician Services
Please be advised effective 8/1/24 the Board of Cosmetologists fees will increase. View COMAR
Legislative Updates
SB 1044-State Board of Cosmetologists- Esthetic Services- Definition
This legislation amends the definition of providing esthetic services to expand and clarify what esthetic services can be provided by licensed cosmetologists and licensed estheticians. As a results of the legislation's inclusion of lash extension services in the definition, lash extension technicians will be required to hold either a cosmetologist license or an esthetician license unless and until the legislature enacts a statute establishing a limited license for lash extension services. SB 1044 takes effect on October 1, 2024. However, to allow lash extension technicians the opportunity to obtain the necessary licensure without interrupting their income stream, until October 1, 2025, the Board will not enforce the license requirement against individuals or establishments providing lash extension services that comply with the Board's health and safety regulations.
SB 629 - State Board of Cosmetologists - Membership - Alteration
This legislation amends the membership of the State Board of Cosmetologists by adding one licensed esthetician and decreasing the number of consumer members from two to one. The new law will take effect on October 1, 2024.
HB 383 and SB 27- Cosmetology Licensure Compact
The State of Maryland will be entering into the Cosmetology Licensure Compact. The purpose of this compact is to facilitate the interstate practice and regulations of cosmetology with the goal of improving public access to and the safety of cosmetology services and reducing unnecessary burdens related to licensure. Member states seek to establish a regulatory framework which provides for a new multistate licensing program. The Cosmetology Licensure Compact has officially been enacted in seven states which triggers its activation. The seven member states include Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, Maryland, Tennessee and Virginia. The compact is not yet active as the commission has just been finalized. Additional information regarding implementation will be forthcoming.
Track the status and receive more information on the compactPDF Licensing for Individual Licenses
The Maryland Boards of Barbers and Cosmetologists are pleased to announce an update to our license delivery system. Effective March 1, 2024, we will no longer issue paper INDIVIDUAL LICENSES in the mail. Instead, we will begin sending an email notification to you stating that a new or renewed license has been released and is ready to print. By following the link in that email, you will be directed to our licensing portal where you can download your PDF license. You will use your current login and password to access the portal.
Please note, your access to view and print the PDF license document will only be active for a total of 60 days. After 60 days, the PDF license document will expire and you will be unable to print the license from the portal unless you contact the board to re-activate your access. You will also need to contact the Board if you need to print a duplicate copy of your license. If you do not have an email address on file with us, your license will be mailed out to you within 7-10 business days after your application is approved.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or contact the team at 410-230-6190.
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