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Maryland State Athletic Commission

The offices of the Maryland State Athletic Commission are open and serving our customers through our online licensing resources, via e-mail and telephone, and by limited in-person appointments. Please note, walk-in assistance is not available. We can be reached using our contacts page for e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of individual staff members; or

Use Labor’s Central Scheduling System to meet with a representative from one of our boards or commissions. Please select the type of appointment you need from our list of available in-person services using the drop-down menu on the scheduler. You will receive an e-mail confirming the date and time of your appointment.

Appointments are available Monday through Friday, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at our offices located at 100 S. Charles Street, Tower I, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early before your scheduled appointment time.

The Maryland State Athletic Commission manages, supervises, and regulates the sports of boxing, kick boxing, mixed martial arts, and professional wrestling in the state of Maryland. The commission establishes high health and safety standards for the participants in these sports, licenses individuals involved in commission-sanctioned events as contestants (including boxers, kick boxers and mixed martial arts contestants), managers, matchmakers, referees, judges, promoters, seconds (corner men for combative sports; valets for wrestling), and wrestlers. The commission carries out its mission by reflecting and maintaining safety and fairness as its guiding principles. The commission is fully attentive to and supportive of the various needs of licensees engaged in their respective fields and professions. The commission’s strong commitment to regulatory excellence is reflected through the work and integrity of its experienced staff of officials, inspectors, and ringside physicians.

News and Updates

THC Threshold 150 nanograms per milliliter

On January 17, 2024, the Maryland State Athletic Commission met in open session and voted unanimously to raise the threshold of 150 nanograms per milliliter for a THC positive result from the previously set threshold of 50 nanograms per milliliter. This new threshold will be in force for all events scheduled after January 18, 2024.
Executive Director
Maryland State Athletic Commission

How Bouts Proposed For A Professional Boxing Event Are Approved By The Maryland State Athletic Commission

The Maryland State Athletic Commission (the “Commission”) is an agency operating within the Maryland Department of Labor which oversees the licensing and regulation of participants and contests (“bouts”) involving combative sports in Maryland – including professional boxing... Read full text: How Bouts Proposed For A Professional Boxing Event Are Approved By The Maryland State Athletic Commission

For Boxers — Obtaining a Professional Boxer's Federal Identification Card

Once professional boxing events are resumed and are scheduled to be held, it is anticipated that the Maryland State Athletic Commission will be receiving a higher volume of requests from boxers applying for or renewing their Professional Boxer's Federal Identification Card... Read full text: For Boxers — Obtaining a Professional Boxer's Federal Identification Card

For MMA Contestants — Obtaining a National MMA Identification Card

Once professional MMA events are resumed and are scheduled to be held, it is anticipated that the Maryland State Athletic Commission will be receiving a higher volume of requests from MMA contestants applying for or renewing their National MMA Identification Card... Read full text: For MMA Contestants — Obtaining a National MMA Identification Card

Proposed Regulations Currently Open for Public Comment

There are no proposed regulations by the Maryland State Athletic Commission at this time.

To register your comments with the commission,please contact us at:

Contact the Commission
Maryland State Athletic Commission

100 S. Charles Street, Tower 1
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Phone: 410-230-6223
Fax: 410-962-8483