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Providing Our Workers Education and Readiness (POWER) – Apprenticeship Act - Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP)

Access the full text of the regulations, Code of Maryland Regulations 21.11.13 ― State Apprenticeship Training Fund ― Capital Construction Projects Authority

The Providing Our Workers Education and Readiness (POWER) – Apprenticeship Act establishes requirements for contractors or subcontractors awarded a covered contract of at least $500,000 for a capital construction project that receives at least $1,000,000 or more from the State’s Capital Budget.

These contractors and subcontractors must:

  1. Be affiliated with a Registered Apprenticeship program and use apprentices from a Registered Apprenticeship program for each craft or trade in which the contractor or subcontractor employs persons to complete the contract; or,
  2. Make payments to the State Apprenticeship Training Fund; or,
  3. Make payments to a Registered Apprenticeship program.

Contractors and subcontractors are required to make payments to the State Apprenticeship Fund or a Registered Apprenticeship program and must pay 25 cents per individual per hour, for each employee who is employed to complete the contract. To submit the payment to MD Labor, please go to the MD Labor, DWDAL online Payment Portal

Note: A contractor or subcontractor is not subject to these requirements if there are no Registered Apprenticeship programs for the craft or trade under the covered contract.

Contractors or subcontractors covered under the POWER Apprenticeship Act must register using the Maryland OneStop portal.

For additional information, contact:
Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program

100 S. Charles Street, Tower 1
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-767-2246
Fax: 410-333-5162