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SMART / Local 100 Sheet Metal Union - Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP) Success Story

CMC Sheet MetalJesse Long is a first year Registered Apprentice in the sheet metal industry and current works for CMC Sheet Metal Inc. in Capitol Heights, MD (Prince George's County). Jesse also completed a pre-apprentice program in conjunction with the Maryland Department of Labor via an AIF grant. The pre-apprentice program was sponsored by the Sheet Metal Contractors Association (SMACNA), Mid-Atlantic. Jesse is also a member of the Registered Apprenticeship program sponsored by SMART / Local 100 Sheet Metal Union in Suitland, MD.

Apprentice Jesse LongJesse receives cutting edge technical training from both his employer and the Joint Apprentice Training Center (JATC) located at the Local 100. He has decided to focus on the welding side of the industry. A few nights each week he takes welding classes (no cost) to accelerate his professional advancement at the JATC. Additionally, Jesse is working on his 18 gauge galvanized welding certification. Jesse has been assigned to numerous projects already and is learning fabrication techniques and balancing theories of aligning duct work.

Jesse is a 2019 graduate of Chopticon High-School in St. Mary's County. He also attended the Dr. James A Forrest Career and Technology Center which as a technical high-school gave him a solid foundation for his apprenticeship. Due to his educational background and interests, Jesse was able to earn a direct entry into the apprenticeship program through a very competitive score on the apprenticeship mathematics examination.

The sheet metal apprenticeship is a five year, fully paid program complete with excellent benefits during the apprenticeship. An apprentice has zero risk of debt and they earn an increasing salary ($34,000 - $67,000) during the apprenticeship. Upon completion of the apprenticeship program the average starting salary is $83,000+ in the metropolitan D.C. area.

Interested in learning more?

For additional information, contact:
Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program

100 S. Charles Street, Tower 1
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-767-2246
Fax: 410-333-5162