Baltimore County Workforce Development Board hosts first WIOA Convening - Workforce Development and Adult Learning
The Baltimore County Workforce Development Board is pleased to report that the American Job Center (AJC) Steering Committee hosted its first “WIOA Convening” on November 30, 2018. The AJC Steering Committee is comprised of leaders from the various partnering agencies that include: Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR), Community College of Baltimore County, Maryland State Department of Education’s Division Of Rehabilitation Services, Baltimore County Department of Social Services, Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development, and the one stop operator, KRA.
The theme of the day was “moving from partnerships to relationships.” The intent of the day was to introduce, educate and have staff share their work, experience, talent and services provided in order to develop relationships and understandings that will create a more seamless, shared and beneficial experience for Maryland job seekers and employers. The morning was kicked off with powerful, motivating words from the following speakers: Jim Rzepkowski, Assistant Secretary DLLR; Don Mohler, former Baltimore County Executive; Elisabeth Sachs, Director of Government Reform and Strategic Initiatives, Baltimore County Executive’s office; and Will Anderson, Director of Baltimore County Economic and Workforce Development.
Over 145 staff from the various agencies attended and learned more about WIOA, county partnerships, performance measures and outcomes. KRA, did a presentation on exceptional customer service (as it relates to our specific work) and Lynda Weber, DLLR State Performance Manager, presented on WIOA performance measures. The day concluded with small group activities focused on integrating and building seamless service delivery and understanding common and shared goals and performance outcomes.
It was an impactful day and will be the start of ongoing professional development efforts with the partners through the AJC Steering Committee.
L to R – Baltimore County Dept. of Economic & Workforce Development Manager of Career Services Mary Manzoni; Former Baltimore County Executive Don Mohler; Baltimore County Dept. of Economic & Workforce Development Director Will Anderson; Baltimore County Director of Government Reform and Strategic Initiatives Elisabeth Sachs; Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning Assistant Secretary James Rzepkowski