Workforce System Success Stories - Workforce Development and Adult Learning
Tanaiya learns that determination and a strong work ethic can take her wherever she wants to go in life.

Tanaiya came to Frederick County Workforce Services (FCWS) seeking information for a healthcare field that would allow her to gain a livable wage and become self-sufficient. After speaking with a staff workforce specialist, she was referred to the Catalyst program, an FCWS initiative designed to provide young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 with individualized career services. Catalyst program participants work with experienced career specialists to develop and implement a plan to reach their educational and employment goals.
Tanaiya was consistently enthusiastic and motivated to learn during her time in the Catalyst program, and she made good use of the resources available to her. After spending some time engaged in guided career exploration and self-assessment activities, she zeroed in on the career goal of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant/Geriatric Nursing Assistant. Tanaiya enrolled in a CNA/GNA training program offered through Frederick Community College and began her studies in the fall semester of 2024. Her projected completion date is December 13, 2024.
Tanaiya offered her thoughts on this transformative experience:
“Participating in the Catalyst program under the guidance of Mrs. Stephanie has been an outstanding experience. A key takeaway from this experience is the importance of determination. It is essential to have a strong work ethic and be willing to put in the effort required to achieve your goals, as ultimately, only you can make it happen. Working with Mrs. Stephanie has been instrumental in driving my career forward. Her communication skills are impressive, and her commitment to helping me secure a place in this program has been remarkable. Throughout the program, Mrs. Stephanie maintained regular contact, demonstrating a genuine interest in my learning and motivational encouragement to help me overcome obstacles. I firmly believe that Mrs. Stephanie has had the most significant influence on my career path, providing me with numerous resources and guidance throughout. If I had the opportunity to participate in the Catalyst program again, I would not hesitate, as it has been a life-changing experience.”