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Minutes of Public Meeting - February 4, 2025

Commission Members Present:

Chairman George Mahoney

Tammy Lafferty

Ellen Zavian

Konrad Wayson

Terry West

Robert Lillis

Commissioner Dr. Jennifer Wright
Commissioner Shawn Wright

Staff Present Representing the Maryland Racing Commission:

Christopher Merz

Executive Director

Eric B. London

Assistant Attorney General

Dr. Elizabeth Daniel

Equine Medical Director

Bill Knauf, The Maryland Jockey Club
Lisa Watts, Rosecroft Raceway
Jackie MacLeod, Maryland Standardbred Breeders Association
Cricket Goodall, Maryland Horse Breeders
April Smith, Constituent (Public Comment)

In accordance with §3-302, General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Racing Commission (“Commission” or “MRC”)) met in person and by the Google Meets platform in open session at 12:30 p.m. at Laurel Park in the Tycoons Lounge. Chairman George Mahoney took a roll call of the Commission members and confirmed that all were present, except Shawn Wright and Dr. Jennifer Wright. A quorum was present for the meeting.

Call to Order

Chairman Mahoney called the Commission to order at 12:30 PM.


The Commission waived a reading of the Open minutes of its meeting on December 23, 2024. A vote was taken to approve the minutes. Commissioner Zavian made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Lillis seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.


Chairman Mahoney recognized the passing in late January of long time Rosecroft Track announcer Pete Medhurst. Chairman Mahoney advised that Mr. Medhurst’s exceptional skill and dedication to harness racing made him one of the top announcers in the nation. Chairman Mahoney asked for a moment of silence.


Chairman Mahoney introduced Christopher Merz as the new Executive Director. Chairman Mahoney asked Executive Director Merz to say a few words. Executive Director Merz addressed the Commission and public:

“Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen,

For those who may not know me, my name is Christopher Merz and I am the new Executive Director of the Maryland Racing Commission.

I stand before you today, deeply honored by the trust placed in me by Governor Moore, Secretary Wu, and our dedicated commissioners. We're on the cusp of a new era in Maryland racing, and I'm thrilled to be at the helm.

Together we will forge a dynamic blueprint that honors Maryland’s rich racing heritage while ushering Maryland racing into an innovative and sustainable future.

Our goal is clear: to make Maryland the gold standard in racing. It's an ambitious target, but with your expertise, passion, and commitment, I'm confident we'll not just meet it—we'll exceed it.

So, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work. The track ahead is challenging, but the finish line promises a thrilling new chapter for Maryland racing.

Thank You.”


Executive Director Merz introduced the “Executive Director Report” as a new monthly item that will be on the Commission's meeting agenda. He emphasizes that the report will continue the Commission’s efforts to be more transparent to Commission members, industry stakeholders and to the public. He advised that this report will cover licensing numbers, safety and integrity initiatives, handle trends and what he and his office are trying to accomplish with industry stakeholders on a month-to-month basis.

Executive Director Merz began his report by thanking Bill Knauf of The Maryland Jockey Club (“TMJC”) for hosting the Commission meeting and for agreeing to host the MRC meetings for the next six months. He also thanked Mr. Knauff for giving Eric London, counsel to the MRC, and him a tour of Laurel Park on opening day as well as for keeping lines of communication open during the first month of transition from the Stronach group to the TMJC.

Executive Director Merz continued by thanking Lisa Watts and her team at Rosecroft Raceway. He advised that he went to Rosecroft for their opening night and enjoyed meeting everyone and seeing how the operation worked. It was noted that he could feel the passion for racing and love of the horses while touring Rosecroft and advised that he looks forward to visiting and learning more about standardbred racing. He encouraged Commission members to go to Rosecroft.

The licensing totals were read for the month of December 2024. The Maryland Racing Commission (MRC) issued 55 total Thoroughbred licenses and one Standardbred license. In January, the MRC issued 1950 Thoroughbred licenses, 185 Standardbred licenses and 88 three-year harness licenses. He advised the Commissioners that if they would like a more in-depth breakdown to contact him.

Executive Director Merz told the Commission that over the months of February and March he would be going to Thoroughbred and Standardbred farms. He would also be going to aftercare facilities in the state. It was stated that after these visits, he would provide a report to the Commission that would outline some of the key issues these sectors of racing were facing. Commissioners were encouraged to join him on these tours.

A comment was made to the industry stakeholders in attendance and online that an agenda calendar would be sent to them by the end of the week. This calendar will have mapped out the dates of the next Commission meetings, when stakeholders need to notify the MRC of wanting to be on the agenda, when agenda materials would be needed and when the agenda packet would be sent to Commissioners. He stressed to the industry stakeholders that once the packet was sent out, late items would not be put on as late additions and would have to wait for the next Commission meeting.

Executive Director Merz’s final note was to thank the Commissioners for one-on-one time that was set up prior to the Commission meeting. Executive Director Merz also highlighted Dr. Elizabeth Daniel, Sydney Young, Cheryl Kauffman, Eric London and his partner Jeanne Schnell on the work they have done to help his transition into the Executive Director role.


Chairman Mahoney introduced the Commission’s Onboarding Kit. Executive Director Merz advised that the Commission the Onboarding Kit is the first of its kind for racing commissioners in the United States. It will be used for newly appointed Commissioners to give them a view of what has been going on in both industries for the past five years, the responsibilities of a Commissioner, general horse racing terms and additional information. The Commission thanked Commissioner Zavian and the individuals who put the time and effort into making the Onboarding Kit. It was also mentioned that along with the Onboarding Kit, a Lunch and Learn would take place with new Commissioners and himself to answer any additional questions, encourage new Commissioners to come to the track and to talk about projects of the Commission. Executive Director Merz then asked Commissioner Zavian if she had anything else to add.

Commissioner Zavian acknowledged Abby Morris as one of the people who helped design the Kit. Commissioner Zavian stressed that this is just a draft and improvements still need to be made. Commissioner Zavian also said the Kit should be updated at the beginning of every year.

Commissioner Wayson commented that he would like to see a section about where and how the purse money is distributed amongst the industry stakeholders.

Chairman Mahoney thanked everyone for their input and congratulated Commissioner Zavian on the completion of the Kit.


Executive Director Merz introduced the Future Win wager on the Preakness at the request of The Maryland Jockey Club for approval. He went on to tell the Commission that the betting pool would open on Friday April 25 at noon and close May 3 at 6PM. Takeout for the bet would be 18%. It was also mentioned that this bet has been approved by the Commission over the previous two years and the rules that accompanied the request were the exact same. The Commission would need a vote to approve the wager. Chairman Mahoney requested a motion. Commissioner Lillis motioned to approve, Commissioner Wayson seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.

Another request by The Maryland Jockey Club was to offer 2, two-day Pick 5 wagers that would start on Black Eyed Susan Day and end on Preakness Day. The two pick 5’s will be an “All Stake” and “All Dirt,” Executive Director Merz advised the Commission that the bet will be a 50-cent minimum with a 12% takeout and that the request is the exact same the Commission approved the previous year. Before taking a vote, Commissioner Zavian asked how much was bet into the two wagers. Executive Director Merz said the “All Stakes” pool was $203,000 and the “All Dirt” pool was $207,000 in 2024. Executive Director Merz told the Commissioners that those were good numbers for the wagers being offered for the first time and should see additional handle this year. He told the Commission that this will need a motion to be approved. Chairman Mahoney requested a motion. Commissioner Wayson made the motion to approve, Commissioner Lafferty seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.


Executive Director Merz brought to the Commission’s attention The Maryland Jockey Club request for Spring Dates. He informed the Commission that the dates being requested were from April 1 to May 4, 2025. TMJC was requesting 14 days of live racing on a Friday through Sunday basis with post time being 12:25 PM. They will be taking Easter Sunday off Sunday April 20. Saturday May 3, would have a special post of Noon. The meeting will be highlighted by Preakness Preview Day on Saturday April 19.

Commissioner Zavian asked Executive Director Merz if these dates were similar to the year prior. Executive Director Merz indicated these were nearly identical. Being satisfied with the answer, Executive Director Merz advised Chairman Mahoney that the Spring Dates would need a motion and a vote to approve. Chairman Mahoney requested a motion. Commissioner Lillis made the motion to approve, Commissioner Wayson seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.


Executive Director Merz started the Maryland Bred Race Fund bonus conversation by going over items that would remain unchanged from previous years. He said that the Breeder and Stallion Bonus would remain unchanged from last year. He said the Maryland Sired and Bred maiden winner breeder bonus will remain the same for foals born in 2022 and earlier. Mr. Merz then called up Executive Director of the Maryland Horse Breeders, Cricket Goodall, to explain the new request.

Ms. Goodall explained to the Commission that the letter sent for approval is done every six months as required by statute. Ms. Goodall apologized to the Commission for not having the letter to them sooner. Ms. Goodall explained a two-tier bonus system that will start this year. The tier bonus system would give more money to Maryland sired horses rather than Maryland Bred horses. The program was approved by the Commission in 2022. This was the first year that this tiered system would be in place.

Commissioner Zavian asked if the new program has achieved its goal. Ms. Goodall explained that the program would be starting this year. Ms. Goodall stressed that the program should be given a year to see how the numbers turn out. She also told the Commission that other states are doing it. Commissioner Zavian asks how it compares to other states, Ms. Goodall did not have an answer and said she would need to look it up.

After the discussion Chairman Mahoney asks for a motion, Commissioner Wayson made the motion, Commissioner Lafferty seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.


Executive Director Merz called on Lisa Watts for a Rosecroft Raceway update. Ms. Watts thanked Executive Director Merz for attending opening night at Rosecroft. She thanked the Commission for having a moment of silence for Rosecroft Track Announcer Pete Medhurst. Ms. Watts shared that Golden Glove Boxing will be held on Saturdays from February until the end of April. Ms. Watts ended her update by saying Rosecroft handle was down in January due to the two cancellations, and they also lost two days of operational business due to bad weather.


Executive Director Merz called on Jackie MacLeod to do the update. Mr. MacLeod thanked Mr. Merz for reaching out via telephone to talk about Standardbred industry issues and looks forward to working closely with him. Mr. Macleod gave a brief update on the Standardbred magazine that was recently published.

Maryland Jockey Club - Update.

Executive Director Merz called on Bill Knauf to give the Maryland Jockey Club Update. Mr. Knauf advised that all contracts have been transferred from the Stronach Group over to TMJC. Mr. Knauf talked about some upgrades that have happened since January 1. Wood chips have been placed in the paddock and the old black mulch that was previously used was removed. They rebranded the TMJC logo that highlights the Maryland state flag. He also was excited to announce the hiring of Dan Illman, who took over as the Director of Communications. Mr. Knauf stressed that they are trying hard to promote the track and its product to drive fans to the track and to bet. The only negative he saw so far was the bad weather that led to the cancellation of a race day.

Commissioner Lillis applauded Mr. Knauf for the new logo design and the marketing being done. Commissioner Lillis also asked when horses would be allowed to start training at Pimlico prior to the Preakness meet. Mr. Knauf indicated that the plan was to have horses on the track training at least a month and half prior to racing. He wanted to have his track team get 10 days over the track to make any adjustments needed before the horses trained on the surface.

Chairman Mahoney asked Mr. Knauf on what events and marketing would be leading up to the 150th Preakness. Mr. Knauf told the Commission that the Stronach Group still will do all the marketing for the event until 2027. Mr. Knauf did highlight that First Lady Moore and her team were developing a Preakness Week celebration and that more information about it would be coming out in the next few weeks.


Executive Director Merz told the Commission that this agenda item was on the agenda in November and Commissioner Wayson wanted an update on the track surface. Mr. Knauf said Interim Track Superintendent Danny Finke has been doing a great job with the track despite the weather changes. Mr. Knauf said the track has been consistent and he has not heard any complaints from the horsemen about safety. Commissioner Wayson asked if HISA did the tests that the Stronach Group requested them to do. Mr. Knauf said all tests were done, but the Stronach Group has the results. Mr. Knauf said that if anything serious had popped up, he would have been given the reports. Satisfied with Mr. Knauf’s answers, the Commission thanked him for the update.


Executive Director Merz outlined the Equine Medical Director report. The report’s purpose is to have the Equine Medical director go over any medication changes, injury rates and safety initiatives. This report is also to provide transparency to the public, Commissioners and industry stakeholders.

Equine Medical Director Dr. Elizabeth Daniel delivered the report. Dr. Daniel went over fatality numbers from 2023 and 2024. With great pride she reports that Maryland is below the average breakdown rate for HISA covered tracks. Maryland sits below one per thousand starts, while the average HISA tracks sit at 1.20 deaths per thousand. The Commission applauded her and her team’s work to keep horses safe. Chairman Mahoney asked what she will need moving forward to maintain these numbers.

Executive Director Merz indicated that he is working with Dr. Daniel to hire at least two more veterinarians to prepare for the new Pimlico building and the new training center. The goal is to have the people in place prior to the opening of these new facilities. Satisfied with the presentation, the Commission again applauded Dr. Daniel on her great work and wished her continued success.

Public Comment

April Smith of Friends of Pimlico advised about a meeting taking place to talk about the Sunrise Tours that will take place at Pimlico during the meet.

Cricket Goodall invited the Commission to the Maryland Horse Library for educational talks and program that celebrate Black History Month.

In accordance with §3-302, General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Racing Commission (“Commission”) voted unanimously to go into Executive Session on February 4, 2025, at approximately 1:23 P.M. Under General Provisions Art. § 3-305(b7): To consult with counsel to obtain legal advice.

/s/ George P. Mahoney, Jr.  3/4/25     
