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Minutes of Public Meeting - March 7, 2023

Commission Members Present:

Michael Algeo

Ernie Grecco

Emmet Davitt

Thomas Bowman

Robert Lillis

Tammy Lafferty

Tom Winebrener

Konrad Wayson

Members Absent:

David Hayden

Staff Present Representing the Maryland Racing Commission:

J. Michael Hopkins

Executive Director

Eric B. London

Assistant Attorney General

In accordance with §3-302, General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Racing Commission (“Commission”) met in person and by conference call in open session at 12:30 p.m. at Laurel Park on March 7, 2023. Prior to the meeting, Chairman Michael Algeo informed the public that their phones or computers should be muted, but he would give the public the opportunity to address the Commission during Public Comments. At the start of the meeting, Chairman Algeo confirmed that Commissioner Hayden was absent, but all other Commissioner members were either present at Laurel or participating by phone or computer.

Minutes –February 7, 2023.

The Commission waived a reading of the minutes of its meeting on February 7, 2023 and voted unanimously to approve them.

Proposed Regulation

Eric London, counsel to the Commission, explained to the members that the proposed regulation would permit a trainer to enter up to three horses by the same owner in a race. The current regulation only allowed for entry of two horses by the same owner.  Chairman Algeo further commented that the proposed regulation had been discussed by the industry and was being proposed at their request. Hearing no objection, the Commission unanimously approved the proposed regulation.

Rosecroft Spring Race Meeting Requests.

Eric London presented a letter to the Commission that was received from the Maryland Jockey Club requesting approval for its spring race meeting for Rosecroft Raceway for the period between April 1, 2023 and May 31, 2023.  Hearing no objection, the Commission unanimously approved the request.

Maryland Standardbred Race Fund.

Cheri Stambaugh, Administrator of the Standardbred Race Fund, reported that the Standardbred Advisory Committee had approved a 2-million-dollar purse schedule for the 2023 racing program and was asking the Commission to approve the request. Hearing no objection, the Commission unanimously approved the request. Ms. Stambaugh also reported that the Standardbred industry had met and was discussing modifications to its regulations with the intent to improve the Standardbred industry.

Maryland Jockey Club Update.

Mike Rogers, representing the Maryland Jockey Club (“MJC”), reported that the MJC has been in the process of preparing for the Preakness and had Dr. Mary Scollay, the HISA Equine Medical Director, present at a question and answer seminar for all thoroughbred horsemen. Mike Rogers also commented that the MJC had entered into an agreement with the Standardbred horsemen through June of 2024.

Ocean Downs Update.

Bobbi Sample reported that Ocean Downs had also completed a contract with the horsemen through March of 2028. Ms. Sample also advised that Ocean Downs was still negotiating with the breeders.

Public Comments.

Bobbi Lillis congratulated Chairman Algeo for receiving the Maryland State’s Attorney President’s award. Tammy Lafferty thanked everyone that participated in the Standardbred industry meeting on March 6, 2023.

Next Commission Meeting.

April 4, 2023, at Laurel Park Race starting at 12:30 P.M.

/s/ Michael Algeo      
