Minutes of Public Meeting - May 7, 2024
Ellen Zavian
Shawn Wright
Terry West
George Mahoney
Robert Lillis
Dr. Jennifer Wright
Konrad Wayson
Tammy Lafferty
Staff Present Representing the Maryland Racing Commission:
J. Michael HopkinsExecutive Director
Eric B. London
Assistant Attorney General
In accordance with §3-302, General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Maryland Racing Commission (“Commission”) met in person and by conference call in open session at 12:30 p.m. at Pimlico Race Course on May 7, 2024. At the start of the meeting, Chairman George Mahoney took a roll call of the Commission members and confirmed that all were present, except for Commissioner Tammy Lafferty. Assistant Attorney General Eric London commented that he would be presenting the agenda to the Commission since the Executive Director J. Michael Hopkins was out of the country.
Minutes - April 2, 2024
The Commission waived a reading of the minutes of its meeting on April 2, 2024, and voted to approve them unanimously. Commissioner Shawn Wright abstained from the vote, as she was not present for the April meeting.
Preakness Bonus.
Assistant Attorney General Eric London provided the Commission with a request from the thoroughbred industry stake holders (horsemen, breeders and track), to provide up to a $500,000.00 bonus to the winner of the Preakness, if the winner was a Maryland Bred or sired horse. Mr. London continued that the bonus was authorized under 11-403(b) of the Business Regulation Article. Hearing no objection, the Commission unanimously approved the request.
2024 Legislative Session.
Assistant Attorney General Eric London informed the Commission that the only 2024 legislative proposal that impacted the Commission that passed was the “Pimlico Plus” legislation, which would allow for the reconstruction of Pimlico and change the ownership of the Maryland Jockey Club. Mr. London also commented that the legislation permitting “iGaming” and moving the oversight of Satellite Simulcast Betting from the Racing Commission to the Lottery and Gaming Commission did not receive a favorable vote.
Maryland Jockey Club.
Mike Rogers, representing the Maryland Jockey Club, reported that the future wager authorized by the Commission on the Preakness drew $390,000.00 in wagers. Mr. Rogers also commented that the Preakness preparations were under way and on schedule, including the Draw on May 13th and the Alibi Breakfast on May 16th. Mr. Rogers also advised that Laurel concluded the race meeting with handle slightly down as a result of loss racing days due to weather. Mr. Rogers commented that a team of individuals from HISA will be on the grounds at Pimlico reviewing the procedures and protocols in place for the safety and welfare of the horses. Mr. Rogers also requested approval for an All Stakes Pick Five and an All Dirt Pick Five that would take place on Black Eyed Susan Day and Preakness Day as well as a Black Eyed Susan and Preakness Double, tying the two days together for a wager. Hearing no objection, the Commission unanimously approved the request.
Commissioner Konrad Wayson asked if the quarantine put in place was successful in containing the virus at Laurel Park. Mr. Rogers responded that the virus was contained to only one barn. Commissioner Bobby Lillis congratulated Mr. Rogers on the way the quarantine was managed. Mr. Rogers thanked Mr. Lillis and informed the members that the SunriseTours on Preakness Week would be held again and that if anyone was interested, they would be held on Tuesday through Friday.
Maryland Jockey Club - Summer Race Schedule.
Assistant Attorney General Eric London presented the Commission with a request from the Maryland Jockey Club for the 2024 Laurel Summer race meeting beginning May 28, 2024 through August 23, 2024 and August 27, 2024. Mr. London commented that the request included in the requests were commonly requested items such as simulcasting numbers of live days. Hearing no objection, the Commission unanimously approved the request.
Maryland State Fair - August Race Schedule.
Assistant Attorney General Eric London presented a request from the Maryland State Fair for its August race meeting, which would entail 10 days of racing beginning August 23, 2024, except August 27, 2024, through Labor Day September 2, 2024, along with other requests for simulcasting. Commissioner Bobby Lillis expressed his opinion that the State Fair should consider operating an additional third weekend, so that racing can be exposed to as many people as possible and that he received a number of comments from horsemen and stakeholders supporting the extended race meeting. Mr. Lillis also expressed his desire to have the race meeting extended for the current calendar year and, if not, to look to future race meetings. Chairman Mahoney thanked Mr. Lillis for his comments. Hearing no objection, the Commission unanimously approved the current request.
Legislative Subcommittee.
Chairman Mahoney reported that at the April Commission meeting he had appointed Commissioner Robert Lillis to Chair a Legislative Subcommittee. He indicated that when he decided to form the Subcommittee, he envisioned Mr. Lillis meeting with a group of stakeholders to see if the full Commission should draft Bills to be presented to the Secretary and Governor for their approval before the next legislative session. Commissioner Lillis thanked Chairman Mahoney and suggested that the topic be tabled until the June meeting, at which time he would have a mission statement to present to the members. Commissioner Shawn Wright commented that if the Commission was presenting a legislative proposal, it should be from the Commission as a body and not just the Subcommittee. Commissioner Lillis agreed that any proposal from the Subcommittee would be brought to the full Commission.
Meeting Dates.
Eric London explained to the Commission members that the June 4th meeting date was the same day as his son was graduating from High School and that he would not be available. Mr. London continued that his absence would not be a problem as he made arrangements for another Assistant Attorney General to cover the meeting, but explained that if the Commission wanted to have the meeting and hearing on the same date, his replacement did not have the subject matter expertise to sit as counsel. Mr. London advised that all parties and their attorney were available on June 5th, and if the Commission preferred to only meet on one day, an alternative would be to hold the meeting and hearing on June 5th. Commissioner Zavian commented that she would not be available on June 5th because of a previous engagement. Commissioner Wayson commented that if a majority of members were available to hold a hearing on a different date, he believed it would be more appropriate to accommodate the hearing on the same date as the meeting. Hearing no objection, the Commission unanimously moved to change the June meeting from the 4th to the 5th with Commissioner Zavian abstaining.
Public Comments.
Chairman Mahoney recognized the passing of Tom Cooke, a supporter of the standardbred industry and that his leadership would be missed. Chairman Mahoney also commented on the successful reunion held at Laurel Park on April 28, 2024, where Commissioner Lillis, Commissioner Terry West and he attended and met several individuals who currently work in the industry and a number of others who had retired. Cricket Goodall, representing the Maryland Horse Breeders Association, invited the Commission and others to a book sale that was being held at their library during Preakness Week. April Smith, representing Friends of Pimlico, invited the Commission members to a Sunrise Tour of Old Hilltop on Thursday May 16, 2024, starting at 8:00 A.M. Ms. Smith also agreed with Commissioner Lillis in keeping Timonium open an extra weekend. Andy Cashman representing the Maryland State Fair thanked everyone for their comments regarding Timonium and would inform their race committee of the comments made for the 2025 race meet. Mr. Cashman also invited everyone to attend the 2-year-old in training sale taking place after the Preakness.
Next Commission Meeting.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 Laurel Park. August 15, 2024 Commission Meeting – Ocean Downs.
/s/ George P. Mahoney, Jr.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
- February 4, 2025
- December 3, 2024
- October 28, 2024
- October 1, 2024
- September 9, 2024
- August 15, 2024
- June 5, 2024
- May 7, 2024
- April 2, 2024
- February 6, 2024
- January 2, 2024
- October 31, 2023
- October 2, 2023
- September 5, 2023
- August 1, 2023
- June 6, 2023
- May 2, 2023
- April 4, 2023
- March 7, 2023
- February 7, 2023