Flyers, Forms, and Publications for Claimants - Unemployment Insurance
- BEACON for Claimants
Introduction to the BEACON unemployment insurance system
- BEACON Quick Start Instructions
Instructions for handling common BEACON account activation and login scenarios
- Claimants: How to Complete Common UI Tasks
Detailed Instructions to help claimants complete common UI tasks in BEACON
- Claimant Instructions - Upload Documents in BEACON
Instructions for uploading supporting documents in BEACON.
- BEACON for Claimants
Unemployment Insurance (UI) Process
- Direct Deposit Benefit Payment Method
- Método de pago de beneficios por depósito directo (Español)
Overview of direct deposit benefit payment method and enrollment instructions
- Legal Services and Collection
Information about the Maryland Division of Unemployment Insurance legal services and collection processes (overpayment collection, bankruptcy, etc.)
- List of Maryland’s Valid Reemployment Activities
Complete list of valid reemployment activities claimants can use to fulfill work search requirements
- Maryland’s Work Search Requirements
Explanation of claimant work search requirements in Maryland
- Quick Unemployment Insurance (UI) Resource for Claimants
Introduction to filing an initial claim, claimant responsibilities and requirements, etc.
- TrueID Instructions
Overview of how to complete the TrueID claimant identity verification process.
- Weekly Claim Certification
- Como hacer su certificación semanal (Español)
Introduction to filing weekly claim certifications (request for benefit payments)
- Weekly Claim Certification Questions
List of questions claimants answer when filing weekly claim certifications
- What You Need to Know About UI Fraud
Unemployment insurance fraud reporting tips and fraud penalties
UI Programs
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Overview
Summary of DUA unemployment insurance program
- Extended Benefits
Summary of Extended Benefits unemployment insurance program
- Regular Unemployment Insurance Overview
- Descripción general del seguro de desempleo regular (Español)
Summary of the Regular unemployment insurance program
- Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX)
Summary of UCX unemployment insurance program
- Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE)
Summary of UCFE unemployment insurance program
- Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) Overview
Forms and publications are available in PDF format (download Adobe Acrobat for free)
- Affidavit for Correction of Form 1099-G
Use this form to request a correction to your 1099-G tax form or to report that you received the form in error.
- Request for Investigation of Unemployment Insurance Fraud
Use this form to report unemployment insurance fraud
- Request for Waiver of Recoupment of Overpayment of Federal Pandemic Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Use this form to apply to waive an overpayment of federal pandemic benefits
- Request for Waiver of Regular Unemployment Insurance Overpayment
Use this form to apply to waive an overpayment of regular unemployment insurance benefits
- BEACON Claimant User Guide
Claimant instructions for using BEACON
- BEACON Claimant Resource Document
Quick introduction to BEACON, with links to detailed BEACON resources
- General Overview of Regular Unemployment Insurance Program
Overview of the Maryland regular unemployment insurance program
- Guide to Disaster Unemployment Assistance Benefits
Comprehensive publication about the federal Disaster Unemployment Assistance unemployment insurance program
- Key Steps for Filing for Unemployment Insurance Benefits
Basic overview of filing an initial claim, filing a weekly claim certification, and claimant responsibilities and requirements
- Maryland Unemployment Insurance - What You Should Know PPT
Essential information about the unemployment insurance process for employers and claimants
- TrueID Identity Verification Instructions
Detailed instructions for completing the TrueID identity verification process
- Unemployment Insurance in Maryland; A Guide to Reemployment
Comprehensive overview of the unemployment insurance process for claimants
- American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Flyer)
- BEACON Go Live for Claimants (Flyer)
- Claims Process Flow Chart for Pandemic Assistance Period (PAP) (Flyer)
- Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act of 2020 (CAUW) Programs Matrix (Flyer)
- Direct Deposit (Flyer)
- Reinstatement of Work Search Requirement (Flyer)
- The Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act (Flyer)