Banks, Credit Unions, and Trust Companies - Financial Regulation
Last reviewed/updated: September 17, 2024
Depository Supervision
The Office’s Depository Supervision Unit is responsible for the regulation, supervision, and examination of all Maryland-chartered banks, credit unions, and trust companies. For questions related to regulatory examinations, please email the Assistant Commissioner Depository Supervision or call 410-230-6022.
- Directory of Maryland-Chartered Financial Institutions
- Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Ratings for Maryland-Chartered Banks
Corporate Activities
The Office’s Corporate Activities Unit is responsible for the review and processing of applications filed by credit unions, banks, and trust companies for mergers, acquisitions, affiliates, branches, stock acquisitions, and conversions. The Unit also processes applications filed by incorporators for de novo bank, credit union, or trust company charters and other applications required under Maryland law. For questions related to depository corporate activities, please email the Assistant Commissioner for Corporate Activities or call 410-230-6104.
Resources for Depository Institutions
Selected Bank, Credit Union and Trust Company Topics
- Bank Branch and ATM Requirements
- Foreign Bank Office Permit
- Maryland Access to Banking Act
- Maryland Affordable Housing Trust (Commissioner Approval)
- Registration of Trust or Fiduciary Powers
- Stock Acquisitions (Commercial Banks and Bank Holding Companies)
- Use of “Bank” or “Trust Company” in Name
Guidance and Documents
- Climate Change Risks webinar materials (November 2024) - presentation and self-assessment questions
- Reporting Form for Fraud, Theft, or Forgery, and Convictions
- Emergency Preparedness Guide for Maryland-Chartered Banks, Credit Unions, and Trust Companies - Revised August 16, 2023
- See the Industry Advisories page for regulatory guidance issued by the Commissioner. Subscribe here to receive our advisory emails.
Application Forms and Instructions
- Bank and Credit Union Annual Assessment Fee Credit Application for LMI Branches in Maryland
- Bank Branch and ATM Application - Uniform Interstate Application/Notice
- Bank Branch and ATM Instructions – Maryland
- Credit Union Branch and ATM Application – Maryland
- Foreign Bank Office Permit Application
- Foreign Bank Office Permit Instructions
- Foreign Bank Office Permit Renewal Application
- Maryland Affordable Housing Trust Application for an Out-of-State Financial Institution
- Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation Chartering (SDAT filing)
- Registration to Exercise Trust or Fiduciary Powers by Out-of-State Bank
Banking Institution and Credit Union Fees
- Affiliate: $750
- Articles of Amendment: $20
- Bank Branch: $600
- Bank Holding Company: $1,500
- Conversions to a Maryland State Charter: $7,000
- Credit Union Branch: $100
- De Novo Bank Charters: $15,000
- De Novo Non-Depository Trust Company: $15,000
- Foreign Bank Representative Office Permit: $500
- Mergers/Acquisitions Among 2 Commercial Banks: $3,000
- Mergers/Acquisitions Among 3 or More Commercial Banks: $5,000
- New Bank Charters: $15,000
- New Credit Union Charters: $500
- New Non-Depository Trust Company: $15,000
Miscellaneous Fees
- Certified Copies of Documents: $50
- Certificate of Valid Charter: Requested on behalf of or by a banking institution: $25
- Certificate of Valid Charter: Requested by a person other than a banking institution: $50
Laws, Rules, and Regulations
Banking institutions and credit unions are expected to be knowledgeable about and in compliance with Maryland banking laws, and any other applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations. Maryland laws, rules, and regulations can be found by accessing the Annotated Code of Maryland and Rules and Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR). Certain relevant Maryland laws, rules, and/or regulations include (NOTE: this is not a comprehensive list):
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 1, Subtitle 2 (General Provisions)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 1, Subtitle 3 (Confidential Financial Records)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 1, Subtitle 4 (Automated Teller Machines)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 3 (Banking Institutions – Commercial Banks)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 4 (Banking Institutions – Savings Banks)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 5 (Banking Institutions – General Provisions)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 6 (Credit Unions)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 9 (Savings and Loans Associations)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 12, Subtitle 2 (Foreign Banks)
- Maryland Code, Financial Institutions Article, Title 12, Subtitle 8 (Currency Transactions)
- Maryland Code, Estates and Trusts Article, Title 14.5 (Maryland Trust Act)
- Maryland Code, Insurance Article, Title 22 (Deposits of Trust Money)
- COMAR 09.01.08 (Currency Transactions)
- COMAR 09.03.01 (Credit Unions)
- COMAR 09.03.03 (Procedure for Handling Applications)
- COMAR (ATM Placement Limitations)