Workforce Investment Field Instructions (WIFIs) - Workforce Development and Adult Learning - Archived Policies
Note: DWDAL Workforce Investment Field Instructions (WIFIs) have been phased-out and replaced by DWDAL Policy Issuances. CURRENT DWDAL policies (including WIFIs and Policy Issuances) are listed, by year issued. ARCHIVED policies no longer in effect are available for viewing below.
To Search for a specific policy issuance, please enter the subject and/or control number in the search field on the page that opens when you click on this link.
Documents are provided in PDF format (download Adobe Acrobat for free) and/or Word format (download Word viewer for free; documents published in 2008 or earlier are almost all in Word format only).
Subscribe to receive Maryland Policy Issuances Updates via GovDelivery
Archived Policies - 2023
- PI 2023-07, 2023 Federal Poverty Guidelines & 2023 Lower Living Standard Income Level - September 7, 2023
- PI 2023-05, Maryland New Start Grant Program - April 3, 2023
Archived Policies - 2022
- PI 2022-10, Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program - September 30, 2022
- PI 2022-04, Direct Care Workforce Innovation Program - May 5, 2022
Archived Policies - 2021
- PI 2021-12, Performance Goals for Maryland's Workforce System - Program Years 2020 & 2021 - August 26, 2021
- PI 2021-11, WIOA Title I Training & Maryland’s Eligible Training Provider List - July 29, 2021
- PI 2021-10, Basic Education Skills and English Language Assessments - July 1, 2021
- PI 2021-09, Updated COVID-19 Flexibility Guidelines for the Maryland Workforce System - June 22, 2021
- PI 2021-07, WIOA Title I Training & Maryland’s Eligible Training Provider List - May 27, 2021
- PI 2021-05, 2020-2023 State Apprenticeship Expansion Grant - May 17, 2021
Archived Policies - 2020
- PI 2020-06 COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund (Continuation) - October 28, 2020
- PI 2020-05 Basic Education Skills and English Language Assessments - September 22, 2020
- PI 2020-04 COVID-19 Flexibility Guidelines for the Maryland Workforce System - June 25, 2020
- PI 2020-02, State Apprenticeship Expansion Grant - May 15, 2020
- PI 2020-01, COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund - March 23, 2020
Archived Policies - 2019
- PI 2019-14, Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment Program - December 4, 2019
- PI 2019-11, Trade Adjustment Assistance - September 30, 2019
- PI 2019-09, Basic Education Skills and English Language Assessments - August 27, 2019
- PI 2019-08, Maryland Work Opportunity Tax Credit - August 8, 2019
- PI 2019-05, Basic Education Skills and English Language Assessments - April 11, 2019
- PI 2019-02, Basic Education Skills and English Language Assessments - February 26, 2019
- PI 2019-01, Workforce Solutions to Address Maryland’s Opioid Crisis Policy - February 14, 2019
Archived Policies - 2018
- PI 2018-07, Maryland's Apprenticeship Innovation Fund - August 28, 2018
- PI 2018-06, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Program Eligibility Requirements - August 21, 2018
- PI 2018-05, Rapid Response - August 16, 2018
- PI 2018-02, Basic Education Skills and English Language Assessments - June 5, 2018
- PI 2018-01, Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Services - January 23, 2018
Archived Policies - 2017
- PI 2017-09, WIOA Title I Training & Maryland’s Eligible Training Provider List - October 26, 2017
- PI 2017-7, Maryland’s Disability Employment Initiative - July 17, 2017
- PI 2017-3, Basic Education Skills and English Language Assessments - April 5, 2017
- PI 2017-1, Maryland’s Apprenticeship Innovation Fund - March 9, 2017
Archived Policies - 2016
- PI 2016-10, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title 1 Program Eligibility Requirements
- PI 2016-09, WIOA Memoranda of Understanding & Resource Sharing Agreements - September 27, 2016
- PI 2016-08, Maryland Business Works
- PI 2016-05, Basic Education Skills & English Language Assessments - February 26, 2016
- PI 2016-02, 2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines & 2015 Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL)
Archived Policies - 2015
- PI 2015-08, WIOA Title I Youth Program - October 2, 2015
- PI 2015-07, Maryland’s Program Year (PY) 2015 Performance Goals: WIA Title 1B Programs & Wagner-Peyser Act Funded Activities
- PI 2015-06, Interim Policy on Maryland’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) - July 11, 2015
- PI 2015-05, Interim Youth Policy
- PI 2015-04, WIOA Title 1 Program Eligibility - June 25, 2015
- PI 2015-03, 2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines and 2015 Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL), Effective March 2
- PI 2015-02, Maryland Highway or Capital Transit Construction (HCCT) Skills Training Program - February 2, 2015
- PI 2015-01, Process for Policy Development - January 8, 2015
Archived Policies - 2014
- PI 2014-16, Maryland's Job Driven National Emergency Grant (JD NEG) Program (CANCELLED)
- PI 2014-15, Employment Services for Veterans
- PI-WD-2014-13, Maryland's Job Driven National Emergency Grant (JD NEG) Program (CANCELLED)
- PI-WD-2014-12, Trade Program - Quarterly Monitoring (Word) - June 24, 2014
- PI-WD-2014-10, Policies and procedures for Individual Services Strategies for Youth in the state (Word)
- PI-OFC-2014-9, Clarification on some issues surrounding Trade approved training (Word) - May 15, 2015
Attachment 1 (Word) - PI-OFC-2014-6, PY’14 Maryland Summer Youth Connections Grant (Word)
- PI-WD-2014-5, Revised Federal Poverty Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) (Word)
- PI-FO-2014-3, Individual Employment Plans (IEP) (Word)
- PI-WIP-2014-2, Common Measures Data Reporting & Recording (Word)
- PI-WIP-2014-1, Enrollment & Exit (Word)
Archived Policies - 2013
- PI-WD-2013-5, Priority of Service for Low Income Individuals (Word) - October 1, 2013
- PI-OFC-2013-4, Award & Evaluation of Youth Grants (Word) - September 10, 2013
- Highway or Capital Transit Construction Skills Training Project WIFI 3-13 (Word) - November 6, 2013
- Maryland's Program Year (PY) 2013 Performance Goals for the WIA Title 1B Programs and Wagner-Peyser Act Funded Activities WIFI 1-13 (Word) - September 24, 2013
Archived Policies - 2012
- Maryland Summer Youth Connection PY 2013 WIFI 14-12 (Word) - May 17, 2013
- Program Requirements for Emergency Unemployment Compensation Reemployment Services and Reemployment and Eligibility Assessments WIFI 13-12 (Word) - June 19, 2013
Attachment A (Word) - Roles and Responsibilities of Veterans Representatives in Tracking, Offering Employment Services, and Reporting Outcomes of Veterans Training Assistance Program (VRAP) Participants WIFI 9-12 (Word) - February 25, 2013
- National Emergency Grant for RG Steel and Impacted Companies WIFI 8-12 (Word) - December 3, 2012
National Emergency Grant for RG Steel and Impacted Companies WIFI 8-12 Change 1 (Word) - June 3, 2013 - Assessment Tools For Determining Educational Functioning Levels for Youth WIFI 6-12 (Word) - November 19, 2012
- WIA Title 1B and Wagner-Peyser Performance Goals for Program Year (PY) 2012 WIFI 5-12 Change 1 (Word) - February 11, 2013
- Two New Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Targeted Groups Introduced by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 WIFI 4-12 (Word) - July 13, 2012
- Veteran's Services – Priority Services – Eligible Persons WIFI 3-12 (Word) - July 10, 2012
- Revised Quarterly and Monthly Status Reports WIFI 2-12 (Word) - August 10, 2012
- Maryland Summer Youth Connection PY2012 WIFI 1-12 (Word) - July 9, 2012
Archived Policies - 2011
- Local WIA Allocations for PY 2012 and FY 2013 WIFI 12-11 (Word) - April 24, 2012
- Revised Federal Poverty Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) WIFI 11-11 (Word) - March 28, 2012
- Gold Card Services for Post-9/11 Era Veterans WIFI 10-11 (Word) - January 18, 2012
- Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (Word) -
March 5, 2012
Changes to The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 (Post-9/11 GI Bill) Training and Employment Notice
The Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 pamphlet - Regional Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) National Emergency
Grant, MARC Training Response to BRAC: A Regional Training
Approach WIFI 7-11 (Word) - December 7, 2011
Regional Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) National Emergency Grant, MARC Training Response to BRAC: A Regional Training Approach WIFI 7-11 Change 1 (Word) - March 28, 2012
Regional Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) National Emergency Grant, MARC Training Response to BRAC: A Regional Training Approach WIFI 7-11 Change 2 (Word) - March 13, 2013
Attachment A – BRAC Monthly Status Report (Excel)
Attachment B – BRAC NEG Monthly Report (Word only) - Migrant & Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) Identification and Data Collection through the Maryland Workforce Exchange Virtual One Stop (MWE-VOS) and ETA 5148 Services to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers Report WIFI 5-11 (Word) - November 15, 2011
- Performance Standards for Workforce Investment Act Title 1B Programs and Wagner-Peyser Act Funded Activities for Program Year 2011 WIFI 2-11 (Word) - September 6, 2011
- Maryland Summer Youth Connection PY 11/FY 12 WIFI 1-11 (Word) - September 6, 2011
Archived Policies - 2010
- Local WIA Allocations for PY2011 and FY 2012 WIFI 10-10 (Word) - June 9, 2011
Local WIA Allocations for PY2011 and FY 2012 WIFI 10-10 Change 1 (Word) - December 6, 2011
Local WIA Allocations for PY2011 and FY 2012 WIFI 10-10 Change 2 (Word) - April 12, 2012 - Re-Negotiated WIA and Wagner-Peyser Performance Goals for Program Year (PY) 2010 WIFI 8-10 (Word) - May 24, 2011
- Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 7-10 (Word) - March 25, 2011
- Local Planning Guidelines WIFI 6-10 (Word) - March 28, 2011
- On-the-Job Training National
Emergency Grants (OJT NEGs) Funded with American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act 2009 Resources WIFI 5-10 - December
1, 2010
On-the-Job Training National Emergency Grants (OJT NEGs) Funded with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 Resources WIFI 5-10 Change 1 (Word) - July 5, 2011 - Maryland’s Program Year (PY) 2010-11 Performance Goals for the WIA Title 1-B Programs and Wagner Peyser Act Funded Activities WIFI 4-10 - October 1, 2010
- Implementing Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible
Spouses in all Qualified Job Training Programs Funded in whole
or in part by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) WIFI 2-10 (Word) - August 12, 2010
Implementing Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses in all Qualified Job Training Programs Funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) TEGL 10-09
Implementing Priority of Service for Veterans and Eligible Spouses in all Qualified Job Training Programs Funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) VPL 7-09 - WIA Recovery Act Funds
Recapture Policy 1-10 - July 28, 2010
WIA Recovery Act Funds Recapture Policy Attachment (Word only)
Archived Policies - 2009
- Maryland Summer Youth Connection PY 10/FY 11 WIFI 15-09 (Word only) - June 18, 2010
- Local WIA Allocations for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds WIFI 14-09 (Word only) - June 18, 2010
- Revised Federal
Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income
Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 13-09 (Word only) - June 17, 2010
Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 13-09 Change 1 (Word only) - August 19, 2010 - Maryland Energy Sector Partnership (MESP) Initiative WIFI 12-09 - June 17, 2010 (Word)
Maryland Energy Sector Partnership (MESP) Initiative WIFI 12-09 Change 1 - December 27, 2010 (Word)
Maryland Energy Sector Partnership (MESP) Initiative WIFI 12-09 Attachment C (Word)
Maryland Energy Sector Partnership (MESP) Initiative WIFI 12-09 Change 2 - March 16, 2011 (Word)
Maryland Energy Sector Partnership (MESP) Initiative WIFI 12-09 Change 3 - November 1, 2011
Maryland Energy Sector Partnership (MESP) Initiative WIFI 12-09 Change 4 - December 13, 2011 (Word) - Labor Exchange (LX) Services and Outcomes WIFI 11-09 - May 25, 2010
- Maryland Business
Works (MBW) PY 2010 WIFI 10-09 (Word only) - May 19, 2010
Maryland Business Works (MBW) PY 2010 WIFI 10-09 Change 1 (Word only) - June 2, 2010
Maryland Business Works (MBW) PY 2010 WIFI 10-09 Change 2 (Word only) - July 8, 2010 - Local WIA Allocations for PY 2010 and FY 2011 WIFI 9-09 (Word only) - April 21, 2010
- Maryland State List of Occupational Training Providers WIFI 8-09 (Word only) - April 21, 2010
- PY 2009 Local WIA Performance Incentive Funds - For PY 2008 Performance WIFI 7-09 (Word only) - March 11, 2010
- Veterans Incentive Award ~ FY 2010 Incentive Awards for Identified Staff for Exemplary Services, etc., to Veterans as Defined By Title 38 U.S.C. WIFI 6-09 (Word only) - March 8, 2010
- Recipient Reporting
Requirements Section 1512 American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act Funds WIFI 5-09 (Word only) - November
19, 2009
ARRA Report Definitions (Word only)
Recipient Reporting Requirements Section 1512 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds WIFI 5-09 Change 1 (Word only) - February 25, 2010
ARRA Sub-Recipient Report (Excel) - Maryland's Program
Year (PY) 2009 Performance Goals for the WIA Title 1B
Programs and Wagner-Peyser Act Funded Activities WIFI
2-09 (Word only) - July 23, 2009
Re-Negotiated Performance Goals for the Workforce Investment Act Wagner-Peyser Act Funded Activities for Program Year 2009 WIFI 2-09 Change 1 (Word only) - August 24, 2010 - Re-Negotiated Performance Goals for the Workforce Investment Act Title 1B Programs and Wagner-Peyser Act Funded Activities for Program Year 2008 WIFI 1-09 (Word only) - July 8, 2009
Archived Policies - 2008
- Maryland Business Works (MBW) PY 2009 WIFI 14-08 (Word) - June 26, 2009
- Maryland Summer Youth Connection PY 09/FY 10 WIFI 13-08 (Word) - June 26, 2009
- ARRA Performance Accountability Reporting WIFI 12-08 (Word) - July 22, 2009
- Local WIA Allocations for PY 2009 and FY 2010 WIFI 10-08 (Word) - May 22, 2009
- Recertification of Local Workforce Investment Boards
(LWIBs) WIFI 9-08 (Word) - May 15, 2009
Local Workforce Investment Board Questionnaire (Word)
Local Workforce Investment Board Certification Form (Word)
Appendix A: Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIBs) Matrix (Word)
Appendix B: Local Youth Council Matrix (Word) - Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 8-08 (Word) - April 8, 2009
- Maryland Workforce Investment Grant Recipients WIFI 7-08 (Word) - April 20, 2009
- Local WIA Allocations for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds No. 6-08 (Word) - March 20, 2009
- PY 2008 Local WIA Performance Incentive Funds - For PY 2007 Performance No. 5-08 (Word) - March 16, 2009
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act No. 4-08 (Word) - March 16, 2009
Archived Policies - 2007
- Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 8-07 (Word) - June 16, 2008
- Transfer Waiver for Adult and Dislocated Worker Funds WIFI 7-07 (Word) - June 11, 2008
- Workforce Investment Act $250 Million Rescission (Rescission of Unexpended Balances) WIFI 6-07 (Word) - May 23, 2008
- Maryland Summer Youth Connection PY 08 WIFI 5-07 (Word) - May 5, 2008
- Local WIA Allocations for PY 2008 WIFI 4-07 (Word) - April 10, 2008
Local WIA Allocations for PY 2008 WIFI 4-07 Change 1 (Word) - June 30, 2008 - Workforce ONE Maryland Project: Regional Base Realignment and
Closure (BRAC) Project Coordinators WIFI 1-07 (Word) - October 10, 2007
Attachment A (Word)
Attachment B (Word)
Attachment C (Word)
Attachment D (Word)
Workforce ONE Maryland Project: Regional Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Project Coordinators WIFI 1-07 Change 1 (Word) - February 19, 2008
Workforce ONE Project Application - January 17, 2008
Archived Policies - 2006
- Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 15-06 (Word) - July 9, 2007
- Recertification of Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIB) WIFI 14-06 (Word) - June 22, 2007
- Veterans Incentive Award - FY 2007 WIFI 12-06 (Word) - May 9, 2007
- Maryland Summer Youth Connection Fiscal Year 2008 WIFI 11-06 (Word) - May 7, 2007
- Local Workforce Investment Five-Year Plan (PY2007/PY2008) WIFI 10-06 (Word) - June 14, 2007
Local Workforce Investment Five-Year Plan (PY2007/PY2008) WIFI 10-06 Change 1 (Word) - April 20, 2007
Local Workforce Investment Five-Year Plan (PY2007/PY2008) WIFI 10-06 Change 2 (Word) - April 18, 2008 - Negotiated WIA and Wagner-Peyser Performance Goals for Program Year (PY) 2006 WIFI 9-06 (Word) - February 26, 2007
- PY 2006 Local WIA Performance Incentive Funds - For PY 2005 Performance WIFI 8-06 (Word) - January 10, 2007
- Local WIA Performance Incentive Plans - PY 2005, PY 2006 WIFI 7-06 (Word) - December 21, 2006
- State and Local Rapid Response Team Responsibilities WIFI 5-06 (Word) - October 3, 2006
State and Local Rapid Response Team Responsibilities WIFI 5-06 Change 1 (Word) - March 28, 2007 - Documentation of Veteran Status WIFI 3-06 (Word) - July 8, 2006
- Program Year 2005 Rescissions WIFI 2-06 (Word) - July 21, 2006
- Negotiated Veteran Performance Goals for Program Year 2006 WIFI 1-06 (Word) - July 21, 2006
Archived Policies - 2005
- Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 18-05 (Word) - June 15, 2006
- Common Measures - Assessment for Determining Educational Functioning Levels for Youth WIFI 16-05 (Word) - June 2, 2006
- Common Measures for Youth - Definition for Certificate WIFI 15-05 (Word) - June 2, 2006
- Maryland Summer Youth Connection Program 2006 WIFI 13-05 (Word)
- Veterans Incentive Award - FY 2006 WIFI 11-05 (Word) - June 16, 2006
- Extension of Local Workforce Investment Act Five-Year Plans WIFI 10-05 (Word) - April 28, 2006
Extension of Local Workforce Investment Act Five-Year Plans WIFI 10-05 Change 1 (Word) - August 28, 2006
Workforce Investment Act Program Year 2006 Rescission (Word) - February 29, 2008 - Bulk Emails WIFI 9-05 (Word) - March 28, 2006
- Local WIA Performance Incentive Funds - PY 2004 WIFI 8-05 (Word) - March 20, 2006
- New Medicare Prescription Coverage WIFI 6-05 (Word) - February 2, 2006
- Program Year 2004 Rescissions WIFI 3-05 (Word) - December 15, 2005
Attachment (Excel)
Archived Policies - 2004
- Youth Waivers for ITAs WIFI 19-04 (Word) - October 28, 2005
- Assisting Job Seekers Displaced by Hurricanes WIFI 18-04 (Word) - September 16, 2005
- Revised Poverty Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL) WIFI 15-04 (Word) - May 15, 2005
- Incumbent Healthcare Training WIFI 14-04 (Word) - May 17, 2005
- WIA Participant Case Record Management WIFI 12-04 (Word) - April 7, 2005
WIA Participant Case Record Management WIFI 12-04 Change 1 (Word) - July 2, 2007
WIA Participant Case Record Management WIFI 12-04 Change 2 (Word) - September 11, 2007 - Serving Military Service Members and Military Spouses under the Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Worker Formula Grant WIFI 11-04 (Word) - April 7, 2005
Serving Military Service Members and Military Spouses under the Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Worker Formula Grant TEGL 22-04 (PDF) - March 2, 2005
Serving Military Service Members and Military Spouses under the Workforce Investment Act Dislocated Worker Formula Grant WIFI 11-04 Change 1 (Word) - December 11, 2007
Dislocated Worker Formula Grant TEGL 22-04 Change 1 (PDF) - September 28, 2007 - Documentation of U.S, Citizenship WIFI 10-04 (Word) - March 29, 2005
Documentation of U.S, Citizenship WIFI 10-04 Change 1 (Word) - September 12, 2006
Documentation of U.S, Citizenship WIFI 10-04 Change 2 (Word) - December 4, 2007 - Funding for Disability Accommodations WIFI 8-04 (Word) - March 7, 2005
Funding for Disability Accommodations WIFI 8-04 Change 1 (Word) - September 8, 2006 - Veterans Incentive Award ~ FY 2005 - Incentive Awards For Identified Staff for Exemplary Services, etc., to Veterans as Defined By Title 38 U.S.C. WIFI 7-04 (Word) - January 3, 2005
- Entrepreneurial Training for Workforce Investment Act Clients WIFI 6-04 (Word) - March 3, 2005
Self- Employment Training for Workforce Investment Act Clients TEGL 16-04 - ESFI-WIFI Integration WIFI 5-04 (Word) - February 2, 2005
- Recertification of Local Workforce Investment Boards WIFI 4-04 (Word) - February 23, 2005
- Extension of Local Workforce Investment Act Five-Year Plans WIFI 3-04 (Word) - February 23, 2005
Extension of Local Workforce Investment Act Five-Year Plans WIFI 3-04 Change 1 (Word)
WIA Allocations WIFI 3-04 Change 1 (Word) - May 2, 2005
Extension of Local Workforce Investment Act Five-Year Plans WIFI 3-04 Change 2 (Word) - May 2, 2005 - Veterans Assistance Incentive Awards WIFI 2-04 (Word) - August 6, 2004
- Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) (Word) WIFI 1-04 - July 8, 2004
Archived Policies - 2003
- PY 2003 Rescission WIFI 8-03 (Word) - June 1, 2004
- Local WIA Planning Guidelines for Program Year 2004 WIFI 7-03 Change 1 (Word) - April 29, 2004
Attachment A (Excel) - Rescission of Fiscal Year 1999 WtW Formula Funds WIFI 6-03 (Word) - March 19, 2004
Welfare to Work Closeout Package (Word) - Disability Program Navigator WIFI 5-03 (Word) - September 29, 2003
WIFI 5-03 Change 1 (Word) - August 3, 2004
WIFI 5-03 Change 2 (Word) - July 28, 2005
WIFI 5-03 Change 3 (Word) - June 19, 2006 - Local WIA Performance Incentive Plans PY 2003, PY 2004 WIFI 4-03 (Word) - September 9, 2003
Local WIA Performance Incentive Plans PY 2003, PY 2004 WIFI 4-03 Change 1 (Word) - January 10, 2005 - Maryland Business Works – Incumbent Worker Training WIFI 3-03 (Word) - September 11, 2003
Attachment B (Excel)
Attachment C (Word)
Attachment D (Word)
Attachment E (Excel)
Attachment F (Word)
Attachment G (Excel)
WIFI No. 3-03 Change 1 (Word)
WIFI No. 3-03 Change 2 (Word) - September 15, 2004
WIFI No. 3-03 Change 3 (Word) - July 19, 2005
Attachment A (Word)
Attachment B (Word)
WIFI No. 3-03 Change 4 (Word) - June 19, 2006
WIFI No. 3-03 Change 5 (Word) - June 22, 2007
WIFI No. 3-03 Change 6 (Word) - May 14, 2008 - Local
WIA Performance Incentive Plans PY 2002 WIFI 2-03 (Word) - August 22, 2003
Local WIA Performance Incentive Plans PY 2002 WIFI 2-03 Change 1 (Word) - January 7, 2004
PY2002 Incentive Awards Attachment B (Excel)
Archived Policies - 2002
- PY 2002 Rescission WIFI 8-02 (Word) - June 17, 2003
- Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) PY 2003 WIFI 7-02 (Word) - June 11, 2003
- Negotiated Performance Goals for Program Years Four and Five Under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act WIFI 6-02 (Word) - May 30, 2003
Negotiated Performance Goals for Program Years Four and Five Under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act WIFI 6-02 Change 1 (Word) - August 25, 2003 - WIA PY 2003 Planning Guideline WIFI 5-02 (Word) - April 15, 2003
Local WIA Planning Guidelines for Program Year 2003 WIFI 5-02 Change 1 (Word) - June 11, 2003 - WIA Performance Incentive Plans PY'2001 WIFI 4-02 (Word) - March 19, 2003
WIA Performance Incentive Funds WIFI 4-02 Change 1 (Word) - March 21, 2003
WIA Performance Incentive Funds WIFI 4-02 Change 2 (Word) - August 22, 2003 - Recertification of Local Workforce Investment Boards WIFI 3-02 (Word) - November 26, 2002
- PY 2001 Dislocated Worker Rescissions WIFI 1-02 (Word) - July 18, 2002
Archived Policies - 2001
- WIA Credential Performance Standard Policy WIFI 7-01 (Word) - May 7, 2002
- Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 5-01 (Word) - May 3, 2002
- Local WIA Planning Guidelines for Program Year 2002 WIFI 4-01 (Word) - March 26, 2002
- Application Guidelines for WIA Rapid Response Funds WIFI 2-01 (Word) - September 21, 2001
- Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 23-00 (TEGL) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Final Audit Report on "Job Training Partnership Act, Title II-C Out-of-School Program Performance WIFI 1-01 (Word - July 17, 2001; this WIFI refers to USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter 23-00 (PDF) - April 23, 2001)
Archived Policies - 2000
- Program Guidance For Implementation of Comprehensive Youth Services Under the Workforce Investment Act WIFI 9-00 - June 21, 2001; this WIFI refers to USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter 18-00 (PDF) - April 23, 2001
- Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 8-00 (Word) - May 23, 2001
- Maryland Forward Summer Youth Program WIFI 7-00 (Word) - May 10, 2001
- Local WIA Planning Guidelines for Program Year 2001 WIFI 6-00 (Word) - May 10, 2001
- Maryland State List of Occupational Training Providers WIFI 5-00 (Word) - June 24, 2003
Maryland State List of Occupational Training Providers WIFI 5-00 Change 1 (PDF) - June 24, 2003
Memorandum of Understand -- Data Sharing Agreement (Word)
WIA Data Collection Affirmation Form (Word)
Training Provider Questionnaire (Word)
Instructions for Completing Verification of Minimum Program Performance Form (Word)
Nomination Form: Program to be on the Maryland State List of Occupational Training Providers (Word)
LWIB Nomination Form (Word)
WIA Certification Form for Out-of-State Training Providers (Word)
Modifying Program(s) on the Maryland WIA State List (Word)
Delete Program Form (Word) - PY'2000 JTPA Incentive Awards WIFI 4-00 (Word) - February 23, 2000
- WIA Funding & Expenditure Requirements WIFI 3-00 (Word) - January 23, 2001
OET/WIA Funding WIFI 3-00 Change 1 (Word) - April 22, 2002 - Local WIA Performance Incentive Plans WIFI 2-00 (Word) - December 22, 2000
Local WIA Performance Incentive Plans Cancellation of PY ’00 Payments WIFI 2-00, Change 1 (Word) - August 1, 2000 - JTPA Final Closeout Package (Word) - October 6, 2000
WIA Quarterly Status Reports WIFI 1-00 (Word) - October 6, 2000
Archived Policies - 1999
- WIA Follow-up Customer Survey Activities WIFI 15-99 (Word) - June 27, 2000
WIA Local Plan – Policy Follow-up (Revised 9/2000) WIFI 15-99 (Word) - September 19, 2000
WIA Follow-up (Revised 8/2002) WIFI 15-99 (Word) - August 14, 2002 - Revised Federal Poverty Level Guidelines and Lower Living Standard Income Levels (LLSIL) WIFI 14-99 (Word) - June 26, 2000
Lower Living Standard Income - Levels (LLSIL) Chart (Excel) - Effective May 12, 2000 - Maryland Forward Summer Youth Program Workforce Investment Field Instruction WIFI 13-99 (Word) - May 30, 2000
- Training Provider System Workforce Investment Field Instruction WIFI 11-99 (Word) - April 4, 2000
- Priority of Service Guidelines WIFI 4-99 (Word) - December 6, 1999
- Participant Eligibility Policies - Adult, Youth and Dislocated Workers WIFI 2-99 (Word) - December 6, 1999
- Initiation of Workforce Investment Field Instruction (WIFI) System Workforce Investment Field Instruction WIFI 1-99 (Word) - October 21, 1999