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Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning

Are you either looking for a job or looking to hire a great employee? Interested in getting training? Seeking labor market information? The Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning creatively and effectively coordinates job seeker services and training, business services, adult learning programs, and labor market information. Our goal is to ensure that businesses have skilled workers and job seekers have access to employment and training resources and services. Please explore the resources on this website or E-mail Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning for more information.

¿Está buscando empleo? ¿Está interesado en capacitarse? ¿Busca información acerca del mercado laboral? La Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning coordina con creatividad y eficacia servicios y capacitación para los buscadores de empleo, servicios para empresas, programas de aprendizaje para adultos e información sobre el mercado laboral. El personal se asegura de que las empresas tengan trabajadores capacitados y que los buscadores de empleo tengan acceso a recursos y servicios de empleo y capacitación. Envíe un correo electrónico a la Division of Workforce Development y Adult Learning para obtener más información.

Department of Labor
Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning

100 S. Charles Street, Tower 1
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Telephone number: 410-767-2173
E-mail address: