January 12, 2021 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Brian S. Cavey - Chairperson Employee Representative
Shaunta Chapple
- Public Representative
Allen B. Clinedinst III - Employee Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr. - Employee Representative
Neil E. Wilford, Jr. - Employee Representative
David J. Wilson, Sr. - Employee
Leon W. Bromley - Employer Representative
Michelle L. Butt - Employer Representative
David Smarte - Employer Representative
Grant Shmelzer - Employer Representative
Ronald Leonard - USDOL/OA Consultant to the Council
**Public Representative Christine Banovic notified Director Chris MacLarion that she was unable to attend before the meeting convened.
James Rzepkowski - Assistant Secretary for Workforce Development and Adult Learning, Maryland Department of Labor
Erin Roth - Deputy Assistant Secretary, DWDAL
Lloyd Day - Director Office of Workforce Development, DWDAL
Leza Griffith - Maryland Department of Labor, OAG
Christopher D. MacLarion - Director, Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP)
Jeffrey W. Smith - Program Manager, MATP
Kelton Addison - MATP
Ginamarie Best - MATP
Kevin L. Hunt - MATP
David A. Minges - MATP
Jennifer D. Runkles - MATP
Wayne L. Salter - MATP
Jane Sinclair - MATP
John P. Taylor - MATP
Robert J. Zimberoff - MATP
John Feaster - DWDAL
Lauren Gilwee - DWDAL
Charles Wallace - Md. State Dept. of Education
Justin Dunbar - Assistant Attorney General, Maryland Dept. of Labor
PJ Goel - Apprentice Training, Inc.
Cheyenne Wheeler - ABC Chesapeake Shores
Joanne Mosser - Karl Manufacturing
Andrew Breeding - Bob Breeding General Contractors, LLC
Chairman Cavey called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.
Director MacLarion called the roll and stated a quorum was present.
Chairman Cavey invited Assistant Secretary Rzepkowski to make opening remarks.
Mr. Rzepkowski wished a happy New Year to attendees. He offered thanks from Department of Labor Secretary Tiffany Robinson for everyone’s effort to meet virtually and work through the COVID-19 pandemic. He said DWDAL’s vision for 2021 is to work toward a resurgence of the workforce following the pandemic. He said the growth of the apprenticeship program, sponsors and apprentices, continues to be a bright spot in a challenged economy that has resulted in numerous job losses.
Mr. Rzepkowski said Secretary Robinson planned to attend the meeting virtually, but the opening day of Legislative Session in Maryland was coming the next day. He said it would be a unique year for the legislature and related activities drew Sec. Robinson from the meeting. He said the Dept. of Labor and unemployment insurance was going to get a lot of attention from the legislature. This was an opportunity to speak publicly on the issues. He offered guidance for testifying before Maryland General Assembly committees.
Mr. Rzepkowski said he previously met with Chairman Cavey, Mr. MacLarion, and Ms. Griffith who was legal counsel. Following this discussion, Mr. Rzepkowski announced a new method for voting that was meant to address technical issues related to the virtual meeting platform. There would be no roll calls for unanimous votes. He said the meeting is being recorded, and invited the council members to make comments on votes following a motion on each item to assure the votes are accurately recorded.
Mr. Rzepkowski welcomed Deputy Assistant Secretary Roth back from maternity leave then thanked Chairman Cavey.
Chairman Cavey gave the floor to Ms. Roth. Ms. Roth thanked the Chairman, informed everyone she had a boy, and said she was glad to be back to work.
Chairman Cavey stated that Ms. Chapple was present. He introduced Ms. Chapple and noted her career background as registered nurse with extensive knowledge including nursing care, work as an educator and in the community.
Ms. Chapple said she was excited to join the Council and said thanks for the appointment.
Chairman Cavey noted that Ms. Chapple had not yet been sworn in so she was unable to vote during this meeting.
Chairman Cavey said he spoke with several Council members who were open to the new voting process. He said a motion and a second would needed to be voiced to proceed with a vote. Chairman Cavey would then request if there were any objections or abstentions. If there were no objections or abstentions, the vote would be recorded as unanimously approved.
Chairman Cavey asked if there were questions. Hearing none, he then invited Mr. MacLarion to proceed with his report.
A. This meeting was being recorded to produce minutes. This meeting was also live streamed for the public, but the public was not able to communicate through the live stream.
B. The director wished everyone a happy New Year.
C. Mr. Leonard was recently promoted from USDOL multistate navigator to multistate navigator and deputy regional director covering Maryland. Mr. MacLarion thanked Mr. Leonard for his guidance and offered him congratulations.
D. Mr. MacLarion thanked the Council for its continued engagement with staff and himself, as well as their ongoing work in a new virtual environment.
E. Mr. MacLarion thanked Ms. Chapple for joining the Council, and for her patience in dealing with the challenges to joining the Council that were created by the pandemic. He also congratulated Asst. Dep. Sec. Roth and her husband Brad on the birth of their new baby boy.
F. Mr. MacLarion said January marks the third anniversary of Ms. Runkles joining the MATP staff. He said January also marks the 47th anniversary of Mr. Taylor’s service to the State of Maryland, with roughly 39 of those years working in apprenticeship. Mr. Taylor served in apprenticeship since 1982. Mr. MacLarion said this was an incredible achievement and he thanked Mr. Taylor.
G. He thanked Council members for sharing their success stories. These stories have been promoted through various channels for various purposes and some have been highlighted nationally. He highlighted Council Member Wilson’s apprenticeship story which was published through staff. Mr. MacLarion requested success stories for African American History Month.
H. Mr. MacLarion said this is the first meeting of 2021 and the fifth virtual meeting. He thanked the Council for its continued flexibility.
I. Apprenticeship Training Fund update:
- Total Fund Balance as of December 31st, 2020 after all obligations is $1,057,843.14
- November contributions: $10,821.68
- $5,000 expenditure - Junior Achievement
- December contributions: $25,574.53
- $10,000 expenditure- Forward: Women’s Leadership Forum and Conference
J. Today’s agenda has 10 total sponsor reviews. Two of these are over five with the remainder being under five. Staff closed the gap on the number of reviews that were needed and the review schedule will be slightly smaller in upcoming meetings.
K. Mr. MacLarion referenced the November Director’s Report which stated that the program crossed the 11,000-apprentice mark in Maryland for the first time. More than 11,000 apprentices were registered at the end of 2020 as well. Mr. MacLarion said this was a great achievement and a testament to the changing perception of the importance of apprenticeships.
L. The Dept. of Labor released the Fostering Employment Policy Issuance for public comment. This policy included grant funding and was designed to open registered apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship opportunities for individuals who were in the Foster Care system. This allowed funding for related instruction in a similar manner to how a community college education comes at no cost to an individual. He invited Council members to review the policy and to possibly add comments. He thanked Council Member Grant Shmelzer for participating in the policy development.
M. Mr. MacLarion announced the Registered Apprenticeship for Formerly Incarcerated Individuals program. He said this was a three-year pilot targeting individuals in Baltimore City and Dorchester County. It’s meant to help facilitate registration of formerly incarcerated individuals into construction apprenticeships by granting employers $1,000 per eligible participant registered. He thanked Kurt Snyder from the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Chris Hadfied from ABC Baltimore, and Jimmy Steward from Project Jumpstart for their assistance in launching the pilot program.
N. Mr. MacLarion said staff regularly seeks participation in policy developments for Apprenticeship and Workforce policies and grants. He invited Council members to let him know if they would like to participate. He also said he would be happy to regularly provide more general information related to the department and apprenticeship by providing links to email updates, etc.
O. Mr. MacLarion said staff continued to make headway toward multistate registration in RAPIDS. USDOL began testing registrations of apprentices who might appear in two states.
P. Mr. MacLarion said Power Act regulations were final, published and the Department was to launch an online tracking/collection site for individuals who might want to contribute to the Apprenticeship and Training Fund as opposed to paying into shops directly.
Q. Mr. MacLarion said Youth Apprenticeship is now the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (AMP). AMP added one additional school systems since the November meeting and was at 17 school systems. Harford County Public Schools was approved and planned to start small with five youth apprentices while schools were still in virtual mode because of the pandemic. Also, Harford Technical High School had School to Apprenticeship Agreements with the Harford County Electrical Contractors Association and the Maryland Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors.
Other approved school systems were Allegany, Baltimore City, Baltimore, Caroline, Carroll, Dorchester, Frederick, Howard, Kent, Montgomery, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Washington, and Wicomico counties, with Prince George’s County Public Schools becomes the newest addition.
Mr. MacLarion invited questions, and Chairman Cavey asked the Council for questions. Hearing none, Chairman Cavey entertained a motion to accept the Director’s Report.
A motion to accept the Director’s Report was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
A. PROGRAM REVIEWS [Five (5) or More Apprentices]:
1. Letter of Response from Sheet Metal Workers Local No. 100 JATC – Cumberland, Maryland. (Christopher D. MacLarion) (item 1)
Mr. MacLarion said the related review was presented to the Council in September 2020. The review showed at the time that the JATC was not effectively conducting outreach and registration of female and minority apprentices and they were failing to maintain adequate records. The Council moved to send a letter to the JATC requiring a corrective action plan. The JATC then requested a 30-day extension which was granted by the Council.
The JATC submitted a response that reported corrective actions and results which was presented to the Council at this meeting.
Mr. MacLarion said the deficiencies and challenges were addressed quickly and acceptably. More work was needed but a plan was put in place to address further issues. Mr. MacLarion recommended approval of the JATC’s response and to schedule the next review at the regular two-year interval.
Chairman Cavey asked for questions.
A motion was made by Mr. Smarte to approve the director’s recommendations, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
2. Closed Session: The Council entered a closed session to receive legal advice about pending litigation and discuss other permissible matters with Counsel in compliance with General Provisions Article, Maryland Annotated Code, § 3-305(b)(7).
Chairman Cavey entertained a motion to enter into closed session.
A motion to enter into closed session was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved by roll call vote (Ms. Banovic absent).
A motion to re-convene in public session was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved by roll call vote (Ms. Banovic absent).
Mr. Cavey informed those in attendance that the Council had entered into closed session to receive the advice of counsel regarding a Consent Decree for Judd Fire Protection, LLC.
A motion to approve the Consent Decree for Judd Fire Protection, LLC was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and approved by unanimous consent (Ms. Banovic absent).
1. Request for High’s of Baltimore to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (item 2)
Chairman Cavey told the Council this item was removed from the January agenda.
1. Bob Breeding General Contractors, LLC (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Occupation of Assembler, Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings. Related instruction to be provided by the Metal Building Institute, Chesapeake College and inhouse. [PRINTED STANDARDS FORMS]. (item 3)
Mr. Smith said that the materials related to the item had changed since the initial packet was sent to the Council. Mr. Smith said he suffered broken ribs in an accident that occurred while the related materials were being prepared. He noted the specific differences between the new materials and the packet the Council previously received.
Mr. Smith said the related instruction requirements could differ depending on the need to take a remedial math course at Chesapeake College. If apprentices pass a math test upon entry into the program, they might not need to take a remedial math course.
Mr. Shmelzer asked for a clarification of the ratio of journeyworkers to apprentices. There was a typographical error in the packet that stated the ratio was one to three, but Mr. Smith clarified the ratio is one to one, as in other Maryland programs.
Mr. Shmelzer asked how advance credit for math classes would be applied. Mr. Smith said the credit would be applied before the apprentice was registered should this apprentice pass the math test.
Mr. Shmelzer said some of the qualification language related to the understanding of written and oral instructions was subjective. He said he would be more comfortable if there was a related exam like the math assessment included in the program. Mr. Smith said the language that Mr. Shmelzer mentioned was previously removed.
Mr. Klusmann asked about the minimum of one year of service in the metal building industry. Mr. Smith said this language was also removed, and an apprentice would have to have some level of experience related to construction.
A motion to approve the new program was made by Mr. Smarte and seconded by Mr. Shmelzer. Mr. Klusmann voted nay, all other Councilmembers voted yea, motion carried six to one. (Mr. Clinedinst experienced issues in reconnecting to this meeting after joining the closed session and he did not vote on this item; Ms. Banovic absent.)
2. Western Maryland Area Health Education Center – West (Jennifer D. Runkles) – Occupation of Community Health Worker. Related instruction to be provided by AHED- West in Cumberland, Maryland and Garrett College in McHenry, Maryland. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices. (item 4)
Chairman Cavey said he spoke with Mr. MacLarion and they agreed that approving an Affirmative Action Plan was an important part of the approval process, but it would be included in the motion to approve the program. The council would vote on both motions in one vote.
Mr. Shmelzer asked if the sponsor planned to recruit more employers and who would be responsible for recruiting. Ms. Runkles said she was working with the sponsor and its staff to recruit more employers. Mr. Shmelzer asked if this program would also serve West Virginia and Pennsylvania. He asked if this would be a multi-state initiative. Ms. Runkles said she would work with the sponsor’s apprenticeship committee to potentially expand into other states. Mr. Shmelzer said he wants to see the program be successful, and because of low population, the sponsor might need to take a regional approach. Mr. MacLarion said staff was working with the Maryland Department of Health to address its regulations to allow for apprenticeship.
Chairman Cavey reminded the Council that a motion to approve the new program would include approval of the related Affirmative Action Plan.
A motion to approve the new program and the related Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent; Mr. Clinedinst did not vote on this item).
1. Anne Arundel Community College (Jane Sinclair) - Revision to add the occupations of Security Guard and Table Games Supervisor. Related instruction to be provided by Anne Arundel Community College. (item 5)
A motion to approve this revision was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent; Mr. Clinedinst did not vote on this item).
2. Apprentice Training, Inc. (Ginamarie Best) – Revision to add the occupation of Insulation Worker. Related instruction to be provided in house by Apprentice Training, Inc. (item 6)
Mr. Shmelzer asked why, as a group non-joint program, does the sponsor not yet have any registered apprentices or participating employers in the previously approved Construction Worker II program. Ms. Best asked Mr. Goel for his response. Mr. Goel stated the program is located in Prince George’s County and the sponsor was in “lockdown for quite some time” because of the pandemic. He said the construction industry was significantly affected and that the end of 2020 was a disaster for new projects. Mr. Goel said reduced work led to reduced staff.
Mr. Shmelzer said his concern was that while an individual company may be slow, as a group non-joint program, the sponsor’s role is to actively seek companies to participate in the program. Mr. Shmelzer asked how many businesses the sponsor contacted to participate in the program. Mr. Shmelzer asked why the sponsor had not contacted employers or registered new apprentices. Mr. Goel said the sponsor hasn’t had the demand, but he expected the demand was coming soon. Mr. Goel said there were originally four participating employers before demand slowed.
Mr. Shmelzer said he saw no journeyworkers registered so this indicated to him that no companies had signed participating employer agreements. Mr. Shmelzer asked if this was correct. Mr. MacLarion said one employer was registered. Mr. Shmelzer asked why the four participating employers that Mr. Goel mentioned weren’t registered. Mr. MacLarion said that one employer submitted all its documents but the other three employers had not yet submitted all their documents.
Mr. Shmelzer addressed Mr. Goel and said that as an IEC representative, he knows what it takes to launch a group non-joint program. He said the sponsor’s effort hasn’t necessarily been in good faith, and the sponsor was asking to get an additional occupation approved.
Mr. Goel said COVID has been tough on the industry. He said he lost family members to COVID recently. He said there had been little work for the past six months and this caused significant instability.
Chairman Cavey clarified. He asked Mr. Goel to speak about why the paperwork for participating employers was not fully submitted. Mr. Goel said he was unaware that the paperwork was not fully submitted. Ms. Best said the sponsor was also in the midst of supplying documents to onboard participating employers for this new occupation of Insulation Worker as well.
Ms. Best asked Mr. Shmelzer to clarify his concerns. Mr. Shmelzer said he wants to be sure the sponsor is actively seeking new participating businesses to bolster the program.
Chairman Cavey asked if there were further questions. Hearing none, he entertained a motion.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Wilford and seconded by Mr. Smarte. Mr. Bromley, Ms. Butt, Mr. Smarte and Mr. Wilford voted yea. Mr. Klusmann, Mr. Shmelzer and Mr. Wilson voted, nay. Motion carried four to three (Ms. Banovic absent; Mr. Clinedinst did not vote on this item).
Mr. MacLarion noted that this will result in the related individual program being cancelled, and the related employer being moved to this group non-joint program.
3. Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Chesapeake Shores Chapter (Jane Sinclair) - Request to add the College of Southern Maryland (Southern Maryland) and Wor-Wic Technical and Community College (Eastern Shore) as new locations where they will provide related instruction classes. (item 7)
Mr. Shmelzer thanked staff and the sponsor for getting this done.
Mr. Wilford asked about the journeyworkers’ rates and how the region affected those rates. Ms. Sinclair clarified the rates are an average of ABC Chesapeake’s entire region. Mr. Wilford asked which occupations were covered by this revision, and Ms. Sinclair stated the sprinkler fitters occupation was not included.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
4. CVS Health (Jane Sinclair) Revision to add the Community College of Baltimore County as a related instruction provider for the occupation of Pharmacy Technician. (item 8)
Mr. Shmelzer said the program has only registered two apprentices for pharmacy tech and none for manager. He asked why the programming was ramping up so slowly. Ms. Sinclair said the sponsor was hoping to address this issue by adding CCBC as a related instruction provider which would help to increase outreach. Mr. Shmelzer said he thought the sponsor’s program was designed for internal promotion. He asked if there were problems recruiting talent and if the sponsor was enlisting CCBC’s help. Ms. Sinclair said this was her understanding.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
5. Human Genome Sciences, Inc. (GSK) (Ginamarie Best) - Revision to add the occupation of Biochemist Associate. Related instruction to be provided by Montgomery College. (item 9)
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
6. Karl Manufacturing, Inc. (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Request for registration of updated Standards of Apprenticeship and reactivation of the apprenticeship program for the occupation of Machinist. (item 10)
Mr. Shmelzer asked if Mr. Smith’s research determined that the sponsor’s records were in good order. Mr. Smith said the sponsor’s records were in good order and in compliance with norms and standards. Mr. MacLarion said records dated to 1980 show a fantastic completion rate and a timely filing of paperwork through the years. The sponsor has exceptional employee retention, and the sponsor only reactivates the program as there is a need for new employees – apprentices stayed with the sponsor through the years. Mr. MacLarion said this was a credit to the sponsor, the State, the Council and program staff.
A motion to approve this revision and reactivation was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
Chairman Cavey called for a 10-minute comfort break at 10:45 a.m. and reconvened at 10:55 a.m.
7. Minnick’s Inc. (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Revision to add the Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland, Inc. as a provider of related instruction. (item 11)
Mr. Wilford asked if a review had been conducted recently. Ms. Best said she recently completed a review of this sponsor. Mr. Wilford asked why the documentation provided for this item was dated 2011. Mr. Smith clarified that these were the original standards that were provided for reference, and there is more recent documentation in the sponsor’s file. Mr. MacLarion clarified that a review was completed in 2019 and the sponsor also appeared before the Council in March of 2020.
Chairman Cavey asked for more questions. Hearing none, he entertained a motion.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS [Five (5) or More Apprentices]:
1. Goel Services, Inc. (Ginamarie Best). (item 12)
Ms. Best said that this program would soon be cancelled and will join the non-joint group sponsor’s program which is presented as item 6 in these minutes. Chairman Cavey asked if this program could be cancelled now in this item. Mr. MacLarion said the cancellation was planned for the March Council meeting.
Chairman Cavey asked for questions.
Mr. Shmelzer addressed Ms. Best and said they’re cancelling a lot of people. Mr. Feaster, as moderator, said Mr. Goel had questions and asked if Mr. Goel should be unmuted. Mr. MacLarion said Ms. Best was tasked with addressing Mr. Shmelzer and then the Chairman could invite Mr. Goel to speak. Ms. Best said the sponsor has conducted numerous forms of outreach, including the reentry population. Ms. Best said the recent review of this sponsor was extensive.
Mr. Shmelzer asked if some of the apprentices were being moved to pre-apprenticeship and Ms. Best said yes.
Chairman Cavey asked for questions. Hearing none, he entertained a motion.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
2. International Union of Operating Engineers Local 99 JAC (Christopher D. MacLarion).
(item 13)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst, and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
D. PROGRAM REVIEWS [Fewer Than Five (5) Apprentices]:
1. The following program reviews were performed and the programs were found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner. [No Council Action Required]:
a. Badger Electric, Inc. – Occupation of Electrician (Kelton Addison). (item 14)
b. Bauguess Electrical Services, Inc. – Occupation of Electrician (Kelton Addison). (item 15)
c. CAP Electric, Inc. – Occupation of Electrician (Kelton Addison). (item 16)
d. Cooper Electrical Services, Inc. – Occupation of Electrician (Kelton Addison). (item 17)
e. McGlothlin & Benham Electric Company, Inc. - Occupation of Electrician (Kelton Addison).
(item 18)
f. Bozzuto Management Company – Occupation of Building Maintenance Repairer
(Ginamarie Best). (item 19)
g. Washington County Water Quality – Occupation of Senior Wastewater Operator (Jennifer
D. Runkles). (item 20)
h. Allstate Floors – Occupation of Floor Layer (Jane Sinclair). (item 21)
1. Salco Mechanical Contractors (Jennifer D. Runkles). (item 22)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Wilford, and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
1. Reinforcing Ironworkers Local 201 JATC effective December 7, 2020. (item 23)
A motion to accept this request for cancellation was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
1. Mid-Atlantic Carpenters’ Training Centers (Christopher D. MacLarion) – Request to award a posthumous Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship. (item 24)
A motion to make this award was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
Mr. MacLarion commented and thanked the Council for their willingness to award unfortunate certificates such as these.
2. Carpenters JAC of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Vicinity (Georgetown Carpenters Training Center) - Request to register an apprentice Carpenter with credit for on-the job training and/or related instruction beyond the fifty percent (50%) level due to delayed registration (Christopher D. MacLarion). (item 25)
3. Carpenters JAC of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Vicinity (Georgetown Carpenters Training Center) - Request to register an apprentice Carpenter with credit for on-the job training and/or related instruction beyond the fifty percent (50%) level due to delayed registration (Christopher D. MacLarion). (item 26)
Mr. MacLarion requested that items 25 and 26 as listed in these minutes be combined. Chairman Cavey combined these items, asked for questions and entertained a motion.
A motion to approve the registration of apprentices with credit for OJT and/or RI was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
4. UA Sprinkler Fitters Local 669 JATC – Request to register an apprentice Sprinkler Fitter
with credit for on-the-job training and/or related instruction beyond the fifty percent (50%) level based upon his prior experience in the fire protection industry (Christopher D. MacLarion). (item 27)
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
8. Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Health Care - Revision to related instruction curriculum and apprentice selection procedures for the occupation of Central Sterile Processing Technician (Jeffery W. Smith). (item 28)
Mr. Clinedinst said some of the related documents were laid out incorrectly. Mr. Smith said the documents would be reformatted.
Mr. Shmelzer cited the minimum qualifications, including eighth-grade math comprehension. Mr. Shmelzer asked if candidates were being set up for success considering the related instruction is provided by CCBC. Mr. Smith said that the sponsor wanted to be able to consider a broader base of candidates.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
5. Delaware Elevator, Inc. - Request additional hours of on-the-job training credit for a currently registered apprentice (Christopher D. MacLarion). (item 29)
A motion to approve this OJT credit was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr. Wilford, with Mr. Smarte recused, the motion was approved unanimously.
6. Lywood Electric, Inc. - Request to register an apprentice Electrician with credit for on-the-job training and related instruction beyond the fifty percent (50%) level (Christopher D. MacLarion). (item 30)
A motion to approve this registration of an apprentice with credit was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Ms. Smarte and unanimously approved.
7. Finishing Trades Institute of Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Vicinities – Request for registration of completely revised and updated Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan. Request to add the occupation of Coating Inspector (Ginamarie Best). (item 31)
A motion to approve this revision, update the standards and approve the Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
Mr. Wallace welcomed the Council to the New Year, 2021. Mr. Wallace said he echoed Mr. MacLarion’s report and he was excited that youth apprenticeship was approved in 17 school systems. He said the school system is moving forward with a number of events in virtual formats. He wished the Council well and said he was looking forward to working with Council members in the new year.
Chairman Cavey congratulated Mr. Leonard on his new promotion. Mr. Leonard thanked the Chairman and wished everyone a happy new year.
Mr. Shmelzer said his organization was experiencing issues with RAPIDS. He asked Mr. Leonard if someone could inform him when RAPIDS would be more accessible.
Chairman Cavey entertained a motion to adjourn. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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