July 10, 2018 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Mr. William C. Taylor called the Council meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. at Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Metropolitan Washington Chapter, 6901 Muirkirk Meadows Drive, Suite F, Beltsville, Maryland 20705 and welcomed all Council members, staff and guests in attendance. Jason Roberts, Director Education for the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., also welcomed Council members, staff and guests to their training facility.
Secretary Schulz thanked all of the Council members for being in attendance to do some very important work. She noted that she was very pleased to have so many municipal and county government representatives present. It shows how beneficial apprenticeship is not only to the private sector but can also be so beneficial for increasing employment at both the state and local government levels.
She thanked Council members and staff for agreeing to participate with the Office of the Secretary and the Division of Labor and Industry the previous month when the Department issued an open letter on workplace safety. She explained that during May and June there had been some accidents and unfortunately fatalities within the construction industry. She announced that August had been designated as workplace safety month and that there would be some interesting events promoting workplace safety during that month.
William C. Taylor - Chairperson,
Public Representative
Christine V. Banovic - Public Representative
Brian S. Cavey - Employee Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr. – Employee Representative
Alexander E. Poling - Employee Representative
David J.Wilson, Sr. - Employee Representative
Leon W. Bromley - Employer Representative
Michelle L. Butt - Employer Representative
Gramt Shmelzer - Employer Representative
David Smarte - Employer Representative
Ronald Leonard - USDL/OA Ex Officio
Kelly M. Schulz - Secretary, DLLR
James Rzepkowski - Assistant Secretary for Workforce Development and Adult Learning, DLLR
Christopher D. MacLarion - MATP
Kelton Addison - MATP
Ginamarie Best - MATP
Lorella Dicks - MATP
Kevin Hunt - MATP
André Keyser - MATP
Mark Millen - MATP
Jennifer D. Runkles - MATP
Jane Sinclair - MATP
John P. Taylor - MATP
John F. Vontran - MATP
Michael L. Alexander - Baltimore City Joint Apprenticeship Committee
Stephanie Anderson - Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland
Carolyn Boston - Prince George’s County Public Schools
Kim Bowers - Washington County Government
Nicole H. Brown - Carter Enterprise Solutions
Steven E. Byrnes - Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Inc.
Lacey Capshaw - Washington County Government
Jay Carter - McLane Foodservice Distribution, Inc., Aberdeen
Jennifer Clouse - McLane Foodservice Distribution, Inc., Aberdeen
Brian Courtian - Finishing Trades Institute of Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Vicinities
Lisa Davis - Berry Plastics Corporation Closure Division
Daniel DiVito - Washington County Government
Jannsen Evelyn - Howard County Government
Trish Gordon-McCowan - Maryland Higher Education Commission
Kathy Gress - Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Cumberland Valley Chapter
Leza Griffith - DLLR/OAG
Katie Guy - Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc. (PAE)
Ken Hamm - Howard County Government
Becky Kemp - Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Inc.
Melissa Lehman - U.S. Department of Labor
Kevin McClanathan - Washington County Government
Patricia Meyer - Frederick Community College
Patricia Mikos - Baltimore City Community College
David Myrick - CMH, Inc., DBA Croppe Metcalfe
Major Marc R. Partee - Baltimore Police Department
John Peterson - Howard County Government
Jason C. Roberts - Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Metropolitan Washington Chapter
Erin Schafer - Harford County Government
Stacey Simmons - Howard County Government
Mary Sloat - Mayor’s Office of Employment Development
Jeffrey W. Smith - DLLR/DWDAL
Richie Stever - University of Maryland Medical Center
Jerry D. Taylor - Liberty Electric, Inc.
Michael Thomas - Baltimore City Community College
Charles Wallace - Maryland State Department of Education
Gregory Wilkinson - Maryland Environmental Service
Karen Wilson - Fredrick Community College
Captain David Yingling - St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office
I. The first order of business was the approval of the minutes of the May 8, 2018 Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting. The minutes of the May 8, 2018 Council meeting were approved as submitted.
A. Mr. MacLarion presented Council members an update on the status of U.S. Department of Labor grants and noted that a grant monitor from the U.S. Department of Labor would be attending the Council meeting. He announced that Maryland was awarded continuation funds under the Apprenticeship USA State Apprenticeship Expansion Grant and reminded Council members that Maryland had received $2,000,000 under the initial round of the grant that would be expiring in July. He added that Maryland had met all of its terms under the first round. Maryland would be receiving $1,816,649 that would run through October 31, 2020. Council members were provided with a comparison of what apprenticeship had been able to accomplish over the past 21 months within the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning compared to the 45 months prior to that in terms of new apprenticeship programs registered, apprenticeship programs reviewed and inactive apprenticeship programs reactivated.
B. Council members were provided with an update on the status of the Apprenticeship Training Fund. Mr. MacLarion stated that the balance in the fund on June 30, 2018 after all obligations was $676,789.22. Contributions coming into the fund were $26,852.71 for the month of May and $21,509.07 for the month of June.
C. Mr. MacLarion announced that there were now 52 apprenticeship program sponsors on the Eligible Training Provider List; an increase of 2 since the previous Council meeting.
D. Council members and sponsors in attendance were reminded of the $1,000 tax credit for new registered apprentices Mr. MacLarion stated that the criteria for the tax credit would the same for calendar year 2018 as it had been in calendar year 2017 and that information and applications for the tax credit could be found on the DLLR Tax Credit page.
E. It was announced that webinars on Maryland Business Works would be presented starting in July.
F. Mr. MacLarion announced that Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth Apprenticeship) had been expanded and would be going statewide. Dorchester County had already committed to do Youth Apprenticeship and a Memorandum of Understanding would be signed on July 17, 2018 and that several other counties have also expressed an interest in doing Youth Apprenticeship.
G. Mr. MacLarion announced that Michelle Butt’s son had joined the military upon graduation from high school and would be leaving shortly for training.
H. Mr. MacLarion introduced Melissa Lehman from the U.S. Department of Labor who would be reviewing Maryland’s grant.
1. Howard County Government Joint Apprenticeship Committee (John F. Vontran) – Occupations of Electrician, HVACR Technician and Plumber. Related instruction to be through the providers listed in Appendix B.
This item was tabled at the May 8, 2018 Council meeting at the request of the Howard County Government as they were still waiting for the County Executive to sign the Standards of Apprenticeship.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced John Peterson and Jannsen Evelyn who were in attendance representing the Howard County Government.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
1. Baltimore City Community College (John F. Vontran) – Occupation of Industrial Maintenance Mechanic. Related instruction to be provided by Baltimore City Community College. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Michael Thomas, Vice President for Workforce Development for Baltimore City Community College, and Patricia Mikos who were in attendance representing Baltimore City Community College. He also introduced Mary Sloat from the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development who had worked with them in the development of the apprenticeship program.
Mr. Smelzer inquired about how many journeyworkers there would be. Mr. Thomas replied that there would be approximately 20 journeyworkers to start out.
Mr. William Taylor asked whether recruitment of apprentices would be from the school system. Mr. Thomas replied that they would be recruiting incumbent workers from the employers who would be participating in the apprenticeship program.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
2. Baltimore Police Department (John F. Vontran) – Occupation of Police Cadet. Related instruction to be provided by the Baltimore Police Department.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Major Marc Partee who was in attendance representing the Baltimore Police Department. He noted the Secretary Schulz has been working actively with Baltimore City Mayor Catherine Pugh in developing apprenticeship opportunities.
Mr. William Taylor inquired as to whether completion of the Police Cadet apprenticeship would automatically lead to entrance into the Police Academy. Major Partee replied that upon reaching age 21, Police Cadets would enter the Police Academy.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
3. Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Inc. (Jane Sinclair) - Occupation of Shipwright. Related instruction to be provided by the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Inc.
Ms. Sinclair presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Steven Byrnes who was in attendance representing the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, Inc.
Mr. Shmelzer made the suggestion that the length of the probationary period be increased from the first 500 hours to twenty-five percent of the term of the apprenticeship. He also inquired about the number of employers that would be participating in the program and the number of journeyworkers. Mr. Vontran noted that this was an individual nonjoint program. Mr. Byrne stated that they have had a formal training program going back to about 1990 which was a two-year program and that about 65 apprentices had gone through that program.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
4. Harford County, Maryland Joint Apprenticeship Committee (John F. Vontran) – Occupations of Electrician, HVACR Technician and Plumber. Related instruction to be through Harford Community College.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced the delegation from the Harford County, Maryland Joint Apprenticeship Committee who were in attendance representing the program.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
5. McLane Foodservice Distribution, Inc., Aberdeen (John F. Vontran) – Occupation of Truck Driver, Heavy. Related instruction to be provided by McLane Foodservice Distribution, Inc., Aberdeen. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Jennifer Clouse and Jay Carter who were in attendance representing McLane Foodservice Distribution, Inc.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
6. St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office (John F. Vontran) - Occupations of Deputy Sheriff (Law Enforcement) and Deputy Sheriff (Corrections). Related instruction to be provided by the Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Captain David Yingling who was in attendance representing the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
7. Washington County Department of Water Quality (Jennifer D. Runkles) – Occupation of Senior Wastewater Operator. Related instruction to be provided as listed in Appendix B.
Ms. Runkles presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced the delegation from the Washington County Department of Water Quality who were in attendance.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
8. WF Delauter & Son, Inc. (Teresa Mena) – Occupation of Project Manager (Construction). Related instruction to be provided by Frederick Community College.
A motion to table this request for registration of Standards of apprenticeship until later in the meeting in order to allow for more time for a representative of WF Delauter & Son, Inc. to arrive was made by Mr. Shmelzer seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
As no one arrived to represent this request, a motion to table it until the September 18, 2018 Council meeting was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved.
9. Carter Enterprise Solutions, LLC (Ginamarie Best) – Occupations of Security Control Assessor, System Security Specialist and Technical Support Specialist. Related instruction to be in-house. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Ms. Best presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Nicole Brown who was in attendance representing Carter Enterprise Solutions, LLC.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Poling, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
1. Berry Plastics Corporation Closure Division (John F. Vontran) Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupations of Machinist and Tool & Die Maker. Request for registration of Maintenance Technician with related instruction to be through the Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership.
A motion to table this item until later in the meeting in order to allow for more time for a representative of the sponsor to arrive was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
Upon the arrival of Lisa Davis, Human Resources Manager for Berry Plastics Corporation, who was representing the sponsor later in the meeting, the Council considered their request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship and addition of the occupation of Maintenance Technician.
A motion to approve the reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for Berry Plastics Corporation for the occupations of Machinist and Tool & Die Maker and the addition of the occupation of Maintenance Technician was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved.
2. Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland, Inc. (John F. Vontran) – Revision to add Cecil Community College and Howard Community College as related instruction class sites.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
3. Liberty Electric, Inc. (Kelton Addison) – Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Electrician.
A motion to approve the request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Electrician for Liberty Electric, Inc. was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
4. Maryland Environmental Service (Jane Sinclair) – Revision to add Sacramento State Water Program as a related instruction provider and to amend the apprentice wage progression schedule.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
5. Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc. (PAE) (Jane Sinclair) - Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Engineering Technician.
A motion to approve the request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc. (PAE) for the occupation of Engineering Technician was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
6. University of Maryland Medical Center (John F. Vontran) - Revision to add the occupations of HVACR Technician and Plumber. Related instruction to be provided by Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc, Baltimore Metropolitan Chapter.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
7. Verso Corporation Multicraft Joint Apprenticeship Committee (John F. Vontran) – Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Instrument-Industrial Maintenance Technician. Revision to hours of on-the-job training from 10,400 hours to 10,000 hours.
Mr. Vontran informed Council members that the representative from Verso Corporation who had intended to be present at the Council meeting had been required to remain at the plant instead due to a situation there that required his attention. He asked that the Council table this request until the September 18, 2018 Council meeting.
A motion to table this request until the September 18, 2018 Council meeting was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Five (5) or More Apprentices):
1. Joseph M. Zimmer, Inc. (Ginamarie Best).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
2. Mid-Atlantic Carpenters’ Training Centers (Ginamarie Best).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
3. Sheet Metal Workers Local 100 JATC (Ginamarie Best).
Employee Representative Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr. recused himself from the Council’s consideration of this item of business.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Bromley and approved with eight (8) members in favor of the motion, none opposed and one (1) abstention.
4. Steamfitters Local No. 602 JATC (Ginamarie Best).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
5. TranZed Apprenticeship Services, LLC (Lorella Dicks).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
6. 1199 SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund (André Keyser).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved.
7. Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (André Keyser).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
8. Capitol Sprinkler Contracting, Inc. (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
9. Carpenters JAC of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania PA (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
10. Monacacy Valley Electric, Inc. (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
11. Road Sprinkler Fitters Local Union 669 JATC (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
12. Cumberland Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 489 JATC (Jennifer D. Runkles).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
13. Maryland Environmental Service (Jane Sinclair).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved. Staff was requested to conduct a follow-up review in one year.
14. Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc. (PAE) (Jane Sinclair).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
15. Choptank Electric Cooperative (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved. Staff was requested to conduct a follow-up review in one year.
16. Baltimore City Joint Apprenticeship Committee (John F Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
17. Baltimore Bricklayers JATC for the Masonry Industry (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved. Staff was requested to conduct a follow-up review in one year.
18. Bear Industries, Inc. (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
19. Delaware Elevator, Inc. (John F. Vontran).
Employer Representative David Smarte recused himself from the Council’s consideration of this item of business.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Cavey and approved with eight (8) members in favor of the motion, none opposed and one (1) abstention.
20. International Union of Elevator Constructors Local No. 7 Joint Apprenticeship Committee (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
21. Ironworkers Local No. 5S JATC (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
22. Nickle Electrical Companies (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
23. Baltimore Area Roofers Joint Apprenticeship Committee Local Union No. 30 (Lorella Dicks).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
24. Chesapeake Sprinkler Company (Jane Sinclair).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved. Staff was requested to conduct a follow-up review in one year.
25. Tree Care Industry Association (Lorella Dicks).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
D. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Fewer Than Five (5) Apprentices):
1. The following program review had been performed and the program was found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner. [No Council Action Required]:
a. Liberty Electric, Inc. (Kelton Addison) – Occupation of Electrician.
1. Spectrum Fire Protection, Inc. effective April 1, 2017.
A motion to accept the voluntary request for cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship for Spectrum Fire Protection, Inc. effective April 1, 2017 was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
1. CroppMetcalfe (John H. Vontran) – Request to register seven (7) apprentice HVACR Technicians with credit for related instruction and/or on-the-job training beyond the fifty percent (50%) level.
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
2. Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Cumberland Valley Chapter (John P. Taylor) – Request to register an apprentice Electrician with credit for related instruction beyond the fifty percent (50%) level.
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
3. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of A.R.E. Fire Protection Services, Inc. (MATC No. 2078) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
4. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Abingdon Montessori School (MATC No. 2178) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
5. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Alton P. Burgess Electrical Contractor, Inc. (MATC No. 779) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
6. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program AM Machine Company, Inc. (MATC No. 844) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
7. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Diamond Sheet Metal (MATC No. 2000) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
8. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Eastern Shore Refrigeration, Inc. (MATC No. 2188) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
9. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Elizabeth L. Phillips Funeral Home, P.A. (MATC No. 1721) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
10. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Ewing Electric (MATC No. 1436) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
11. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Greater Laurel Nursing Home, Inc. (MATC No. 1577) (Christopher D.MacLarion).
12. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of the Greenbelt Nursing Center (MATC No. 1654) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
13. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of MARCOR Delmarva, Inc. (MATC No. 1973) (Christopher D.MacLarion).
14. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Micro Machining, Inc. (MATC No. 1068) (Christopher D.MacLarion).
15. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Milestone Tarrant, LLC (MATC No. 2100) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
16. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Movements Unlimited Performing Arts Company, Inc. (MATC No. 2105) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
17. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Norman Evans Masonry, Inc. (MATC No. 1255) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
18. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of the Office of Dr. Mansour G. Panah, M.D., P.A. (MATC No. 1712) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
A motion to proceed with the deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship programs of A.R.E. Fire Protection Services, Inc., Abingdon Montessori School, Alton P. Burgess Electrical Contractor, Inc., AM Machine Company, Inc., Diamond Sheet Metal, Eastern Shore Refrigeration, Inc., Elizabeth L. Phillips Funeral Home, P.A., Ewing Electric, Greater Laurel Nursing Home, Inc., Greenbelt Nursing Center, MARCOR Delmarva, Inc., Micro Machining, Inc., Milestone Tarrant, LLC, Movements Unlimited Performing Arts Company, Inc., Norman Evans Masonry, Inc. and the Office of Dr. Mansour G. Panah, M.D., P.A. was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved.
19. Request for the approval of Fil-Tec Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
20. Request for the approval of Canapés, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Teresa Mena).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
21. Request for approval of Asplundh Tree Experts, LLC to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
Mr. Leonard informed the Council that National Apprenticeship Week for this year would run from November 12 through November 16, 2018. He stated that there would a website would be available shortly for people to register for National Apprenticeship Week events. Mr. Leonard also noted that USDL/OA had implemented reactivation of inactive apprenticeship programs for their Apprenticeship and Training Representatives to do. Commenting on National Apprenticeship Week, Ms. Banovic observed that more needed to be done to inform students parents and educators about the benefits of apprenticeship.
Mr. Wallace reported that for the first time since he has been the State Director for SkillsUSA, a cabinet member had attended the SkillsUSA National Conference. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos had attended two days of the conference, had been a keynote speaker at one of the evening events and had toured the National SkillsUSA Competitions. He presenated the outcomes for Maryland students who had participated in the competitions and announced that one of them had qualified for the Works Skills Competition to be held in Russia in 2019.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council was adjourned at 12:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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