NOVEMBER 10, 2020 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Mr. Brian Cavey called the fourth virtual meeting of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed all Council members, staff and guests taking part in the meeting. Mr. MacLarion did a roll call of Council members for the minutes of the meeting.
Brian S. Cavey - Chairperson Employee Representative
Allen B. Clinedinst III - Employee Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr. – Employee Representative
Neil E. Wilford, Jr. – Employee Representative
David J. Wilson, Sr. – Employee
Leon W. Bromley - Employer Representative
Michelle L. Butt - Employer Representative
Grant Shmelzer - Employer Representative
David Smarte - Employer Representative
Ronald Leonard - USDL/OA Consultant to the Council
Christine Banovic - Public Representative
*MATP Director Chris MacLarion reported Ms. Banovic informed him in an email that she would be unable to attend because of school obligations.
Tiffany Robinson – Maryland Secretary of Labor
James Rzepkowski - Assistant Secretary for
Workforce Development and
Adult Learning (DWDAL),
Maryland Department of Labor
Angella Moon – Department of Labor, DWDAL
Christopher D. MacLarion – Director, Maryland
and Training Program (MATP)
Jeffrey W. Smith - Program Manager, MATP
Kelton Addison - MATP
Ginamarie Best - MATP
Kevin L. Hunt - MATP
Jennifer D. Runkles - MATP
Jane Sinclair - MATP
John P. Taylor - MATP
Leza Griffith - Maryland Department of Labor
Lorraine Taylor - Carter Machinery
Judi Olinger - Humanim
Judge Mark Scurti - Associate Judge, District
Court of Maryland for
Baltimore City, also
representing Maryland State
Bar Association (MSBA)
Charles Wallace - Maryland State Department of
Jay Bouis - Community College of Baltimore
County (CCBC)
Diane Targarona - CCBC
Carla Milan - Internship and Apprenticeship
Coordinator, Frederick
Community College
Chuck LoSchiavo - Frederick Community College
Adrienne Summer - Howard Community College
April Martinez - AT&T
Brenda Anderson - Project Manager, AT&T
Robert Hendricks - Business Engagement
Representative, Lower Shore
Workforce Alliance
Chip Williams - Lywood Electric
Josh Martin - Seaside Plumbing
Justin Swick - Howard Community College
Chairman Cavey asked Mr. MacLarion to confirm that the minutes for the September MATC meeting were not available to be approved during this meeting. Mr. MacLarion confirmed that Chairman Cavey was correct.
Chairman Cavey then introduced Assistant Secretary Rzepkowski. Assistant Secretary Rzepkowski wished everyone a happy National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), a happy birthday to the U.S. Marine Corps, and a happy Veterans Day.
Assistant Secretary Rzepkowski and Chairman Cavey then introduced Secretary Robinson. Secretary Robinson brought greetings on behalf of the Maryland Governor and the Administration. She said the Governor has consistently been a huge supporter of apprenticeship and jumped at the opportunity to record a video for National Apprenticeship Week. Secretary Robinson referred attendees to the related websites for the video, as well as a video produced by Maryland’s First Lady in Korean and another video recorded in Spanish. She said the Labor team looks forward to Apprenticeship Week every year, but the pandemic has created challenges to promotion this year. Secretary Robinson thanked the apprenticeship team for not missing a MATC meeting despite the pandemic, and for the Council’s 80 sponsor reviews in the past three meetings. The Secretary thanked the MATC Council members for their volunteer service. The Secretary also highlighted news from numerous apprenticeship programs and Youth Apprenticeship. Secretary Robinson said that many recent successes all started with the Council, and she thanked the members again for their service.
Chairman Cavey then directed Mr. MacLarion to proceed with the Director’s Report.
A. Mr. MacLarion reminded everyone participating in the meeting as well as members of the public who were livestreaming it that the meeting was being recorded in order to prepare detailed minutes of
the Council meeting. He wished everyone well.
B. Mr. MacLarion reminded everyone present that it was National
Apprenticeship Week and he thanked everyone for making Maryland’s programs successful. Mr. MacLarion also noted that the next day was Veterans Day. He thanked everyone who has served in the military including relatives of councilmembers, MATP staff and others. He said there were several virtual NAW events across the state and encouraged attendees to view the list on the MATP webpage. He said MATP has received ongoing support from the Governor and Department of Labor leadership.
C. Mr. MacLarion said this meeting marked the last Council meeting for
2020 and the fourth consecutive virtual meeting. He said the
Council and its Sponsors have shown continued flexibility in the
past eight months. He encouraged everyone to continue to follow
COVID guidance when running programs. Mr. MacLarion thanked John
Feaster from the Office of the Assistant Secretary. Mr. Feaster is
the Division’s Chief Learning Officer and during this time he
stepped up to assist the Apprenticeship team with conducting
meetings, using the Webex Platform and then doing all the behind
the scenes work during the meetings.
D. Mr. Maclarion presented an Apprenticeship Training Fund update.
Total Fund Balance as of October 31st, 2020 after all obligations
was $1,004,467.67; September contributions were $18,773.47; and
August contributions were $15,668.47.
E. Mr. MacLarion said the COVID-19 Pandemic has caused sponsors to
change Related Instruction methods. He said the vast majority of
Sponsors shifted some or all of their related instruction to an
online format and that will likely continue into the 2021 school
year. Plan changes include blended learning, smaller class sizes,
rotating A and B day style classes for smaller groups and shifting
to online classes instead of in person. One sponsor started the
year with in-person instruction but shifted to online instruction
because of COVID positive cases.
F. Mr. MacLarion updated the Council on previous reviews with actions
pending. Judd Fire was scheduled for the Office of Administrative
Hearings for October but was cancelled. The new hearing date was
scheduled for December. Livingston Fire submitted a corrective
action plan which complies with their Affirmative Action Plan for
the recruitment and registration of female apprentices. Roofers
Local 34 accepted the revisions to their Corrective Action Plan
from September to expand their recruitments throughout Western
Maryland. SMART 100, of Cumberland, asked for a 30-day extension
which was granted, has regularly updated MATP Staff, has
implemented new outreach measures and has also begun creation of a
comprehensive lists of organizations. Mr. MacLarion said he was
pleased with other initiatives and the progress of SMART 100.
Ralph Degli Obizzi Plumbing had one dozen apprentices scheduled for
testing for their JW license. With the exception of Judd Fire no
further action was needed.
Mr. MacLarion said in the past year the Council has approved
numerous follow ups, letters and other actions to be taken to help
apprenticeship peers improve the quality of their programs. The
Council has provided guidance on outreach, recruitment and
registration of minority and female apprentices and improvement of
completion rates. In almost every single case the Sponsors have
replied immediately and taken strong and decisive measures to
remedy deficiencies and improve their program. Mr. MacLarion
thanked the Council for their dedication.
G. Mr. MacLarion said MATP crossed the 11,000-apprentice mark for the
first time in Maryland. He said this is a result of the work of
the Council. Mr. MacLarion asked attendees to share apprenticeship
success stories with MATP staff, as this is the best way to
highlight the program.
H. Mr. MacLarion said RAPIDS was rapidly making headway toward
multistate registration and more concrete information would be
available in January.
I. Chairman Cavey thanked Mr. MacLarion for his service as a military
veteran, asked if anyone had questions, then asked for a motion to
approve Mr. MacLarion’s report. A motion was made by Mr. Bromley,
seconded by Mr. Shmelzer, and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
1. Carter Machinery Company, Inc. (Christopher D. MacLarion)
Occupations of Construction/Mining Equipment Technician and
Electric Power Generator Technician. Related Instruction to be
provided by Carter Machinery Company, Inc. Request for
registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice
selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and
female apprentices. (item 1)
Mr. Shmelzer said in the qualifications of apprenticeship in the
standards, under residence, Washington D.C. wasn’t identified
and he thought it should be included. Mr. Shmelzer said he was
also unclear about the duties of the Electric Power Generator
Technician. He asked if the generator technician maintains
equipment or connects generators to power. Mr. MacLarion
clarified that generator technicians repair the generators.
Mr. Wilford asked for details of about in-house curriculum. Mr.
MacLarion pointed Mr. Wilford to the resumes of the instruction
providers. Mr. MacLarion said he could provide more information
about the full curriculum if necessary. Mr. Wilford asked that
more details be provided in the future. Mr. MacLarion said he
would request more specific information about the curriculum and
include it in the Carter Machinery file.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Ms. Butt
and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
2. Hamilton-Ryker TalentGro (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Occupations of
Certified Nursing Assistant: Level 1 and Certified Nurse and
Rehabilitative Aide. Related Instruction to be provided in-house
by Commonwealth Senior Living located in Cockeysville, MD.
Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with
apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for
minority and female apprentices. (item 2)
Mr. Shmelzer said there is a discrepancy in the packet regarding
age. One section of the standards lists the qualification age as
18 and another section states age 17. Mr. Smith said that was a
typographical error, the age should be 18, and the error will be
Mr. Klusmann also noted that there was language in the standards
under the qualifications section that was too general and vague.
Mr. Smith said the vague language would be addressed in the
final version.
Mr. MacLarion asked a clarifying question. He asked if the
language “all others identified” would be stricken if
the standards were conditionally approved by the council. Mr.
Klusmann said that language should be stricken. Mr. Smith said
he noted the stricken language, and it would be removed.
Mr. Wilford asked if an apprenticeship certificates resulting
from programs with in-house instruction would be accepted by
other employers. Mr. Smith said the certification would be
accepted by other employers; the certificate is portable.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship with amendments was made by Mr. Shmelzer,
seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
3. Maryland Direct Support Professional Apprenticeship Program
(Jeffrey W. Smith) – Occupation of Direct Support Professional.
Related Instruction to be provided by the National Alliance for
Direct Support Professionals E-Badge Academy, in-house and web-
Based and live class sessions. Request for registration of an
Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and
goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.(item 3)
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Ms. Butt
and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent; Mr. Clinedinst
unavailable to vote).
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent; Mr.
Clinedinst unavailable to vote).
4. Maryland State Bar Association, Inc. (Christopher D.
MacLarion)– Occupation of Lawyer. Related Instruction to be
provided by the Maryland State Bar Association, Inc. Request for
registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice
selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and
female apprentices. (item 4)
Mr. MacLarion stated this program is unique. The creation of
this program was initiated partly because of an order from the
Maryland Court of Appeals. COVID-19 impacted the occupation of
lawyer. Law school graduates have not been able to take the bar
exam. The court order seeks to rectify that by allowing law
school graduates to work in law offices as apprentices. This
represents a historic shift in Maryland. Under the observation
of a lawyer journeyperson, apprentices may offer legal services
without first passing the bar. Two employers are ready to hire
apprentices if the program is approved. Apprentices will
complete their apprenticeship when they pass the bar.
Chairman Cavey invited Judge Scurti to speak. The Judge said
this is a unique situation issued under the Court of Appeals.
The Judge said the apprenticeship allows apprentices 18 months
to pass the bar.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt
and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.
Wilson and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
5. Smoothstack (Christopher D. MacLarion) – Occupation of Junior
Software Developer. Related Instruction to be provided by the
sponsor. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan
with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables
for minority and female apprentices. (item 5)
Mr. MacLarion said Smoothstack is registered in at least two
other states and the apprenticeship program is running well in
those states.
Mr. Shmelzer asked a question about the meaning of codility
under the qualifications for apprenticeship. Mr. MacLarion said
it’s an entry level coding test. Mr. Shmelzer asked if there was
anything in place to make the test equitable. Mr. MacLarion said
he would work with the sponsor to create a template for the
website to view prior to registration.
Mr. Klusmann stated that he has an issue with the coding test.
He’s not sure the test is equitable for entry-level apprentices.
Mr. MacLarion said the program will be reviewed within the first
year, including how apprentices are selected. It should be
evident if the program is not running properly. If “gatekeeping”
is evident, it will be brought before the council. Mr. Shmelzer
said the council will be taking a serious look at that following
the yearly review.
Mr. Shmelzer said he views this program as a great opportunity
for school to apprenticeship. This would support
diversification. Mr. Klusmann agreed.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.
Klusmann and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.
Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
1. American Hotel and Lodging Association (Jane Sinclair) –
Revision to modify the progressive wage schedule to more
accurately reflect Industry Standard for Lodging Manager wages.
(item 6)
Ms. Sinclair said the association’s representative was
unavailable for the meeting. She asked to move forward and
Chairman Cavey obliged.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte,
seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
2. Community College of Baltimore County (Jane Sinclair) - Request
for the addition of the occupation of Patient Care Technician.
Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with
apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for
minority and female apprentices. (item 7)
Mr. Shmelzer asked for clarification about CCBC’s reactivation
of the machinist program. Ms. Sinclair stated the issue with the
machinist occupation is included on the supplemental agenda for
this meeting. Mr. Shmelzer then asked what CCBC will do to
prevent the patient care technician program from going dormant.
Ms. Sinclair said, according to her discussions with CCBC
representatives, they have had extensive interaction with the
University of Maryland Medical System. Ms. Sinclair said MATP
staff should know in a year if more outreach to employers is
Ms. Butt noted that the agenda states pharmacy tech, but the
request is for patient care technician. Ms. Sinclair said
“pharmacy tech” was a typographical error.
Mr. Klusmann asked who the 311 journeypersons are. Ms. Sinclair
said they currently work for the hospital system.
Mr. MacLarion clarified that there are protocols in place to
compare how big a new program could be to how it is actually
A motion to approve the additional occupation was made by Mr.
Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms.
Banovic absent).
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice
selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr.
Wilson and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
3. CVS Health (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Request for revisions to the
work processes, Related Instruction and apprentice wage
progression schedule for the occupation of Pharmacy Technician.
(item 8)
Mr. Shmelzer said he is concerned about the low number of
apprentices, two. Mr. Smith said others have graduated from the
program. He said CVS’ intent is to enroll another cohort of
Mr. Wilford asked for clarification of the job title which is
approved for apprenticeship. Mr. Smith clarified this revision
is only for pharmacy technician.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte,
seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
4. Frederick Community College (Jennifer D. Runkles) - Revision to
add the occupation of Biological Technician. Related Instruction
to be provided by Frederick Community College. (item 9)
Mr. Shmelzer asked if FCC’s apprenticeship committee is holding
meetings related to the previously approved occupation of
emergency management specialist, and what is the plan to meet
for this new occupation. Ms. Runkles said the committee is
currently meeting and she is discussing plans to meet regularly
to address the new occupation. Mr. Shmelzer asked if there is
dedicated staff at the college for these occupations. Ms.
Runkles said FCC has dedicated staff and she is communicating
with college staff monthly basis. Mr. Shmelzer said he is
concerned that the program will not be able to build numbers
because FCC might not reach beyond Frederick County. He is
concerned with sustainability and program growth. Ms. Runkles
said FCC is very serious about growing these programs.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Ms. Butt,
seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
5. Frederick Community College (Jennifer D. Runkles) - Revision to
add the occupation of HVACR Technician. Related Instruction to
be provided by Frederick Community College. (item 10)
Chairman Cavey asked how FCC has supported this occupation in
the past. Ms. Runkles said the entry-level certificate courses
started in 2017. They have been working toward growing interest
in this occupation and they would like to launch a
apprenticeship program.
Mr. Shmelzer noted the remarks state 6,000 hours but they
should state 8,000 hours. He also said there’s no plan to
address licensure and he asked how attendance and make up days
will be addressed. He said he has a lot of concerns. Ms. Runkles
said attendance will be addressed by FCC staff. Mr. Shmelzer
asked how attendance would be communicated to employers because
of prevailing wage concerns.
Ms. Milan stated FCC would frequently liaison with each business
regarding attendance and grades. Ms. Milan also said the
certificate program dating to 2007 (not 2017) is one of the more
successful programs. Mr. Shmelzer asked if it is the intent of
the college to allow students that are not registered
apprentices to take different levels of courses even if they are
not employed. Ms. Milan said all apprentices have to be employed
by a registered employer. Mr. Shmelzer asked what the process
would be to correct on-the-job training (OJT). Ms. Milan said
FCC staff would meet with registered employers regularly. Ms.
Milan said the employer will be tracking the OJT and FCC will be
meeting with employers monthly to collect that data.
Mr. Shmelzer asked how FCC will handle apprentices who are no
longer employed. She said FCC will regularly report to the
Department of Labor and all involved. Mr. Shmelzer said he is
concerned because the college as sponsor will be responsible for
finding new employment for apprentices who become unemployed.
Mr. Klusmann asked how the application process would work. Ms.
Milan said the employer can bring and apprentice or potential
apprentices can access the FCC website and submit a form. A
developmental math test is required for HVAC. The potential
apprentice would then be referred to career services. FCC would
then contact employers to schedule interviews. Mr. Klusmann
asked how diversity would be handled. Ms. Milan said FCC would
attend events and raise awareness to address the diversity.
Chairman Cavey asked how FCC will address issues when
apprentices lose employment through no fault of their own. Mr.
LoSchiavo said FCC has a very close relationship with their
employers. He said FCC will work hand in hand with an unemployed
apprentice, participating employers and would also work to bring
on more participating employers if need be. Chairman Cavey asked
if FCC would allow an employer to hire a new apprentice if
another apprentice was unemployed. Mr. LoSchiavo said he didn’t
want to answer with a hard no.
Mr. Clinedinst asked why the college wants to be the sponsor
when the businesses want apprentices, and why the college is
getting in the middle. Mr. LoSchiavo said there is no local
HVAC apprenticeship program in Frederick County; the college is
providing a service based on input from employers that want to
see a more cohesive training program in place.
Chairman Cavey asked Mr. Clinedinst, as a point of information,
if his jurisdiction covers Frederick County and if he has
signatory employers in Frederick County. Mr. Clinedinst said yes
he covers Frederick County and they have 120 depending. Mr.
Cavey asked Ms. Butt, as a point of information, if ABC
Baltimore covers Frederick County. Ms. Butt said that’s under
the Cumberland Valley chapter which has a large number of
signatory employers. Mr. Shmelzer said the IEC has a large
program in Frederick County as well.
Mr. Clinedinst said he didn’t see an interview process or
minimum requirements in the standards. Mr. MacLarion said when
standards are revised to include a new occupation, the
requirements are not included unless they are also revised. Mr.
Clinedinst said, considering the physical requirements of HVAC,
this should be reconsidered. Mr. MacLarion concurred.
Mr. Shmelzer asked about licensing requirements related to
HVACR. Mr. MacLarion said all HVACR apprenticeship programs in
Maryland have the same requirements for licensure upon
completion of an apprenticeship.
Mr. Clinedinst asked Mr. MacLarion why FCC wants to be a
sponsor. Mr. MacLarion said the college’s reasoning is unique to
them. He referred to the answers already provided by FCC
representatives. They intend to offer value to employers in the
Mr. Clinedinst asked how the college is compensated. Mr.
MacLarion said there are fees for classes much like other
colleges. Mr. Shmelzer said the college will receive, through
MHEC will receive dollars, about $300 to $400 per apprentice
assuming the apprentices complete the program. Mr. Clinedinst
asked if he wanted to switch to the FCC program, could he send
an apprentice to FCC at no cost as the employer. Ms. Milan said
the employer would pay for the education and there is no cost to
the apprentice.
Mr. Clinedinst asked who is monitoring the apprentice at work
and at school, who is going to be the responsible party. Ms.
Milan said Mr. LoSchiavo and his team are responsible.
Mr. MacLarion said he was able to obtain the current standards
of apprenticeship for FCC and clarified the minimum
Mr. Wilford said his biggest concern is selection data, the
rights of the apprentice and potential hindrances to completing
apprenticeship. He would like to see more protections for
Mr. Klusmann reminded everyone that standards typically contain
language to address unemployed apprentices and that the council
can look very carefully at practices during program’s review.
Mr. MacLarion summarized the responsibilities of FCC and
participating employers, as well as eligibility requirements.
Mr. MacLarion said the council could suggest a number of
motions, including conditional approval or action items from
MATP staff.
Mr. Clinedinst said he would like to see more information about
the apprenticeship beyond the training. Mr. MacLarion said a
complete set of standards for FCC is filed.
Chairman Cavey requested a motion, but received not motion. Mr.
MacLarion said there would have to be a motion of some type to
end an agenda item. Chairman Cavey said he thinks an agenda item
dies without a motion. The chairman directed Mr. MacLarion and
staff to determine how staff approaches a lack of a motion. The
council proceeded to the next agenda item without a motion.
6. Humanim, Inc. (Jane Sinclair) revision to the term of
apprenticeship from 4000 hours to 2000 hours. (item 11)
Mr. Wilford asked for clarification that MATP staff discovered
the program could be completed more quickly upon review. Ms.
Sinclair said Mr. Wilford is correct, and the sponsor discovered
this as well, since the program is new.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
Absent; Mr. Wilson unavailable to vote).
7. Lywood Electric, Inc. (Christopher D. MacLarion) - Revision to
register updated Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative
Action Plan. (item 12)
As a point of order, Mr. MacLarion stated that the Secretary of
Labor left the meeting to attend to a prior obligation.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded
by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic Absent).
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and
female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
8. Minnick’s Inc. (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Revision to add School-to-
Apprenticeship language to the Standards of Apprenticeship.
(item 13)
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Shmelzer,
seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
9. Seaside Plumbing, Inc. (Christopher D. Maclarion) - Revision to add
an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures
and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
(item 14)
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and
female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
10. W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc. R & D Division (Kelton Addison) –
Review and Revision to add an Affirmative Action Plan with
Apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for
minority and female apprentices. (item 15)
Chairman Cavey requested clarification. On the agenda W.L. Gore
was listed twice, for approval of an Affirmative Action Plan and
also for a review. Mr. Addison said he was seeking approval for
both the review and Affirmative Action plan in this agenda item.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and
female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and
recommendations, was made by Mr. Clinedinst, seconded by Mr.
Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Five (5) or More Apprentices):
1. Baltimore Area Roofers JAC (Kelton Addison). (item 16)A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
2. Baltimore County Police Department (Kelton Addison). (item 17)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
3. W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc. R & D Division (Kelton Addison). (item 18)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent). 4. Ironworkers Local 5 JATC (Ginamarie Best). (item 19)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
5. Ironworkers Local 5S JATC (Ginamarie Best). (item 20)
Ms. Best briefly lost her WiFi connection. Mr. MacLarion offered a high level review.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
5. Sheet Metal Local 100 – Washington, D.C. Area (Ginamarie Best). (item 21)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
6. Washington, D.C. Joint Plumbing Apprenticeship Committee (Christopher D. MacLarion). (item 22)
Mr. MacLarion, as a point of order, informed the council that Assistant Secretary Rzepkowski had to leave for another meeting.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Clinedinst, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
7. Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers District Council of West Virginia JATC Local 15 (Jennifer D. Runkles). (item 23)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Clinedinst, seconded by Mr. Wilford and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
8. International Assoc. of Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Ironworkers, Local No. 568 JATC (Jennifer D. Runkles). (item 24)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Clinedinst, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
9. Cumberland Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 489 JATC (Jennifer D. Runkles). (item 25)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
10. Mid-Atlantic Carpenters’ Training Centers – Cumberland Area Carpenters (Jennifer D. Runkles). (item 26)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Clinedinst, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
11. Volvo Group Trucks Operation (Jennifer D. Runkles). (item 27)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
12. Western Maryland JATC for the Electrical Industry (Jennifer D. Runkles). (item 28)
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
D. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Fewer Than Five (5) Apprentices):
1. The following program reviews were performed and the programs
were found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner.
[No Council Action Required]:
a. Barnes Electric, Inc. - Occupation of Electrician
(Kelton Addison). (item 29)
b. American Hotel and Lodging Association – Occupation of
Lodging Manager (Jane Sinclair). (item 30)
c. Amick Farms, LLC – Occupation of Maintenance Electrician
(Jane Sinclair). (item 31)
d. Department of the Navy, NWSC IHEODTD – Occupation of
Machinist (Jane Sinclair). (item 32)
e. Holmatro, Inc. – Occupation of Machinist (Jane Sinclair). (item 33)
f. Protegis Fire and Safety – Occupation of Sprinkler Fitter
(Jane Sinclair). (item 34)
g. St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office – Occupations of
Deputy Sheriff Law Enforcement and Deputy Sheriff
Correctional Officer (Jane Sinclair). (item 35)
h. Baltimore Police Department – Occupation of Police Cadet
(Jeffrey W. Smith). (item 36)
1. JMT Services, Inc. (Jeffrey W. Smith). (item 37)
Mr. Shmelzer said it looks like the sponsor is struggling with
paperwork. He asked if this would be resolved the next time the
sponsor is presented to the council. Mr. Smith said this will
not be a problem moving forward.
A motion to accept this provisional review, with staff findings
and recommendations, was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.
Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
1. Joseph M. Zimmer, Inc. effective September 9, 2020. (item 38)
2. Protegis Fire and Safety effective October 8, 2020. (item 39)
3. Tree Care Industry Association effective September 9, 2020. (item 40)
A motion to accept the voluntary cancellation of all three
programs, including Joseph M. Zimmer, Protegis Fire and Tree
Care Industry Association, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded Mr.
Clinedinst and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
1. Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Baltimore
Metropolitan Chapter (Christopher D. MacLarion) - Request to
award a posthumous Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship.
(item 41)
A motion to award a posthumous certificate was made by Mr.
Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer, approved by all members except
Ms. Butt who abstained (Ms. Banovic absent).
2. International Union of Elevator Constructors Local No. 10 Joint
Apprenticeship Committee (Christopher D. MacLarion) – Request to
award a posthumous Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship.
(item 42)
A motion to award a posthumous certificate was made by Mr.
Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer, and unanimously approved.
(Ms. Banovic absent).
3. Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Baltimore
Metropolitan Chapter (Christopher D. MacLarion) Request to award
a posthumous Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship. (item 43)
A motion to award a posthumous certificate was made by Mr.
Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer, approved by all members except
Ms. Butt who abstained (Ms. Banovic absent).
4. International Union of Elevator Constructors Local No. 7
(Christopher D. MacLarion) – Request for After-the-Fact registration
and completion of an apprentice Elevator Constructor. (item 44)
A motion to approve after-the-fact registration was made by Mr.
Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms.
Banovic absent).
5. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards
for the defunct apprenticeship program of Specialty Construction
Management, Inc. (MATC No. 2233) (Christopher D. MacLarion). (item 45)
Mr. Shmelzer asked if MATP staff could contact the one
registered apprentice. Mr. MacLarion said staff would
send a letter to the apprentice.
A motion to approve deregistration was made by Mr. Shmelzer,
seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
6. Request for the approval of Automotive Parts & Machine of
Frederick, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship
Maryland (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles). (item 46)
7. Request for the approval of Alion Science and Technology
Corporation (Alion) to be an eligible employer for
Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jane Sinclair).
8. Request for the approval of C.H. Attick Electric, Inc. to be an
eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth)
(Jane Sinclair). (item 47)
9. Request for the approval of Jordan Research and Development, LLC
to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth)
(Jane Sinclair). (item 48)
10. Request for the approval of Patuxent Partnership, Inc. TPP to
be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth)
(Jane Sinclair). (item 49)
A motion to accept Apprenticeship Maryland eligible employers as
listed here under Section G, items 6 through 10, was made by Mr.
Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Ms.
Banovic absent).
11. Request for High’s of Baltimore to be an eligible employer for
Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (item 50)
Mr. Shmelzer expressed concerns about related instruction. He
asked if the related instruction is really applicable. Mr. Smith
said he would address this issue with the relevant school
A motion to table this item until the next council meeting was
made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously
approved (Ms. Banovic absent).
12. Proposed schedule of Maryland Apprenticeship and Training
Council meetings for calendar year 2021. (item 51)
Chairman Cavey asked if the meetings would be held virtually.
Mr. MacLarion said the January meeting would likely be virtual
and they could discuss this in the January meeting.
A motion to approve the schedule was made by Mr. Wilford,
seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
1. Howard Community College (Christopher D. MacLarion) revision to
Work Processes for the occupation of IT Field Support Specialist
Level I. Request for waiver of ratio from one {1) apprentice to
one (1) journeyworker to two (2) apprentices to one (1)
journeyworker. (item 52)
2. Howard Community College (Christopher D. MacLarion) – Revisions
to Work Processes and Related Instruction for the occupation of
IT Field Support Specialist Level II. Request for waiver of
ratio from one (1) apprentice to one {1) journeyworker to two
(2) apprentices to one (1) journeyworker. (item 53)
3. Howard Community College (Christopher D. MacLarion) - Request
for waiver of ratio from one (1) apprentice to one (1)
journeyworker to two (2) apprentices to one (1) Journeyworker
for the occupation of Information Systems Security Engineer. (item 54)
Mr. MacLarion stated that these items (listed here in Old
Business, Part A items 1 through 3) were tabled at the September
8, 2020 Council meeting as the Council had concerns over
definitions and language in the Work Processes. As to whether
any IT tasks would constitute construction. Staff and the
sponsor were requested to review each occupation and Work
Processes to ensure there were no construction elements involved
and that the safety of the apprentices would be ensured.
Mr. Wilford asked if there would be any construction activities.
Mr. MacLarion cited language from the standards to address this
concern. Mr. Swick said there would be no installation of
electrical wiring that would require an electrician’s license.
A motion to approve items listed here as 1 through 3 was made by
Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved
(Ms. Banovic absent).
1. Baltimore County Police Department (Kelton Addison) – Request
for revision to the Related Instruction and an increase in the
journeyworker hourly wage rate. (item 55)
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Shmelzer,
seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Ms. Banovic
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council was adjourned at 1:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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- September 18, 2018
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- May 8, 2018
- March 13, 2018
- January 9, 2018
- November 14, 2017
- September 12, 2017
- July 11, 2017
- May 9, 2017
- January 10, 2017
- November 15, 2016
- September 13, 2016
- July 14, 2016
- May 26, 2016 Special Called Council Meeting
- May 10, 2016
- March 8, 2016
- January 12, 2016
- November 10, 2015