May 8, 2018 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Mr. William C. Taylor called the Council meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at Delaware Elevator, 2207 Allen Drive, Salisbury, Maryland 21801 and welcomed all Council members, staff and guests in attendance. He thanked Delaware Elevator for hosting the Council meeting and recognized Charles Meeks and David Smarte. Mr. Smarte welcomed the Council meeting to their training center and invited interested Council members, staff and guests to remain after the meeting for a tour our that facility.
Mr. William C. Taylor announced that Council member David J. Wilson, Sr. had been promoted to the position of Assistant Fire Chief for the Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department. He also introduced the newest member of the Council, Public Representative Christine V. Banovic. Ms. Banovic gave Council members a brief overview of her background in education.
Assistant Secretary Rzepkowski noted to the Council that we were getting close to the goal of 10,000 registered apprentices that Governor Hogan had challenged Secretary Schulz and the Department to achieve.
Christine V. Banovic - Public Representative
Brian S. Cavey - Employee Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Jr. – Employee Representative
David J.Wilson, Sr. - Employee Representative
Leon W. Bromley - Employer Representative
Michelle L. Butt - Employer Representative
Edwin Cluster - Employer Representative
David Smarte - Employer Representative
André Keyser - MATP
Teresa Mena - MATP
Jennifer D. Runkles - MATP
Jane Sinclair - MATP
John P. Taylor - MATP
John F. Vontran - MATP
Romina Byrd - Miller and Long Company, Inc.
Daniel G. Bebee - Daniel G. Bebee, Inc. T/A Tri-County Electrical Services
Del. Mary Beth Carozza – Maryland House of Delegates
Nick Caruso - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 24
Dan Cook - Delaware Elevator
Kristin Cornish - Kleppinger Electric Company Inc.
Oden Cowan - International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local No. 7
Jamie Englishmen - Englishmen Electric, Inc.
Otto Girr - Miller and Long Company, Inc.
Martha Laughman - UMBC Training Centers
Bill McDonald - Moon Services, Inc.
Charles Meeks - Delaware Elevator
Mike Moneymaker - Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, Local No. 24
Steve Moon - Moon Services, Inc.
Jason C. Roberts - Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Metropolitan Washington Chapter
Brooke Sharbaugh - Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Chesapeake Shores Chapter
Britta Vander Linden - DLLR
Ellie Webb - Delaware Elevator
Robert F. Yeatman, Jr. – International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local No. 10
I. The first order of business was the approval of the minutes of the March 13, 2018 Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting. The minutes of the March 13, 2018 Council meeting were approved as submitted.
A. Council members were provided with an update on the status of the Apprenticeship Training Fund. Mr. MacLarion stated that the balance in the fund on March 31, 2018 after all obligations was $807,910.98. Contributions coming into the fund were $27,855.61 for the month of March and $25,123.27 for the month of April.
B. Mr. MacLarion gave an update on the DLLR job fair for registered apprenticeship for veterans that was held on May 3, 2018 at the Randallstown Community Center. He stated that approximately 30 registered apprenticeship program sponsors had participated in the job fair and that over 100 attendees had expressed an interest in registered apprenticeship. He thanked all of the registered apprenticeship program sponsors who had participated.
C. The Maryland Apprenticeship Agreement for RAPIDS has been submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor. Once it has been approved, sponsors will only have to use the Maryland RAPIDS Apprenticeship Agreement form.
D. Mr. MacLarion reported that the Apprenticeship Ambassador program continues to reach out for Apprenticeship Ambassadors. Information about the Apprenticeship Ambassador program is on the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation website for those who are interested. He announced that there were now three organizations that are part of the Apprenticeship Ambassador program.
E. Council members were updated on the Apprenticeship USA grant. Mr. MacLarion stated that the U.S. Department of Labor has received Maryland’s application for continued funding for the Apprenticeship USA grant and that we were awaiting to hear from them on the status of that application.
F. Mr. MacLarion informed Council members that the registered apprenticeship job boards for all 30 of the Maryland Americas Job Centers have been received. He encouraged sponsors to submit their materials about their apprenticeship programs to go to the American Job Centers.
G. Mr. MacLarion noted that the number of registered apprenticeship program sponsors that are on the Eligible Training Provider List had grown to 50.
H. Council members were reminded of the $1,000 tax credit for new registered apprentices as well as funds to assist with related instruction costs under Maryland Business Works.
I. Mr. MacLarion noted that Mr. Charles Wallace who normally attends the Council meetings was not able to be at the May meeting as he was being recognized by the Maryland State Department of Education for his many years of service.
1. Karl Manufacturing Company, Inc. (Lorella Dicks) – Request for Reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Machinist with updates to the related instruction schedule, on-the-job work processes, apprentice wage progression schedule and average journeyworker hourly wage rate.
This item was tabled at the March 13, 2018 Council meeting as a representative of the sponsor was not able to be in attendance at that meeting.
As there was no one in attendance at this Council meeting representing Karl Manufacturing Company, Inc., a motion to again table this request until the July 10, 2018 Council meeting was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
1. Moon Services, Inc. (Kelton Addison) - Occupation of HVACR Technician. Related instruction to be through New Castle County Vo-Tech Adult Education at Hodgson Vo-Tech in Glasgow, De. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices. [Printed Standards Forms].
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Mr. Steve Moon and Mr. Bill McDonald who were present at the meeting representing Moon Services, Inc.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
2. Daniel G. Bebee, Inc., T/A Tri-County Electrical Services (John F. Vontran) – Occupation of Electrician. Related instruction to be through Sussex Tech Adult Education in Laurel, De. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices. [Printed Standards Forms].
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Mr. Daniel G. Bebee who was present at the meeting representing Daniel G. Bebee, Inc., T/A Tri-County Electrical Services.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
3. Howard County Government Joint Apprenticeship Committee (John F. Vontran) – Occupations of Electrician, HVACR Technician and Plumber. Related instruction to be by the providers listed in Appendix B.
Mr. Vontran informed Council members that he had received a telephone call from the Howard County Government Joint Apprenticeship Committee stating that they were still waiting for the County Executive to sign off on the Standards of Apprenticeship but that they would definitely be at the July 10, 2018 Council meeting and requested that this item be tabled until then.
A motion to table this request until the July 10, 2018 Council meeting was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
4. UMBC Training Centers (John F. Vontran) – Occupation of Certified Cyber Analyst Operator. Related instruction to be provided by UMBC Training Centers. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Ms. Martha Laughman who was present at the meeting representing UMBC Training Centers. He added that they were requesting a competency-based program and also a ratio of two (2) apprentices to one (1) journeyworker.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Cluster, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
5. Miller and Long Company, Inc. (John F. Vontran) – Occupations of Form Builder/Setter, Cement Mason, Reinforcing Ironworker and Operating Engineer. Related instruction to be provided by Miller and Long Company, Inc. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Ms. Romina Byrd and Mr. Otto Girr who were present representing Miller and Long Company, Inc.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Cluster and approved with eight (8) Council members in favor of the motion and one (1) Council member opposed.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
1. Kleppinger Electric Company, Inc. (Jane Sinclair) – Revision to add I.E.C. Chesapeake, Inc. (Online), I.E.C. Chesapeake, Inc. 4 year electrical program and Chesapeake College Electrician Training Program as related instruction providers.
Ms. Sinclair presented this request to the Council and introduced Ms. Kristin Cornish who was present at the meeting representing the sponsor.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
2. Englishmen Electric Inc. (John F. Vontran) – Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Electrician with an update to the journeyworker average wage rate.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Electrician with an update to the journeyworker average wage rate and introduced Mr. Jamie Englishmen who was present at the meeting representing the sponsor.
A motion to approve the reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for Englishmen Electric, Inc. for the occupation of Electrician with an update to the journeyworker average wage rate was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Five (5) or More Apprentices):
1. Baltimore Cement Masons JAC (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
2. Baltimore Sheet Metal Workers Local 100 (André Keyser).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
3. Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers District Council of West Virginia JATC Local 15 (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
4. Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Cumberland Valley Chapter (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review with, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
5. Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Metropolitan Washington Chapter (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
6. Harford County Electrical Contractors Association, Inc. (Kelton Addison).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cluster, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
7. Ironworkers Local No. 5 JATC (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
8. Johns Hopkins Hospital (André Keyser).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
9. Karon Masonry, Inc. (Ginamarie Best).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
10. Kinsley Construction, Inc. (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cluster, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
11. Laborers’ Joint Training Fund of Washington, D.C. and Vicinity (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
12. Maryland Laborers’ Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
(John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
13. Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department (John F. Vontran).
Employee Representative David J. Wilson, Sr. recused himself from the consideration of this item of Council business.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Cavey and approved with eight (8) Council members in favor of the motion and one (1) abstention.
14. United Union of Roofers, Water-Proofers and Allied Workers Local Union No. 34 JATC (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
D. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Fewer Than Five (5) Apprentices):
1. The following program review had been performed and the program was found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner. [No Council Action Required]:
a. Simplex Grinnell (Jane Sinclair) – Occupations of Protective Signal Installer and Sprinkler Fitter.
1. Weinschel Corporation effective March 12, 2018.
A motion to accept the voluntary request for cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the Weinschel Corporation effective March 12, 2018 was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
1. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of AIP Child Care Center (MATC No. 2161) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
2. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Fairchild Space Company (MATC No. 1904) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
3. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Freestate Thermal Insulation, Inc. (MATC No. 1569) (Christopher D. MacLaraion).
4. Recommendation for derigistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Garland Laboratory (MATC No. 1905) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
5. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of John L. Mattingly Construction Company (MATC No. 1361) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
6. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Machinecraft, Inc. (MATC No. 1942) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
7. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of MEELP, Inc. T/A Forrest (MATC No. 2239) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
8. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Patuxent Fire Protection, Inc. (MATC No. 2058) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
9. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of R.A. Clark, Inc. (MATC No. 1786) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
10. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Rubright Machine Company (MATC No. 1838) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
11. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Tri-State Refrigeration, Inc. (MATC No. 1196) (Christopher D. MacLarion).
A motion to proceed with the deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship programs of AIP Child Care Center, Fairchild Space Company, Freestate Thermal Insulation, Inc., Garland Laboratory, John L. Mattingly Construction Company, Machinecraft, Inc., MEELP, Inc. T/A Forrest, Patuxent Fire Protection, Inc., R.A. Clark, Inc., Rubright Machine Company and Tri-State Refrigeration, Inc. was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
12. Washington, D.C. Joint Plumbing Apprenticeship Committee (John F. Vontran) – Request to award a posthumous Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship.
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
13. Request for the approval of B&D Consulting, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
14. Request for the approval of KM Appraisals, LLC to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
15. Request for the approval of Tri-County Pump Service, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
Assistant Secretary Rzepkowski informed the Council that there was a local elected official in attendance at the meeting and introduced Delegate Mary Beth Carroza. He thanked her on behalf of Governor Hogan and the Administration for reaching out to businesses in her part of the State and encouraging them to become part of the program; one such business being Tri-County Electrical Services that led to them becoming registered. Del. Carozza thanked the Council for holding the Council meeting at Delaware Elevator on the shore. She stated that she continues to have employers come to her as an elected Delegate expressing the need for a skilled workforce. She added that she tries to be a link between employers, the school system and the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing Regulation. She commended the employers for stepping up with apprenticeship programs and commended the Council for their work and informed the Council of her willingness to do whatever is needed to expand registered apprenticeship in her three counties.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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