September 10, 2024 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Councilmembers* - Title/Affiliation
Brian S. Cavey
- Chairman/Employee Representative
Lateefah Durant
- Public Representative
Shuanta Chapple
- Public Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr.- Employee Representative
Terreia Smalls - Employee Representative
Stephanie Anderson - Employer Representative
Minah Woo - Employer Representative
Grant Shmelzer - Employer Representative
Tasha Cornish - Employer Representative
Chris Hadfield - Employer Representative
* Before the meeting convened, Employee Representative Harry Preston and Employee Representative Neil E. Wilford, Jr. notified Director Chris Maclarion that he would be unable to attend.
Other Attendees -Title/Affiliation
John Feaster - Deputy Assistant Secretary, Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL), Maryland Department of Labor (MD Labor)
Amanda Denison - Maryland Assistant Attorney General
Christopher D. MacLarion - Director, Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP), MD Labor
Pam Luby - MATP, MD Labor
Aneta Lefterov - MATP, MD Labor
Alicia Dennis - MATP, MD Labor
Teresa Mena - MATP, MD Labor
Marshel Pollock - MATP, MD Labor
Kevin Hunt - MATP, MD Labor
Angela Clark - MATP, MD Labor
Angela Harkness - MATP, MD Labor
Amy Belt - MATP, MD Labor
Sheila Jackson - MATP, MD Labor
Laura Wright - MATP, MD Labor
Karen Parker - MATP, MD Labor
Coral Crawford - MATP, MD Labor
Wayne Salter - MATP, MD Labor
Mark W. Howe - MATP, MD Labor
Gina Best - MATP, MD Labor
Jennifer Runkles - MATP, MD Labor
Lynn Stone - MATP, MD LAbor
Lloyd Day -MD Labor, DWDAL
Ellie Marts -MD Labor, DWDAL
Anahitta Mian -MD Labor, DWDAL
Pamela B. Clay -Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)
Tiffany Davis -Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maryland Transit Authority (MTA)
James Fisher - MDOT MTA
Mark Burkhardt -MDOT MTA
Kylee Parker Sr. -MDOT MTA
Yvette Clark -Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED)
Carl Kushinsky -Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC)
Elizabeth Anderson -AAWDC
Scott Wallace -AAWDC
Amanda Rosenbloom -Worksource Montgomery (WSM)
Mona Tinaza -WSM
Dolly Bermudez -Howard County Workforce Development (HCWD)
Vanda Yamkovenko -Asian American Center of Frederick (AACF)
Noell Damron -Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)
Elizabeth Wojtisek -CCBC
Jay Bouis -CCBC
Kimberly Williams -Prince George’s Community College (PGCC)
Dawn Carter -PGCC
Amanda Levine -Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS)
Thomas Dickinson -AACPS
Ryan Sackett -AACPS
Kelly Stutzman -AACPS
Chris Klein -Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities (AACDDF)
Lewis Ray -W.L. Gore & Associates
Tim Thomas -W.L. Gore & Associates
Tiffany Herman -W.L. Gore & Associates
Dr.Malcolm Adams -AS Peoria LLC (Avid Solutions International)
Xavier Walter -AS Peoria LLC (Avid Solutions International)
William Kline -AMCO
Samuel Hilgartner -Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM)
Mario A. Riaño -Clark Construction Group
Chuck Cain -Homatro, Inc.
Chip Williams -Lywood Electric Inc.
Dr.Amy Stewart -Night Watch Childcare
Mike Funk -International Union of Operating Engineers Local No.37
David White -Pohanka Technical Training Center
Chairman Cavey called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. at the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 37 (5021 North Point Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21219 ).
Chairman Cavey welcomed all Council members, staff and guests to the September Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council (MATC) meeting. He extended his thanks to the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 37 for hosting the meeting and providing breakfast for guests.
Chairman Cavey asked Council members, staff, and guests to go around the room and introduce themselves.
Following introductions, the Chairman thanked all for attending and invited Deputy Assistant SEcretary John Feaster to say a few words on behalf of the Maryland Department of Labor (MD Labor).
Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster thanked Chairman Cavey to share some updates on behalf of the Department of Labor and Secretary Wu. He shared that the Apprenticeship 2030 Commission continues to meet and that there are 6 workgroups within the Commission where MATC members and Labor staff are heavily engaged. He added that Assistant Secretary Roth is chairing a workgroup on simplifying the sponsorship registration process and is actively engaging with MATC members participating in the workgroup.
Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster stated that the 6 workgroups and the larger Apprenticeship 2030 Commission are slated to contribute to a series of recommendations to the Maryland General Assembly (MGA) for legislators to consider for the upcoming legislative session. He added that the Commission is planning to vote on the final recommendations to scale Registered Apprenticeship (RA) on December 5, 2024.
Chairman Cavey thanked Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster for the updates and asked Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP) Director, Chris MacLarion, to present the Director’s Report.
Mr. MacLarion addressed Chairman Cavey, Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster, the Council members and guests and welcomed everyone to the September MATC meeting. Mr. Maclarion thanked the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 37 and Mike Funk for hosting the meeting and providing breakfast.
Mr. Maclarion provided an Apprenticeship Training Fund update:
- Total Fund Balance as August 31, 2024 after all obligations is $1,552,826.83
- July contributions: $15,829.50
- August contributions: $24,544.08
- Fund expenditures during the period totaled $1,555.00.
Mr.Maclarion said that 2024 continues to be a busy year for Registered Apprenticeship in Maryland and he shared that there were over 12,000 Apprentices registered in a host of industries as of the end of August. He also added that there continues to be strong results from sponsors with over 1,650 Apprentices having graduated so far this year.
Mr.MacLarion said that MD Labor continues to see growing interest from Maryland employers in ways that they can train their workforce, invest in their employees and increase the value of that investment without passing the cost on to the employee.
Mr.MacLarion stated that the agenda is diverse and robust and went on to highlight a few items.
- Mr.MacLarion said that he and his team are excited to have the Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities on the agenda. He shared that corrections and law enforcement was once a huge staple in Apprenticeship and he shared that he hopes this is the start of a process to implement Apprenticeship in all correctional facilities. He also thanked Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC) for their partnership and assistance in developing this program.
- Mr.MacLarion stated that he and his team are excited to have another community college joining the program and bringing with them employers who will be investing in their Apprentices and providing an associates degree at no cost to the Apprentice.
- Mr.MacLarion shared that the agenda also includes the occupation of Energy Specialist that is new to the state of Maryland, and will support the Moore-Miller Administration’s passion to implement more green energy initiatives.
- Mr.MacLarion highlighted two more agenda items, including the addition of a new IT program as well as a new childcare provider on the Eastern Shore that offers day and night care.
Mr.MacLarion shared that MD Labor and MATP are continuing to modify the packet and agenda process to try and make everything as seamless as possible. He said that MATP has received feedback on the current agenda and stated that the bookmarks will include the item along with the number for the next meeting agenda.
Mr.MacLarion shared that there are a number of MATP staff that are not present and that he will be presenting in their absence.
Mr.MacLarion said that agenda Item 26 is removed from the agenda due to staff error.
Mr.MacLarion requested that the November MATC meeting be rescheduled to November 19, 2024 to align with National Apprenticeship Week.
In closing, Mr. Maclarion thanked the Council for their time and offered to answer any questions.
Chairman Cavey suggested that Mr.MacLarion also report on all of the Apprenticeship programs they engage with, not just the programs on the agenda, to highlight ALL of the important work that MATP does.
Mr.MacLarion replied that while MATP receives many inquiries from employers on a weekly basis, a number of them do not meet the qualifications and therefore, do not make it onto the MATC agenda. He provided some examples of these cases such as employers that are trying to Apprentice 1099 workers (instead of W2) or employers trying to establish a program for non-Apprenticeable occupations. He added that MATP staff spend significant time connecting with those employers and explaining what Apprenticeship is and if it could work for them.
Chairman Cavey thanked Mr.MacLarion and his team for all the hard work they do behind the scenes.
A motion to approve the request to reschedule the November MATC meeting for November 19, 2024 was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee Representatives, Harry Preston and Neil Wilford were absent).
A motion to approve the Director’s Report was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Ms.Durant and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Chairman Cavey thanked Mr.MacLarion for his presentation of the Director’s Report and proceeded to ask the Council if members had an opportunity to review the minutes from the July Council meeting. Council members collectively confirmed that they reviewed the minutes in full.
III. Minutes of the July 9, 2024 Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting.
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr.Smalls, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved at 9:22 a.m .(Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
- Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities (Chris MacLarion) – Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Correctional Officer. (ITEM 1)
Mr.MacLarion stated that he was joined by the Superintendent for the Department of Detention Facilities for Anne Arundel County, Mr.Christopher Klein, to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Food Service Manager. He provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to answer any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if the required drug test is included as part of the physical condition requirements for the occupation. Mr.MacLarion responded affirmatively.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with the removal of “internship” language was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved. (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - AS Peoria LLC (Avid Solutions International) (Angela Harkness)– Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship for a new program for the occupation of Network and Computer System Specialist.(ITEM 2)
Ms. Harkness stated that she was joined by Dr.Malcolm Adams, the Founder and CEO of AS Peroria LLC to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Network and Computer System Specialist. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Mr.Klusmann asked how the Apprentices’ seat-time will be tracked. Dr.Adams replied, explaining that seat time will be monitored and tracked through CompTIA.
Ms.Woo asked if there are any employers registered to take on the Apprentices. Mr.MacLarion said that AS Peoria LLC is both the sponsor and the employer for this program.
Mr.Smalls asked if the Apprentices are required to provide their own equipment. Dr.Adams said that equipment is provided at no cost to the student.
A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Building Performance Association (Pam Luby) – Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Energy Specialist. (ITEM 3)
Ms. Luby stated that she was joined by Mr.Xavier Walter from the Building Performance Association (BPA) to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and an Affirmative action plan for the occupation of Energy Specialist. She provided some additional background information on the occupation and the new group non-joint program and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Ms.Durant pointed out that in the packet it lists the occupation as an “installation technician” and asked Ms.Luby to clarify what the occupation is. Ms.Luby said that the mention of “installation technician” is a typo and it should say Energy Specialist.
Mr.Shmelzer asked about the sponsor’s plans for recruitment. Mr.Walter said they are a national nonprofit and have many members and partners in Maryland that will help with recruitment. Additionally he added that they will also partner with the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to extend their reach with recruitment.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if the sponsor will have specific and targeted outreach efforts in Maryland.
Mr.Walter confirmed that they will.
A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Ms.Anderson and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Mr.Walter thanked the MATP team and the Council. - Night Watch Childcare (Alicia Dennis) – Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Child Care Professional. (ITEM 4)
Ms.Dennis stated that she was joined by Dr.Amy Stewart, the CEO of Nightwatch Childcare to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Child Care Professional. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if the employer will provide equipment for the students Ms.Dennis confirmed that the employer will supply all necessary equipment at no cost to the Apprentice.
A motion to approve this new program was made by Ms.Woo, seconded by Mr.Hadfield and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Prince George’s Community College (Lynn Stone) – Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupations of Lodging Manager and Food Service Manager. (ITEM 5)
Ms.Stone stated that she was joined by Ms.Kimberly Williams, Coordinator of Hospitality Management at Prince George’s Community College (PGCC), to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupations of Lodging Manager and Food Service Manager. She provided some additional background information on the occupation and program and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Ms.Durant asked why the Sponsor did not take advantage of the School-to-Apprenticeship (STA) option.
Ms.Williams said that the Apprentices need to be able to work full-time.
Ms.Durant clarified that an employer may opt to only take on Apprentices that are able to work full-time but it is not a rule that the Apprentices must be 18.
Ms.Stone clarified that she informed the sponsor and employers of the STA option, however, the employers opted not to implement it in the program.
Mr.Klusmann asked how many Apprentices the sponsor anticipates having.
Ms.William said that they need to have at least 20 Apprentices per year to meet the guidelines of a grant they received. Mr.Klusmann asked how they plan to recruit the Apprentices.
Ms.Williams said that the employers have identified incumbent workers to join the program and will recruit from outside as well through Employ PG. She also said that the employers will interview prospective Apprentices that are identified.
Ms.Stone added that the colleges that are part of this grant are able to partner with additional entities to assist with recruitment and outreach.
Mr.Shmelzer expressed his concern that the sponsor will wait until they get 20 students to begin the classes.
She said that the Apprentices will be in the same classes as the open enrollment students upon registration.
A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Kulssman and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
- Asian American Center of Frederick (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for revision of Standards to add the additional occupation of Certified Nursing Assistant. (ITEM 6).
Ms.Runkles said that she was joined by Ms.Vanda Yamkovenko, Apprenticeship Coordinator for the Asian American Center of Frederick to request the Council's approval for a revision of Standards to add the additional occupation of Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). She provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Ms.Chapple pointed out a discrepancy in the journey worker rate. She said that on the first page of the packet it says that the rate is $18 per hour and then later in the packet it says that the rate is $20 per hour. Ms.Runkles clarified that there was a typo and that the Journeyworker rate is $18 per hour.
Ms.Chapple expressed some concerns about the diversity rate of the program and asked what is being done to achieve their diversity goals. Ms.Runkles said that the Asian American Center of Frederick is actively conducting extensive outreach and has recruited both male and female minorities for the program.
A motion to approve this revision of Standards was made by Ms.Chapple, seconded by Mr.Hadfield and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Community College of Baltimore County (Alicia Dennis) – Request for revision of Standards to modify Related Instruction for the occupation of Cyber Security Support Technician, revision to selection procedures, and reactivation of Cyber Security Support Technician. (ITEM 7).
Ms.Dennis said that she was joined by Mr.Jay Bouis, Noell Damron, and Elizabeth Wojtisek from the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) to request the Council's approval for a revision of Standards to modify Related Instruction for the occupation of Cyber Security Support Technician, revision to selection procedures, and reactivation of Cyber Security Support Technician. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the modifications to the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if STA language was included for the occupation of Cyber Security Support Technician.
The sponsor responded “no”.
Mr.Shmelzer asked Mr.Bouis if any of the other occupations have STA included.
Mr.Bouis said that none of the occupations include STA language.
Mr.Shmelzer expressed concern that sponsors are not opting to include the STA language despite many myths surrounding age being disproved. He mentioned that the Apprenticeship community will play a large role in achieving the goals of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and that a significant part of that is encouraging students to get involved in Apprenticeship while still enrolled in high school.
Ms.Durant expressed her agreement with Mr.Shmelzer.
Ms.Durant asked why the industry certifications have been removed.
Mr.Damron said that while they encourage students to pursue the certifications, they have removed it as part of the program due to the significant cost imposed on the student.
Ms.Durant said that the student paying for exams is contrary to the Standards that say that the Apprentices will bear no cost for the program. She asked why the cost of the exams is imposed on the students.
Mr.Damron said that in most cases the employers will cover the cost of the exams but not always Ms.Anderson said that the employers need to cover the cost of exams if the Standards say that Apprentices will bear no cost.
Mr.Klusmann and Mr.Shmelzer expressed agreement with Ms.Durant and confusion and hesitancy surrounding the removal of the IRCs.
A motion to reject this revision of Standards was made by Ms.Durant, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously rejected(Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Ms.Woo highlighted that one of the major benefits to Registered Apprenticeship is the transferability of credentials. She said to strip a program of credential defeats the purpose. - Chesapeake Maritime Museum (Pam Luby) – Request for revision of Standards to modify the on the job learning and Related Instruction for the occupation of Shipwright. (ITEM 8).
Ms.Luby said that she was joined by Mr.Sam Hilgartner, Vessel Conservation Manager with the Chesapeake Maritime Museum, to request the Council's approval for a revision of Standards to modify the on the job learning and Related Instruction for the occupation of Shipwright. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Ms.Durant asked if there were any other participating employers. Ms.Luby said that the Museum is currently the only employer.
A motion to approve this revision of Standards was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Holmatro Inc. (Chris MacLarion) – Request to reactivate the occupation of Machinist. (ITEM 9).
Mr.MacLarion said that he was joined by Mr.Chuck Cain, Manager of Holmatro Inc., to request the Council's approval to reactivate the occupation of Machinist. He provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if the sponsor decided not to include STA language. Mr.MacLarion responded affirmatively but said that MATP will go back to sponsors and inquire about including STA language if they have not done so already.
Ms.Durant asked why the sponsor wanted to reinstate the program. Mr.MacLarion said that the program is rather small and that they just recently had 2 new openings for Apprentices.
A motion to approve this reactivation was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Hadfield and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - JMT Services, Inc. (Pam Luby) – Request for revision of Standards to update progressive wage scale for the occupation of Sheet Metal Worker.(ITEM 10)
Ms.Luby requested a revision of Standards to update progressive wage scale for the occupation of Sheet Metal Worker at JMT Services. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve this revision of Standards was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Lywood Electric Incorporated (Chris MacLarion) – Request for revision of Related Instruction for the occupation of Electrician. (ITEM 11).
Mr.MacLarion said that he was joined by Mr.Chip Williams, Human Resources Manager at Lywood Electric Inc., to request revision of the Related Instructions for the occupation of Electrician. He said that they would like to add Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) Chesapeake as a Related Instruction provider and the use of Wor-Wic Community College as the location for Related Instruction to take place. He then provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer requested that the language reads that the Related Instruction will take place at IEC facilities instead of Wor-Wic Community College. Mr.MacLarion said he will make that change.
A motion to approve this revision to Related Instruction at IEC facilities was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Ms.Woo and approved. Mr.Shmelzer abstained (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Maryland Department of Transportation, Maryland Transit Administration (Jane Sinclair) – Request to reactivate the occupation of Bus Maintenance Mechanic. (ITEM 12)
Mr.MacLarion said that he was joined by MDOT MTA staff to request the Council's approval to reactivate the occupation of Bus Maintenance Mechanic. He provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve this reactivation was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Hadfield and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Pohanka Automotive Training Center (Alicia Dennis) – Request to revise Standards of Apprenticeship to add the occupation of Auto Body Technician. (ITEM 13)
Ms.Dennis said that he was joined by Mr.Dave White to request the Council's approval to revise Standards of Apprenticeship to add the occupation of Auto Body Technician. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve this reactivation was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Ms.Durant and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - W.L. Gore & Associates Inc. (Amy Belt) – Request to revise Related Instruction for the occupation of Machinist. Ms.Belt said that she was joined by Ms.Tiffany Davis, Mr.Lewis Ray, and Mr.Tim Thomas of W.L. Gore & Associates to request revision of the Related Instructions for the occupation of Machinist. She then provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take questions from the Council. A motion to approve this revision to Related Instruction was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Ms.Woo and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Chairman Cavey called for a 10-minute comfort break before advancing to Agenda Item 15.
- Beitzel Corporation (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for approval of provisional program review. (ITEM 15)
Ms.Runkles presented a provisional review for the Beitzel Corporation for the occupations of HVAC-R Technician, Electrician, Heavy Equipment Operator, and Construction Craft Laborer. She said that upon the review there were no findings. Ms.Runkles said that MATP staff recommended approval of this review and concluded by offering to take any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve this review was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Hadfield and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Campaign for the Historic Trades (Chris MacLarion) – Request for approval of provisional program review. (ITEM 16)
Mr.MacLarion presented a provisional review for the Campaign for Historic Trades. He said that it has been nearly a year since the Campaign for Historic Trades was registered as a sponsor but they still need a little bit more time to register their first Apprentice. Mr.MacLarion said that Jane Sinclair has been working with them once a month to assist with outreach, registration, and getting the program started. Mr.MacLarion said that MATP staff recommended approval of this review and an extension of the provisional period. He concluded by offering to answer any questions from the Council
Ms.Durant asked why they haven't registered any Apprentices. Mr.MacLarion said that it is most likely due to the fact that the historical trades aren't as common as some other industries such as construction. He said that Apprentices can be limited by the availability of work in the state as the work is very niche and is centered around the way a trade was done traditionally, many years ago.
A motion to approve this review with the recommendation of an extended provisional review period was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Parker Plastics (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for approval of provisional program review. (ITEM 17)
Ms.Runkles presented a provisional review for Parker Plastics for the occupation of Industrial Maintenance Technician. She said that upon the review there were no findings. Ms.Runkles said that MATP staff recommended approval of this review and offered to take any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve this review was made by Ms.Durant, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Right Elevator (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for approval of provisional program review. (ITEM 16)
Ms.Runkles presented a provisional review for Right Elevator for the occupation of Elevator Constructor. She said that upon the review there were no findings. Ms.Runkles said that MATP staff recommended approval of this review and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer pointed out deficiencies in the sponsor’s diversity goals and asked if the outreach that the sponsor is conducting is in-person and genuine.. Ms.Runkles confirmed that the outreach is being done in person and that staff is making a full-fledged effort to recruit a greater diversity of Apprentices.
Mr.Klusmann said that he would like to see an increase in the number of female minority Apprentices.
A motion to approve this review was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr. Hadfield and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Chairman Cavey stated that Items 19-22 are requests for cancellations of Apprenticeship Standards (defunct programs or voluntary cancellations). He asked the Council members to entertain a motion to group them together.
Mr.Shmelzer made a motion to group together Items 19-22 so that they can be voted on together. Mr.Klusmann seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
- Advanced Vision Systems, Inc. (Laura Wright) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 19)
See Item 22 for Council vote. - Nyla Technology Solutions (Marshel Pollock) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 20)
See Item 22 for Council vote. - Robert A. Pumphrey Funeral Home (Aneta Lefterov) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 21)
See Item 22 for Council vote. - Ronco Mechanical Contractors Inc. (Karen Parker) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 22)
See Item 22 for Council vote.
A motion to approve Items 19-22 was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
- AMCO Metal Products (Sheila Jackson) – Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 23)
Ms.Jackson said that she was joined by Mr.William Kline of AMCO Metal Products to request Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training for the occupation of Glazer. She clarified that the Apprentice has completed the OJT, however, they have only completed 50% of the required Related Instruction. The sponsor would like to register them to reap the benefits of the Related Instruction. Ms.Jackson said that she will yield to the Council in terms of next steps and offered to take any questions.
Ms.Anderson asked what the Apprentice has completed so far in terms of Related Instruction.
Mr.Kline said that the Apprentice has 8,000 hours of OJT but would like him to reap the full benefits of the Apprenticeship Program.
Mr.MacLarion asked if the Apprentice will complete all 3 years of the schooling.
Mr.Kline confirmed that the Apprentice will go through all 3 years of schooling.
Mr.MacLarion asked if the Apprentice is being paid 100% of the Journeyworker rate.
Mr.Kline said that if the Apprentice is doing Glazer labor they are being paid the Journeyworker rate for that work.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if the Apprentice is categorized as Journeyworker prior to the request.
Mr.Kline said that the Apprentice was actually categorized as a Laborer, however, they pay their employees Glazer wages when performing glazing work.
Mr.Smalls asked how the sponsor is tracking their hours worked on site.
Mr.Kline said that they have a system that has the Apprentice log in as a Glazer or otherwise for whatever project they are working on. He said that they are responsible for keeping their own time but it is reviewed by managers and there is a GPS aspect of the application that ensures the Apprentices are on the project site. Additionally, Mr.Kline added that there would be other Glazer’s on-site as well, including a foreman, to supervise and validate their time worked.
Mr.Shmelzer clarified that the sponsor is requesting credit for 8,000 hours of OJT and he asked if that OJT was separated out from the time the Apprentice spent working as a Glazer versus a Laborer.
Mr.Kline said that the 8,000 hours of OJT are the total amount of time worked with the previous company and they were not tracked separately as Glazer versus Laborer.
Mr.Shmelzer expressed concern about the record keeping.
Mr.MacLarion said that the moment that the Apprentice becomes registered they are considered a Glazier Apprentice. He said that since the Apprentice has met the OJT requirement they must be paid the Journey worker rate,however, they cannot supervise other Apprentices until he completes the full program.
A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Asian American Center of Frederick (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for registration of Apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training, request for registration after the fact. (ITEM 24)
Ms.Runkles requested Council approval for the registration of 5 Apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of the Asian American Center of Frederick for the occupation of Community Health Worker. She added that she is requesting credit for 50% Related Instruction for 4 Apprentices and after-the-fact registration for 1 Apprentice. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve the request for registration of Apprentices with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland (Angela Harkness) - Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 25)
Ms.Harkness requested Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and approved. Ms.Anderson abstained (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). 26. H
- Lywood Electric Inc. (Chris MacLarion) – Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 27)
Mr.MacLarion requested Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of Lywood Electric Inc. He provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Ms.Durant and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - Road Sprinkler Fitters Union Local 699 JATC (Sheila Jackson) – Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 28)
Ms.Jackson requested Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of Road Sprinkler Fitters Union Local 699 JATC. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Chairman Cavey stated that agenda items 29-71 and supplemental agenda items 4-6 are all eligible employer requests for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (AMP). He opened the floor for Council discussion on any items regarding Youth Apprenticeship.
Ms.Durant asked if there is a way that MATP staff could indicate which Youth programs include an Industry Recognized Credential (IRC). Mr.MacLarion said that MATP can do that moving forward.
Ms.Durant asked if the Maryland Environmental Service (ITEM 49)and the Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division (ITEM 53)are already Registered Apprenticeship sponsors.
Mr.MacLarion confirmed that they both are.
Ms.Durant asked if the youth program is part of their STA or if they are running a Youth Apprenticeship program separately.
Mr.MacLarion said that registered YA Employers so that the school system can track that student against YA required goals.
Mr.Shmelzer asked who will be tracking the IRCs for the Youth programs. He asked if Labor or MSDE will be keeping track of the programs and IRCs earned. Mr.MacLarion replied that we would work collaboratively with MSDE, the GWDB and other partners to do this.
- Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation Inc. (Angela Clark) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 29)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - All in the Family Early Learning Center LLC. (Angela Clark) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 30)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services (Angela Clark) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 31)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Bay Country Learning Center (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 32)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Blooming Buds Learning Center (Sheila Jackson) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH]. (ITEM 33)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Bob Bell Automotive (Angela Clark) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 34)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Borden Insurance Agency (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 35)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Caliday School Age Programs (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 36)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - SAC Inc. (Center for Creative Children) (Angela Clark) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 37)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - City of Laurel (Karen Parker) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 38)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Clear Line Plumbing LLC (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 39)
Ms.Durant asked if Clear Line Plumbing LLC is currently a Registered Apprenticeship sponsor? Mr.MacLarion said that they are not currently a sponsor.
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Crofton Children’s Centre (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 40)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Every Voice Counts (Pam Luby) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 41)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - FECH Company, LLC (Aneta Lefterov) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 42)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Goddard School of Arnold (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the ApprenticeshipMaryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 43)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Goodwill Industries of the Chesapeake (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 44)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Happy Tails Veterinary Hospital (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 45)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Institute for American Apprenticeships (Marshel Pollock) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 46)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Jones Junction (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 47)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - KaDereck Associates, LLC (Alicia Dennis) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 48)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Maryland Environmental Service (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 49)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Maryland Insurance Administration (Logan Dean) – Request for approval of an additional youth occupation for an approved employer. [YOUTH] (ITEM 50)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Mid Atlantic Welding (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 51)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Milburn Orchards, Inc. (Pamela Luby) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 52)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Division (Laura Wright) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 53)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - OMNI Technologies, LLC (Amy Belt) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 52)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - One Way Driver (Angela Harknes) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 53)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Prestige Plumbing and HVAC Services (Alicia Dennis) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 56)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Clear Sky Learning LLC (Primrose School of Gambrills) (Angela Clark) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 57)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Queenstown Bank (Pam Luby) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 58)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Results Realty (Laura Wright) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 59)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Shemokin Diesel, LLC (Angella Moon) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 60)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Simple Cell, LLC (Teresa Mena) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 61)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Structural OCP, LLC (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer for AMP. [YOUTH] (ITEM 62)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Sunshine Grille LLC (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 63)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - The Bay Area Corporation (Amy Belt) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 64)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - The Goddard School of Edgewater(Angela Clark) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 65)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Thomas Subaru of Cumberland, LLC (Angella Moon) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 66)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - TKR Home Repair LLC (Angela Harkness) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 67)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Transcendent Smiles (Jane Sinclair) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 68)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - TSC Enterprises LLC (Karen Parker) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 69)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Wicomico County Public Schools (Alicia Dennis) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 70)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Your Trusted CFO LLC (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 71)
See Item 71 for Council vote.
A motion to approve Items 29-71 and Supplemental Items 4-6 was made by Ms.Durant, seconded by Mrs.Woo, and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Chairman Cavey directed the Council to the Supplemental Agenda.
- Clark Construction (Sheila Jackson) – Revision of Standards of Apprenticeship to allow for School-to-Apprenticeship and an update to progressive wage scale. (SUPP. ITEM 1)
Ms.Jackson said that she was joined by Mr.Mario A. Riaño with Clark Construction to request the Council's approval for a revision of Standards to allow for STA and an update to the progressive wage scale. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve this revision of Standards was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Hadfield and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
- I.E.C. Chesapeake (Sheila Jackson) – Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (SUPP ITEM 2)
Ms.Jackson requested Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training for the occupation of Electrician on behalf of I.E.C Chesapeake. She went on to provide some additional information on the Apprentice and then program and offered to answer any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Ms.Durant and approved. Mr.Shmelzer abstained (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - William H. Brady, Inc. (Amy Belt) – Voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (SUPP ITEM 3)
Mr.Maclarion requested the Council’s approval to cancel William H. Brady, Inc.’s Standards of Apprenticeship.
A motion to approve this cancellation was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent). - City of Havre de Grace (Amy Belt) –Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (SUPP. ITEM 4)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Daley Computers, Inc. (Jennifer Runkles) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (SUPP. ITEM 5)
See Item 71 for Council vote. - Better Engineering (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (SUPP. ITEM 6)
See Item 71 for Council vote.
Mr.MacLarion proposed the formation of an Online Educational Subcommittee to study online education providers, licensing requirements and other items in Standards of Apprenticeship. He suggested that the Subcommittee meet 3-5 times in person for 2-3 hours each time. The following Council members volunteered to sit on the Subcommittee.
- - Stephanie Anderson (Employer Representative)
- - Mina Woo (Employer Representative)
- - Grant Shmelzer (Employer Representative)
- - Norbert Klusmann (Employee Representative)
- - Neil Wilford (Employee Representative)
- - Brian Cavey (Chairman)
Ms.Anderson volunteered to host the first meeting of the Subcommittee.
A motion to approve the formation of the Subcommittee was made by Ms.Woo, seconded by Ms.Anderson and unanimously approved. (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Chairman Cavey entertained a motion to adjourn. Mr. Shmelzer made the motion to adjourn, Mr.Smalls seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:20 a.m. (Employee, Harry Preston and Employee Representative, Neil Wilford were absent).
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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