November 14, 2017 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Mr. William C. Taylor called the Council meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. at the Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry, 2699 West Patapsco Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21230 and welcomed all Council members, staff and guests in attendance. He thanked Mr. Neil Wilford, Training Director for the Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry, for hosting the Council meeting. Mr. Wilford stated that approximately 370 I.B.E.W. Local No. 24 apprentices go through the facility and that it is also used for journeyman training.
William C. Taylor - Chairperson, Public Representative
Brian S. Cavey – Employee Representative
Allen B. Clinedinst III - Employee Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr. - Employee Representative
Alexander E. Poling – Employee Representative
Leon W. Bromley - Employer Representative
Michelle L. Butt - Employer Representative
Grant B. Shmelzer - Employer Representative
David Smarte - Employer Representative
Ronald Leonard - USDL/OA Ex Officio Consultant to the Council
Charles J. Most, Jr. - Consultant to the Council
Kelly M. Schulz - Secretary, DLLR
James Rzepkowski - Assistant Secretary for Workforce Development and Adult Learning, DLLR
Brandon S. Butler - Deputy Assistant Secretary for Workforce Development and Adult Learning, DLLR
Christopher D. MacLarion – MATP
Kelton Addison - MATP
Gina Best - MATP
Lorella Dicks - MATP
Kevin Hunt - MATP
André Keyser - MATP
Teresa Mena - MATP
Mark Millen - MATP
Jane Sinclair - MATP
John P. Taylor - MATP
John F. Vontran - MATP
Stephanie Anderson - Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland, Inc.
James Balderson, Jr. – Steamfitters Local No. 602 JATC
Ronald E. Blaney - Harford County Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.
Jay Bouis - Community College of Baltimore County
Christopher M. Cash - Washington, D.C. Electricians JATC, I.B.E.W. Local No. 26
Brian Courtian - Finishing Trades Institute of Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Vicinities
Lloyd Day - DLLR/DWDAL
James Drenning - Firegard, LC
Dennis R. Felts - Harford County Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.
Dr. Ricky C. Godbolt - USDL/OA
Leza Griffith - DLLR/OAG
Micahel Kelleher - Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Becky Kemp - Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Jonathan Lane - Bozzuto Management Company
Daniel Lessard - Dixon Valve & Coupling Company
Sgt. Mance McCall III - Maryland Natural Resources Police
Charles McGee - Operating Engineers Local 37 JATC
Timothy F. Miller - Mid-Atlantic Carpenters’ Training Centers
Mike Moneymaker - Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local No. 24
Catherine H. Peloquin - Harford Systems, Inc.
James Reamy - Finishing Trades Institute of Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Vicinities
Kristen Reese - Bozzuto Management Company
Jason C. Roberts - Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Metropolitan Washington Chapter
Tamara E Robinson - 1199 SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund
Jeffrey W. Smith - DLLR/DWDAL
David Springham - Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry
Nancy Tretick - Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Chesapeake Shores Chapter
Jack Verner - Bozzuto Management Company
Britta Vanderlinden - DLLR/Office of the Secretary
Charles Wallace - Maryland State Department of Education
Kerry Wells - Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Neil E. Wilford, Jr. - Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry
Chip Williams - Dixon Valve & Coupling Company
I. Remarks to the Council by Kelly M. Schulz, Secretary of the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation.
Mr. William Taylor introduced Secretary Schulz and welcomed her to the Council meeting.
Secretary Schulz thanked Mr. William Taylor for inviting her to attend the November Meeting of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council and wished everyone a happy National Apprenticeship Week. She added that this was the third year for this event and the theme for this year’s event was “Celebrate Maryland’s Workforce Revolution” as that is where Maryland is heading with apprenticeship as well as additional training occurring through the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning. She stated that this would not be possible without the great team led by Director Christopher MacLarion. She was also very thankful to the Council itself for taking the risk of moving apprenticeship from the Division of Labor and Industry to the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning.
Secretary Schulz stated that after one full year of being in the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning, a marked improvement in apprenticeship could be seen with almost a twenty percent increase in the number of apprentices registered as well as 16 new apprenticeship programs having been registered. She stated that industries across the state were looking at an opportunity to be able to train their workforce in a way that is going to be most beneficial to that employer for a long, loyal retention of their employees as they continue their career pathways.
Secretary Schulz acknowledged John Taylor for his extended service that he brought to the state. She informed Council members and guests that he had recently been honored by the National Association of State and Territorial Apprenticeship Directors at their annual meeting by his induction into the United States Apprenticeship Association Donald Grabowski Hall of Fame. She read the certificate presented to Mr. Taylor by the United States Apprenticeship Association along with a proclamation from Governor Hogan.
Secretary Schulz informed Council Members and Guests of Governor Hogan’s proclamation declaring the week of November 13, 2017 to November 19, 2017 to be National Apprenticeship Week in Maryland.
II. The first order of business was the approval of the minutes of the September 12, 2017 Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting. The minutes of the September 12, 2017 Council meeting were approved as submitted.
A. Mr. MacLarion informed Council members that there was a supplemental agenda for the meeting for several Youth Apprenticeship items that had not been included in the main packet of agenda items that had been sent to them.
B. Council members and guests were reminded of the events scheduled for National Apprenticeship week which was November 13, 2017 to November 19, 2017.
C. It was reported to Council members that the balance in the Apprenticeship Training Fund after all obligations as of October 31, 2017 was $598,588.05. During September 2017 contributions of $21,092.04 came into the fund and during the month of October 2017, contributions of $32,205.47 came into the fund.
D. Mr. MacLarion noted that Secretary Schulz had talked about it being one full year since the move of apprenticeship into the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning and that there had been a lot of focus on things that may not had been done entirely in the past and how that could be fixed going forward. One of those things was the concerns from members of the Council that program reviews were not being done on a timely basis. He informed Council members of the number of reviews that had been performed as of the date of the Council meeting and went on to state that by the end of the next calendar year every active apprenticeship program in the State of Maryland will at least have had an initial review. He also noted the Secretary’s mention of an almost twenty percent increase in the number of registered during that year and informed Council members that as of the end October there were 9,678 apprentices registered.
E. Council members were updated on Apprenticeship USA grants. There had been a total of 14 Apprenticeship Innovation grants awarded with about $50,000 left. One grant application was in review status that was expected to be awarded in the following week if approved.
F. Mr. MacLarion observed that at the previous Council meeting he had noted that all of the sponsors were in RAPIDS and that it was anticipated that by the end of the calendar year to also have all of the apprentices in RAPIDS It is a goal to reduce the amount of paperwork that is needed in the apprenticeship process. It is expected that by the end of the next quarter there will not have to be all of the back and forth of paperwork. There will be training and webinars to assimilate all sponsors into RAPIDS.
G. Council members were informed that staff had given individual training to all of the local workforce development areas that had requested it. There was one area left for which registered apprenticeship training would be provided.
H. Mr. MacLarion stated that staff had done an incredible job in increasing the number of registered apprenticeship program sponsors on the Eligible Training Provider List. As of the end of the month there were 29. The goal for the next calendar year would be to at least double and perhaps triple the number of registered sponsors on the Eligible Training Provider List.
I. Mr. MacLarion announced that every apprenticeship program had been provided information about the Registered Apprenticeship Tax Credit. Any sponsor that had not received that information was asked to contact him. There is a $1,000 tax credit for all apprentices hired in a calendar year who have at least seven months of work during the calendar year. $500,000 was available for tax credits so 500 tax credits could be awarded on a first come first served basis. Sponsors or their participating employers needing help with the application process were asked to contact the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program office.
J. It was announced that as of the date of the Council meeting, applications had been received from over 57 sponsors and participating employers for Maryland Business Works. Just over $214,000 had been allocated for apprentices receiving related instruction; an increase of $49,000 from two months ago. Companies have received reimbursement for approximately 224 apprentices; an increase of 59 apprentices since the previous Council meeting.
1. Fireguard, LLC (Jane Sinclair/John F. Vontran) – Revision to add the Chesapeake Shores Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. as a related instruction provider for the occupation of Sprinkler Fitter.
This item was carried over from the September 12 2017 Council meeting due to a representative of the sponsor not being able to attend that Council meeting.
Ms. Sinclair presented this proposed revision to the Council and introduced Mr. James Drenning who was in attendance representing Fireguard, LLC.
Mr. Shmelzer inquired as to who had been the related instruction provider and Mr. Drenning replied that previously they had provided their own related instruction.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
1. 1199 SEIU League Training and Upgrade Fund (John F. Vontran) - Occupation of Patient Care Technician. Related instruction to be provided through the Baltimore City Community College.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Ms. Tamara E. Robinson who was in attendance representing the 1199 SEIU League Training and Upgrade Fund. He informed Council members that this would be a competency-based apprenticeship program as well as being another healthcare apprenticeship program.
Mr. Shmelzer had a question regarding the number of employers participating in the program. Mr. Vontran responded that they had one participating employer at the present time.
Ms. Robinson thanked Mr. MacLarion and Mr. Vontran because this was their first apprenticeship program in Maryland and both had been very helpful. She informed Council members that they intended to provide pre-apprenticeship training for those applicants who could not pass the entrance examination. She also stated that they planned to have at least twenty apprentices registered by late March of 2018.
Mr. William Taylor asked about whether they would be developing partnerships with local school districts. Ms. Robinson replied that the apprenticeship program was for incumbent workers with participating employers recruiting apprentices from their employees already in entry-level positions. She added that partnering with local school systems could be something that their apprenticeship committee could consider in the future.
Mr. Klusmann wanted to know what the cost to the apprentices would be for their training. Ms. Robinson responded that they had been awarded an Apprenticeship Innovation grant for their education component so that apprentices would not be paying anything out of pocket and that once the grant had been exhausted, those costs would be covered through the collective bargaining process.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
2. Bozzuto Management Company (John F. Vontran) – Occupation of Building Maintenance Repairer. Related instruction to be provided as per the Standards Report Form. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices. [Printed Standards Forms]
Mr. Vontran presented this request for Registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Mr. Jonathan Lane, Ms. Kristen Reese and Mr. Jack Verner who were in attendance representing Bozzuto Management Company.
Mr. Vontran explained the differences between this request and the one that Bozzuto Management Company had presented to the Council in December of 2011 for a one year Residential Maintenance Technician apprenticeship program.
Ms. Reese explained to the Council the scope of the responsibility of a Building Maintenance Technician in their company.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and approved with seven (7) members in favor of the motion and one (1) abstention.
A motion to approve the request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved.
3. Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership (John F. Vontran) - Occupation of Machinist (Computer Numerically Controlled Machine Tool Programmer Metal and Plastic). Related instruction to be through Tooling U - SME Manufacturing Online. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Mr. Michael Kelleher, Ms. Becky Kemp and Ms. Kerry Wells who were in attendance representing the Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership. He stated that this would be a competency-based apprenticeship program.
Mr. Cavey asked that as a competency-based program, will apprentices know where they need to be in order to get to the next level. Ms. Kemp responded that that is spelled out in the work processes. She went on to state that these could be different from participating employer to participating employer because they work with very small companies.
Mr. Shmelzer asked if they would be doing some customization for each individual participating employer. Ms. Kemp replied that all of their competencies would be from a large master list of competencies that would not always apply to every company.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
1. Harford Systems, Inc. (Kelton Addison) – Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupations of Machinist, Tool & Die Maker and Welder, Arc with the addition of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Addison presented this request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Ms. Catherine H. Peloquin who was in attendance representing Harford Systems, Inc.
Mr. Shmelzer asked to know how long this apprenticeship program had been inactive. Ms Peloquin responded that it had been inactive for nine or ten years. In response to Mr. Shmelzer’s question about how many apprentices had completed prior to the program becoming inactive, Ms. Peloquin stated that they are not a large employer but they had had apprentices who had completed.
Ms. Smarte inquired about who would be the training provider. Related instruction would be provided by Harford Community College and the Community College of Baltimore County Catonsville campus.
In response to a question from Mr. Poling about certification of Welders, Ms. Peloquin replied that there are industry certifications. She added that some of their customers require that Welders be certified while others do not. Where a customer does require it, they have a supplier who will come in to do the training and certify the person in that position.
A motion to approve the request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smelzer, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the registration of the addition of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
2. Dixon Valve & Coupling Company (John F. Vontran) – Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Machinist with an increase in the average journeyworker hourly wage rate and changing from being time-based to being competency-based. Related instruction to be through Tooling U – SME Manufacturing Online. [Further details about this request were transmitted to Council members via electronic mail].
Mr. Vontran presented this request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Mr. Daniel Lessard and Mr. Chip Williams who were in attendance representing Dixon Valve and Coupling Company.
Mr. Vontran informed Council members that Dixon Valve & Coupling Company had been a sponsor since 1986 and had completed their last apprentice in 2014. They have had twenty-five females in the apprenticeship program of whom twelve had completed.
A motion to approve the request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship with an increase in the average journeyworker hourly wage rate and changing from being time-based to being competency-based and with related instruction to be through Tooling U – SME Manufacturing Online was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
3. Maryland Natural Resources Police (John F. Vontran) – Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Natural Resources Police Officer.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Sgt. Mance McCall III who was in attendance representing the Maryland Natural Resources Police.
A motion to approve the request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the Maryland Natural Resources Police for the occupation of Natural Resources Police Officer was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
4. Raloid Machine Corporation (John F. Vontran/Jane Sinclair) - Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupations of Machinist and CNC Specialist.
Mr. Vontran informed Council members that there was no one in attendance from the Raloid Machine Corporation to represent their request before the Council.
A motion to table this request until the January 2018 Council meeting in order for a representative from the Raloid Machine Corporation to be present at the Council meeting was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Five (5) or More Apprentices):
1. Association of Air Conditioning Professionals (Ginamarie Best).
Mr. Shmelzer observed that only 187 individuals had applied for the apprenticeship program over the period covered by the review and asked about what outreach efforts they are making to recruit apprentices. He asked Ms. Best whether there was a representative of the Association of Air Conditioning Professionals present. Since there was no one in attendance to represent the sponsor, Mr. Shemlzer recommended that this review be tabled until the next Council meeting.
A motion to table this review until the January 2018 Council meeting in order for a representative of the sponsor to be in attendance at the Council meeting was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
2. Hudak’s Insulation, Inc. (Lorella Dicks).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Clinedinst and unanimously approved.
3. Quality Heating & Air Conditioning Company, Inc. (André Keyser).
Mr. Klusmann requested that in the future, he would like to see that reviews contain specific examples of recruitment activities.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
4. Electrical Apprenticeship Program of Carroll County, Maryland (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
5. Plumbing Apprenticeship Program of Carroll County, Maryland (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
6. Heating & Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland, Inc. (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
7. Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Chesapeake Shores Chapter (John F. Vontran).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
8. Plumbers and Steamfitters Local No. 486 JATC (John F. Vontran).
Employee Representative Allen B. Clinedinst III recused himself from the consideration of this item of Council business.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
D. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Five (5) or More Apprentices):
1. The following program reviews had been performed and the programs were found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner. [No Council Action Required]:
a. Advanced Vision Systems, Inc. (Jane Sinclair) – Occupation of Machinist.
b. American Life Safety Fire Protection, LLC (Mark Millen) - Occupation of Sprinkler Fitter.
c. Badger Electric, Inc. (André Keyser) – Occupation of Electrician.
d. Bausum & Duckett Electric, LLC (Jeffrey W. Smith) - Occupation of Electrician.
e. Bilbrough’s Electric, Inc. (André Keyser) – Occupation of Electrician.
f. Dedicated Circuits, LLC (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Occupation of Electrician.
g. Flowserve Corporation (Mark Millen) – Occupation of Machinist.
h. Hilgartner Natural Stone Company Inc. (Lorella Dicks) - Occupation of Stone Finisher.
i. K.B. Coldiron, Inc. (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Occupation of Carpenter.
j. Kaydon Ring & Seal, Inc. JAC (André Keyser) – Occupation of Machinist.
k. Kleppinger Electric Company (Jane Sinclair) occupation of Electrician.
l. Lywood Electric, Inc. (André Keyser) – Occupation of Electrician.
m. M.S. Willett, Inc. (Lorella Dicks) – Occupations of Machinist and Tool & Die Maker.
n. Maryland National Capital Parks & Planning Commission (Ginamarie Best) – Occupations of Electrician, HVACR Technician and Plumber.
o. Mast Electrical Service (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Occupation of Electrician.
p. Matthews and Pierce Masonry, Inc. (Ginamarie Best) - Occupation of Bricklayer.
q. Netzer Metalcraft, Inc. (André Keyser) – Occupation of Machinist.
r. NLP Enterprises, Inc. (Lorella Dicks) – Occupation of Painter.
s. R. Brooks Mechanical, Inc. (Kelton Addison) – Occupation of HVACR Technician.
t. Seaside Plumbing, Inc. (Jeffrey W. Smith) – Occupation of Plumber.
u. Srickland Fire Protection, Inc. (Ginamarie Best) - Occupation of Sprinkler Fitter.
v. Swam Electric Company, Inc. (Mark Millen) – Occupation of Electrician.
2. The following program reviews were performed and deficiencies were found in the manner in which the programs were being conducted. Staff has provided technical assistance to the sponsors and the sponsors were sent letters informing them that follow-up reviews would be conducted or the sponsors have submitted requests for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship [NO COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED]:
a. Amick Farms, LLC (Lorella Dicks) – Occupation of Maintenance Electrician.
b. Blue Claw Electric, LLC (Lorella Dicks) – Occupation of Electrician.
1. Greenbelt Children’s Center effective June 15, 2017.
A motion to approve the voluntary request for cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the Greenbelt Children’s Center effective June 15, 2017 was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
1. Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland, Inc. (John F. Vontran) – Request for after-the-fact re-registration and completion of an apprentice HVACR Technician.
Mr. Vontran presented this request to the Council and introduced Ms. Stephanie Anderson who was in attendance representing the Heating and Air Conditioning Contractors of Maryland, Inc.
Ms. Anderson stated to the Council that in the six years that had been the administrator of the apprenticeship program, this was the third time that she had come before the Council requesting the after-the-fact registration and completion of an apprentice. The previous two were for instances where apprentices had completed their related instruction but had never submitted their on-the-job learning hours and had been cancelled from the apprenticeship program. To address that issue, they had strengthened their policy in regards to the submission of on-the-job learning hours. She added that they were in the process of implementing a new software system that would allow apprentices to submit their hours online.
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
2. Proposed schedule of Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meetings for calendar year 2018. A motion to approve the schedule of Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meetings for calendar year 2018 was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved.Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
1100 North Eutaw Street, Lower Level Training Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
Washington, D.C. Electricians JATC
I.B.E.W. Local No. 26
4371 Parliament Place, Suite A
Lanham, Maryland 20706
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
Delaware Elevator
2210 Allen Drive
Salisbury, Maryland 21801
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.
Metropolitan Washington Chapter
6901 Muirkirk Meadows Drive, Suite F
Beltsville, Maryland 20705
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.*
Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local No. 24
Joint Apprenticeship Committee
901 Montgomery Street
Laurel, Maryland 20707
Tuesday, November 13, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry
2699 West Patapsco Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
*Moved to the third Tuesday in September due to the observance of Rosh Hashanah
3. Request for the approval of TEI Electrical Solutions to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
4. Request for the approval of Ben Lewis Plumbing, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved.
5. Request for the approval of South Mountain Lawn and Landscaping, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
6. Request for the approval of Bikle Manufacturing, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.7. Request for the approval of W.F. Delauter and Son to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved.
8. Request for the approval of Frederick County Public Schools to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
Mr. Wallace informed the Council that on October 31, 2017, the Maryland State Department of Education had held its annual statewide counselors conference for middle school and high school counselors. He thanked Mr. Shmelzer for being on a business and industry education panel that had addressed the guidance counselors. He also informed the Council that the 2017 Fall Leadership Conference for SkillsUSA Maryland had been held on November 1st and 2nd. In addition, he stated the TeamUSA had eleven participants in the World Skills Competition.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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- May 26, 2016 Special Called Council Meeting
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- November 10, 2015