May 14, 2024 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Councilmembers* - Title/Affiliation
Brian S. Cavey
- Chairman/Employee Representative
Lateefah Durant
- Public Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr.- Employee Representative
Terreia Smalls - Employee Representative
Neil E. Wilford, Jr. - Employee Representative
Harry Preston
- Employee
Stephanie Anderson - Employer Representative
Grant Shmelzer - Employer Representative
* Before the meeting convened, Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih, and MSDE representative, Chuck Wallace , notified Director, Chris Maclarion that they would be unable to attend.
Other Attendees -Title/Affiliation
John Feaster - Deputy Assistant Secretary, DWDAL
Leza Griffith - Maryland Assistant Attorney General
Amanda Denison - Maryland Assistant Attorney General
Jennifer Griffin -MSDE
Christopher D. Maclarion - Director, Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP), MD Labor
Lloyd Day -MD Labor
Sheila Jackson - MATP, MD Labor
Jacqueline Trieu - MATP, MD Labor
Jane Sinclair - MATP, MD Labor
Kevin Hunt - MATP, MD Labor
Gina Best - MATP, MD Labor
Angela Clark - MATP, MD Labor
Angela Harkness - MATP, MD Labor
Marshel Pollock - MATP, MD Labor
Pamela Luby - MATP, MD Labor
Alicia Dennis - MATP, MD Labor
Lynn Stone - MATP, MD Labor
Amy Best - MATP, MD Labor
Karen Parker - MATP, MD Labor
Logan Dean - MATP, MD Labor
Ellie Marts - MD Labor, DWDAL
Anahitta Mian - MD Labor
Aaron Sydor -Heritage Care, Inc.
John DiGregorio -Earth Restoration
Michelle Hu-Ho Alejandro -Summit Fire and Security
Steve Boney -Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
Alberto Marino -Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
Stephen Buehm -Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
Georgeta Wainwright -Delaware Elevator, Inc.
Chad Prettyman -Delaware Elevator, Inc.
Justin Brown -Plumbers and Steamfitters U.A. Local 489 JATC
Scott Upole -Plumbers and Steamfitters U.A. Local 489 JATC
Donny Doyle Jr. -CYD Electrical Academy
Zak Waddell -Open Classrooms
Thomas Saito-Sherris -Lower Shore Workforce Alliance (LSWA)
Mike Funk -Operating Engineers Local 37
Jeff Maher -St.Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS)
Josh Horsman -Worcester County Public Schools (WCPS)
Eric Cook -Caroline County Public Schools (CCPS)
Chairman Cavey called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. at Delaware Elevator, Inc., (2207 Allen Drive Salisbury, Maryland 21801).
Chairman Cavey welcomed all Council members, staff and guests to the May Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council (MATC) meeting.
Chairman Cavey asked Council members, staff, and guests to introduce themselves.
Following introductions, the Chairman thanked all for attending and gave a special thanks to Georgeta and Delaware Elevator, Inc. for hosting the meeting and for providing breakfast. He then recognized Deputy Assistant Secretary, Mr.John Feaster, and invited him to say a few words on behalf of the Maryland Department of Labor (The Department).
Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster reiterated the Chairman’s appreciation for Delaware Elevator for hosting the meeting and went on to briefly explain that it is a very exciting time for Apprenticeship.
Chairman Cavey proceeded to ask the Council if members had an opportunity to review the minutes and they collectively confirmed that they reviewed the minutes in full.
II. Minutes of the March 12, 2024 Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting.
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved at 9:12 a.m. (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
Chairman Cavey asked Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program Director, Chris Maclarion, to present the Director’s Report.
Mr. Maclarion addressed Chairman Cavey, Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster, the Council members and guests and welcomed everyone to the May MATC meeting. Mr. Maclarion thanked Delaware Elevator, Inc for hosting the meeting and providing breakfast and extended his appreciation for those that traveled from far away to attend. Mr. Maclarion provided an Apprenticeship Training Fund update:
- Total Fund Balance as April 30, 2024 after all obligations is $1,470,068.16
- March contributions: $17,679.56
- April contributions: $15,934.10
- There were no payments made from the fund during the period.
At the MATC last meeting Mr. Maclarion shared that the Department successfully onboarded 13 new MATP staff members. He said that they have hit the ground running, bringing forward 92 agenda items for the May MATC meeting, which he said is potentially the largest MATC agenda to date. Mr.Maclarion said that he has asked MATP staff to connect with all of the sponsors in their regions and explained that the Council will see a few program cancellations and re-activiations as a result of that work. He added that a few sponsors have made requests for the registration of apprentices with over 50% credit and explained that none of the requests are due to the sponsor error. He extended thanks and appreciation to his staff for fielding the requests and working to verify the On-the-Job Training (OJT) and Related Instruction (RI) credits so that those items could be brought before the Council.
Mr.Maclarion shared that after years of service, MATC Council Member, Ms.Michelle Butt has resigned from her role on the Council and he thanked her for her many years of dedicated service. He said that her role on the Council as an Employer Representative will be filled by Mr.Chris Hadfield who works along Ms.Butt at Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Baltimore.
At the March MATC meeting Mr.Maclarion stated that all 24 school systems are participating in Youth Apprenticeship and that there are youth apprentices in nearly every school system. He went on to share that the state has nearly reached another milestone of having 1,000 youth apprentices, however, he said that he expects that number to significantly drop over the coming months as many youth apprentices will soon be graduating. Mr.Maclarion thanked all of the school systems for their work and MSDE for partnering with the Department, reviewing all the curriculum and helping to make adjustments where needed. He said that he is looking forward to seeing even more growth during the next school year.
Mr.Maclarion provided an update on the number of Registered Apprentices in the state saying that as of yesterday, May 13, 2024, there were 11,294 apprentices registered in Maryland, with nearly 2,000 of those apprentices being registered this year. He also shared that 861 apprentices have already officially graduated this year and another 100 apprentices will graduate very soon. He stated that currently, the state is on pace to graduate 2,490 apprentices this year which would be a new record.
Finally, Mr.Maclarion informed the Council and guests that the East End Placement Driving and Placement Service LLC apprenticeship program is on the agenda and pursuant to General Provisions Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, 3-305(b) a portion of the meeting will be closed. He said that the End End Placement Driving and Placement Service agenda item has been moved to the very end of the supplement to allow for as many guests as possible to have had their items heard prior to transitioning to a closed meeting. He said that any guests and staff here for this item will be requested to step outside while the closed meeting occurs.
In closing, Mr. Maclarion thanked the Council for their time and offered to answer any questions.
Mr. Shmelzer asked Mr.Maclarion for a n update on any recently passed legislation that will or could impact Apprenticeship in the state of Maryland.
Mr.Maclarion said that during the next Council meeting he will provide an update on any recently passed legislation that will or could potentially impact Apprenticeship.
A motion to approve the Director’s Report was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Ms.Durant and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
- Open Classrooms (Lynn Stone) – Request for registration of standards of apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupations of Application Developer, Help Desk Technician, Digital Marketer, Cybersecurity Analyst, and Data Analyst. (ITEM 1)
Ms. Stone stated that she was joined by Mr.Zak Waddel from Open Classrooms to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for the occupations of Application Developer, Help Desk Technician, Digital Marketer, Cybersecurity Analyst, and Data Analyst. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupations and offered to answer any questions from the Council.
Mr.Smalls asked how Open Classrooms plans to achieve a 100% completion rate.
The sponsor replied and explained that the employers are thoroughly vetted to ensure that they are going to hire apprentices long term.
Mr.Klusmann asked how seat time would be monitored.
The Sponsor replied explaining that there is a workplace advisor assigned to every employer that has a rubric they follow to track not only competency achievement but also hours of seat time.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if internet access is part of the “equipment” that will be provided.
The sponsor confirmed that internet access will be provided for those that need it.
Mr.Shmelzer pointed out that sessions take place on Mondays and that several holidays occur on Mondays. He asked what will be done about the sessions that fall on holidays? The sponsor responded saying that it is up to the employer what day they would like to do their unpaid day. He explained that if that day is missed the apprentice will make up the time with a mentor.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if students are paid for the related instruction (RI) time?
The sponsor said that it depends on the employer. He went on to say that employers often opt to not pay apprentices for the RI time but there are also many cases where they do.
Mr.Wilford asked what percentage of the education is classroom-based.
The sponsor said that about 20% of the instruction will take place in a classroom setting (400hr of RI) and the rest will take place online.
Mr.Wilford asked if the courses are computer-mediated- meaning that the apprentices cannot progress forward until they complete certain tasks.
The sponsor confirmed that the courses are set up in such a way that apprentices must complete one project before moving on to the next and that there are stop-gaps in place to verify the apprentices’ knowledge and competency (mentor reviews, assessor reviews, jury reviews).
Mr.Shmelzer said that Open Classrooms is headquartered in New York but asked if they have any staff in the State of Maryland.
The sponsor said that they have staff located in Maryland that is currently responsible for building employer relationships.
Mr.Shmelzer asked about their plans to conduct outreach.
The sponsor said that their outreach model is based on partnerships with Maryland’s community colleges. He said that they are always working in partnership with Maryland universities to provide credit articulation.
Mr.Maclarion added that they work closely with Employ PG and other local workforce areas for the EO plan and outreach.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Ms. Durant and approved. Mr.Smalls abstained (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Change Your Destiny (CYD) (Marshel Pollock) – Request for registration of standards of apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Electrician. (ITEM 2)
Ms. Pollock stated that she was joined by Mr.Donny Doyle Jr. from Change Your Destiny (CYD) to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for the occupation of Electrician. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Ms.Anderson asked how the apprentices are able to attend classes 4 nights a week for 4hr each night and work full time.
Ms.Pollock said that they included an additional attachment that says that classes will be held twice a week with one class in person and one online.
Ms.Anderson asked if there will be live instruction for the online classes.
Ms.Pollock said that there will be a live instructor for the online classes but they will use videos to supplement their teaching.
Ms.Durant said that she noticed that the sponsor added the school-to-apprenticeship option and asked whether they are planning on hiring highschool students into the apprenticeship or if it is something they included for future consideration.
Mr.Maclarion said that they included the school-to-apprenticeship option so that as they expand and new contractors have the option of doing school-to apprenticeship.
Mr.Anderson asked if there is a breakdown of how much of the RI is lab time vs instruction and expressed her concern regarding 4hr long classes.
Ms.Pollock said that the 4hr classes are broken down into 3 hours of class time followed by 1 hour of lab time.
Mr.Shmelzer asked Mr.Doyle if his role as Training Director is a full time position. He followed up by asking if Mr.Doyle will be conducting outreach and recruitment activities.
Mr.Doyle confirmed that TRaining Director is a full-time role and that he is committed to recruitment.
Mr.Shmelzer asked Mr.Doyle if he is a graduate of an apprenticeship program.
Mr.Doyle confirmed that he is a graduate of an RA program.
Mr.Wilford asked if an instructor will be available for the online instruction.
Mr.Doyle confirmed that the online instruction will consist of a live broadcast and the instructor will be available to support the apprentices.
Ms.Anderson asked if the students are required to have their cameras on for the online classes. Mr.Doyle said that the students are required to have their cameras on for the online instruction.
Ms.Shmelzer asked if the sponsor was planning on providing tablets for the students to complete their online work (smartphones won't suffice).
Mr.Doyle said that they will supply students with a tablet if they do not have access to a computer or tablet.
Mr.Preston asked if there is any difference in making up missed time in-person, versus virtually.
Mr.Doyle said that there is no difference and that students may make up missed classes online even if they missed an in-person class.
Mr.Wilford asked if there is an absentee policy.
Mr.Doyle confirmed that there is an absentee policy and that students are required to attend in-person at least once a week.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if there is a minimum enrollment number.
The sponsor responded that they do not have a minimum enrollment number.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if they would run a class even if they only had 2 students enrolled.
Mr.Doyle confirmed that they would run a class even if they only had 2 students enrolled.
Mr.Preston asked if there is any time in between quarters or if they roll into each other.
Mr.Doyle said that the quarters run back-to-back.
Mr.Preston asked if an apprentice could be in the second quarter but still be making up classes from the first quarter.
Mr.Doyle said that in order for the apprentice to advance to the 2nd quarter they need to complete all 1st quarter classes, including making up any missed classes.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Earth Restorations LLC (Angella Moon) – Request for registration of standards of apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Landscape Management Technician. (ITEM 3)
Mr.Maclarion stated that he was joined by Mr.John DiGregorio from Earth Restorations to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for the occupation of Landscape Management Technician. He provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Heritage Care Inc. (Gina Best) – Request for registration of standards of apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Geriatric Nursing Assistant. (ITEM 4)
Ms.Best stated that she was joined by Mr.Aaron Sydor from Heritage Care Inc. to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for the occupation of Geriatric Nursing Assistant (GNA). She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Mr.Wilford mentioned that MATC reviews and approves many nursing occupations. He asked where the occupation of GNA begins to overlap with other medical support professions being considered and reviewed by the Council.
Mr.Maclarion explained that all of the nursing professions that have been brought before MATC are distinct occupations that each play a different role in the medical system with no overlap.
Assistant Attorney General Leza Griffith added that CNA, GNA and RN all have different licensures through the Maryland Department of Health (MDH).
Mr.Shmelzer added that a nursing career pathway is most likely on the horizon that ties several nursing occupations together and establishes a clear pathway for advancement.
Mr.Shmelzer expressed some concerns regarding Section 6 of the packet.
Mr.Maclarion explained that it is the job of the employer to ensure that each of their employees is work-eligible in the U.S.
The sponsor explained that every individual that applies for a CNA/GNA license is required to have a background check. He further explained that the results of the background check are sent to the Maryland Board of Nursing, who reviews them and determines whether the individual should be licensed or not.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if there will be background checks done for apprentices on the front end of the program so that individuals don't spend their time completing the program only to find they are ineligible for the profession. He suggested providing a list of “non-qualifying criminal offenses” that could potentially make an individual in-eligible for a GNA license from MDH.
The sponsor said that they can reach out to MDH and provide a list of “non-qualifying criminal offenses” and thanked Mr.Shmelzer for bringing that concern forward.
Mr.Klusmann expressed his concern regarding “each step of an apprenticeship becoming its own approved occupation”.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan provided the sponsor develops a list of “non-qualifying criminal offenses” was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and approved. Mr.Smalls opposed the motion (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
Mr.Preston requested a list of all of the occupations that have been approved through MATC.
Ms.Durant requested a document that lists the career progression for nursing occupations including the income levels for each occupation along the pathway.
Chairman Cavey reminded everyone that each occupation along the nursing career pathway is a career on its own and that an individual could choose to remain in that career and not to advance to the next occupation in the pathway. - Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Gina Best) – Request for registration of standards of apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Police Cadet. (ITEM 5)
Ms.Best stated that she was joined by Mr.Alberto Marino from Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for the occupation of Police Cadet. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked how the community college will track and communicate the time that apprentices spend in classes to WMATA.
Mr.Maclarion reminded the Council that community colleges are responsible for tracking grades and seat hours of apprentices.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Ms.Anderson and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
- Digital Network Group (Kinetic Potential) (Gina Best) – Request for revision of standards to update progressive wage scales for the occupations of IT Project Manager, Cybersecurity Consultant, and Digital Media Editor. (ITEM 6).
Ms.Best requested the Council's approval for a revision of standards to update progressive wage scales for the occupations of IT Project Manager, Cybersecurity Consultant, and Digital Media Editor at the Digital Network Group (Kinetic Potential). She provided some additional information on the program and occupations and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked what the ratio of journey workers to apprentices for the Cybersecurity Consultant occupation is.
Ms.Best replied that the ratio of journey workers to apprentices is 1:1.
Mr. Maclarion clarified that there is a typo in the packet and that the number of journey workers and apprentices listed in the packet is incorrect. He said that there are many more journey workers than apprentices and will send the Council the correct numbers after the meeting.
A motion to approve a revision of standards was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Operating Engineers Local 37 JATC (Gina Best) – Request for approval of fully updated Standards of Apprenticeship and AAP. (ITEM 7).
Ms.Best requested the Council's approval for fully updated Standards of Apprenticeship and AAP for Operating Engineers Local 37. She went on to provide some additional information on the program and the updates that were made to the standards and affirmative action plan. Finally, she offered to field any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked for some clarity regarding the standard reporting form where it says operating engineer and then breaks out into “highway” and “building”.
Mr.Maclarion said that some apprentices will be working on highways and some will be at a building site. He went on to say that the two working locations have two different CDA and two different sets of wages.
A motion to approve this program with updates to the standards and AAP was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Plumbers and SteamFitters UA Local 489 JATC (Angella Moon – Request for revision of standards to update the progressive wage scale for the occupation of Plumber-Pipefitter. Additional updates to contact information and program policies. (ITEM 8).
Mr.Maclarion said that he was joined by Mr.Justin Brown and Mr.Scott Upole to request the Council's approval for a revision of standards to update progressive wage scales for the occupation of Plumber-Pipefitter. He provided some additional information on the program and occupations and offered to take any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve a revision of standards was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Ms.Anderson and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Summit Fire and Security (Jane Sinclair) – Request for revision of standards to convert the occupation of Fire Protection Systems Inspector from time-based to hybrid. (ITEM 9).
Ms.Sinclair said that he was joined by Ms.Michelle Hu-Ho Alejandro to request the Council's approval for a revision of standards to convert the occupation of Fire Protection Systems Inspector from time-based to hybrid. She provided some additional information on the program and occupation and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Mr.Klusmann asked if “contact-hours” are the same as “in-person hours”.
Ms.Hu-Ho Alejandro confirmed that the contact hours are the same as in-person hours.
A motion to approve a revision of standards was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
Chairman Cavey called for a ten-minute comfort break before Item 10 was heard.
- Ring Container (Jennifer Runkles) – Report on provisional program review and recommendations. (ITEM 10)
Mr.Maclarion presented a provisional review for the Ring Container rEgistered Apprenticeship program. He said that during the review there were no findings, went on to provide some additional information on the program and offered to take questions.
A motion to approve this provisional review was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Speciality Granules (Jennifer Runkles) – Report on provisional program review and recommendations.(ITEM 11).
Mr.Maclarion presented a provisional review for the Speciality Granules Registered Apprenticeship program. He went on to provide some additional information on the program and offered to take questions from the Council.
A motion to approve this provisional review was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Total Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning (Jennifer Runkles) – Report on provisional program review and recommendations. (ITEM 12)
Mr.Maclarion presented a provisional review for the Total Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning Registered Apprenticeship program. He went on to provide some additional information on the program and offered to take questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if Jennifer verified that the RTI is accurate.
Mr. Maclarion confirmed that Jennfier has been in contact with them to verify their RTI.
Mr.Klusmann asked how many apprentices are in the program
Mr.Maclarion said that they have one apprentice.
Ms.Runkles asked if the program has hands-on lab-time.
Mr.Maclarion confirmed that the program incorporates hands-on lab time.
A motion to approve this provisional review was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
Mr.Maclarion presented item 13, 14 and 15 together at the request of the Chairman. See Item 15.
- Crist Instrument Co. (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for involuntary cancellation of standards of apprenticeship for a defunct program.(ITEM 13)
See Item 15. - Tony’s Electrical Service (Alicia Dennis) – Request for voluntary cancellation of standards of apprenticeship. (ITEM 14)
See Item 15. - J.L. Marshall & Sons (Jacqueline Trieu) – Request for voluntary cancellation of standards of apprenticeship. (ITEM 15)
Mr.Maclarion provided some brief background information for the Council on Crist Instrument Co., Tony’’s Electrical Service and J.L. Marshall & Sons’ Apprenticeship program and requested the Council’s approval to cancel those programs.
A motion to approve these cancellations was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
- Digital Network Group (Kinetic Potential) (Gina Best) – Request for posthumous completion of a Registered Apprentice. (ITEM 16)
Ms.Best requested Council approval for posthumous completion of a Registered Apprentice for Digital Network Group and provided some background information.
A motion to approve the request for posthumous completion of a Registered Apprentice was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Harford Community College (Amy Belt) – Request for registration of apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 17)
See Item 18. - Harford Community College (Amy Belt) – Request for registration of apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 18)
Ms.Belt requested registration for two apprentices with over 50% credit for Harford Community College. She provided some brief background information and offered to take any questions.
A motion to approve the registration of two apprentices with over 50% credit was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 26 JAT (Karen Parker) – Request for registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 19)
See Item 20. - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 26 JAT (Karen Parker) – Request for registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 20)
Ms.Parker requested registration for two apprentices with over 50% credit for the International brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 26 JAT. She provided some brief background information and offered to take any questions.
A motion to approve the registration of two apprentices with over 50% credit was made by Ms.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 7 JATC (Angela Harkness) – Request for registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 21)
Ms.Harkness requested registration for an apprentice with over 50% credit for the International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 7 JATC. She provided some brief background information and offered to take any questions.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Ms.Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Lywood Electric (Jacqueline Trieu) – Request for registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 22)
Ms.Trieu requested registration for an apprentice with over 50% credit for Lywood Electric. She provided some brief background information and offered to take any questions.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Ms.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). -
Road Sprinkler Fitters Local 669 JATC (Sheila Jackson) – Request for after-the-fact registration and completion of an apprentice.
Ms.Jackson requested after-the-fact registration for an apprentice with Lywood Electric. She provided some brief background on the program and the apprentice and offered to take any questions.
A motion to approve the registration and completion of an apprentice was made by Ms.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - AV3, Inc. (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 24)
- B&B Manufacturing Co. Inc. (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 25)
- Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 26)
Mr.Wilford expressed his concern about youth apprentices being tasked with guiding traffic across railroad crossings.
Mr.Maclarion said that the employer is responsible for knowing and abiding by exemptions regarding hazardous occupations.
Mr.Preston asked who determines what a youth apprentice can and cannot perform under certain hazardous occupations.
Mr.Maclarion said that there is federal guidance on occupations that minors can and cannot do. He added that the individual state government can add to those restrictions but cannot broaden them.
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Bank of Ocean City (Alicia Dennis) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 27)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Blown25 (Angela Clark) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 28)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Building Kidz of Columbia (Sheila Jackson) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 29)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Caprikorn Farms LLC (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 30)
See Item 48 for Council vote. - Cecil College (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 31)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Cecil County Family YMCA (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 32)
Mr.Wilford if the sponsor has enough staff to support 10 youth apprentices.
The sponsor confirmed that they have enough staff to accommodate 10 youth apprentices.
See Item 84 for Council vote. - CG Holdings (Ledo Pizza Millersville) (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 33)
Mr.Wilford expressed his concern about establishing a youth apprenticeship for occupations like pizza prep-cook.
Mr.Maclarion informed him that the program is intended for the occupation of manager, not a line-cook.
Mr.Klusmann asked if they would receive a certificate for completing the youth program.
Mr.Maclarion said that some of the youth programs offer industry-recognized credentials (IRC) but not all of them do yet.
Mr.Shmelzer asked about how a youth apprentice (as a manager) could handle alcohol sales.
Mr.Maclarion explained that they would be training under a manager that would be over the age of 18 and could handle any alcohol sales.
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Cherryworks LTD (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 34)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Christina Joseph Salon (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 35)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - City of Laurel (Gina Best) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 36)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Classic Auto Body (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 37)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Coppermine Bel Air (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 38)
MrWilford asked the sponsor if they are trying to take on 100 youth apprentices.
The sponsor confirmed that they are looking to take on 5-20 youth apprentices in each classification (almost 100 youth apprentices total) and that they have the staffing capacity to support that volume of new apprentices.
Mr.Shemlzer asked about the mechanism that the sponsor will implement to handle a sudden surge of apprentices.
The sponsor said that they have managers for each department and plenty of staff to train the apprentices.
Mr.Klusmann asked what the ratio was.
Mr.Maclarion said that the ratio is 1:1 for all youth apprenticeship programs.
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Cornerstone Construction LLC (Angella Moon) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 39)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Cromwell Small Engine LLC (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 40)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Dorchester County Public Schools (Jacqueline Trieu) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 41)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Electrify Electrical (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 42)
Mr.Wilford said that he noticed that the packet refers to the journeyworker as a “mentor” and requested that that language be standardized to say “journeyworker”/”journeyperson”.
Chairman Cavey mentioned that some of the discrepancy may arise from the fact that the regulations use the term “mentor”.
Mr.Maclarion said that they will change the language from “mentor” to “journeyworker”.
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Elite Care Physical Therapy (Angela Clark) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 43)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Frisco Investments, Inc. (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 44)
Mr.Maclarion cleared up some confusion based on a question from Mr.Shmelzer. Mr.Maclarion confirmed that “marketing manager” is the occupation for the youth apprenticeship program.
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Funtastic Foods (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 45)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - GMS Mine Repair & Maintenance, Inc. (Angella Moon) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 46)
Mr.Smelzer expressed his concern that there was no OSHA training listed in the packet.
Mr.Dean said that OSHA 10 is included as part of the core competencies.
Mr.Shmezler expressed his concern that there are options and that an apprentice isn't necessarily required to take OSHA 10.
Mr.Preston suggested separately listing out OSHA as a requirement for RI.
Mr.Dean said that OSHA can be explicitly added as part of the RI.
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Gold Medal Physical Therapy (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 47)
See Item 48 for Council vote. - GSM One, LLC (The Goddard School) (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 48)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Haines Fabrication & Machine LLC (Alicia Dennis) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 49)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Harrison Fabrication & Design LLC (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 50)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Hart Heritage (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 51)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Heidelberg Materials (Teresa Mena) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 52)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Jesse Jay’s Latin Inspired Kitchen (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 53)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Jet Tech Solutions (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 54)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Key Point Health Services (Logan Dean) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 55)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Leatherman Healthcare, LLC (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 56)
- Let’s Play Indoor Playground, LLC (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 57)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Forest Service (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 58)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Maryland Hall (Angela Clark) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 59)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - MCBP SFET Joint Venture (Assateague Outfitters) (Alicia Dennis) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 47)
- Milestones Enrichment Center (Karen Parker) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 61)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Modern Stone Age Kitchen (Pam Luby) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 62)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Montgomery County Government (Sheila Jackson) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 63)
Mr.Wilford asked why the Montgomery County Government is requesting 24 more youth apprentices when they requested a significant number of youth apprentices a couple months ago.
Mr.Maclarion explained that there are different departments and separate employers within the larger Montgomery County Government that are requesting youth apprenticeships.
Mr.Wilford expressed his concern regarding employers hiring large numbers of youth apprentices and cautioned Council members to consider that some employers may be trying to cheat the system for cheaper labor.
Mr.Preston suggested that the employer reports back the completion rate for the youth apprentices to ease some of the Council member’s concerns.
Mr.Wilford added that he would also be curious to see how many of the youth apprentices that complete the program then go onto a Registered Apprenticeship program.
Mr.Maclarion said that they can work with the sponsor to supply that information for the Council.
See Item 84 for Council vote. - MTM Development (Ledo Pizza Severna Park). (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 64)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - N&K Learning (The Goddard School) (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 65)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Patuxent Animal Welfare Society, Inc. (Calvert Well Pet Clinic) (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program.[YOUTH](ITEM 66)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Platinum Sprinkler (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 67)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Rapid Response Research Group, Inc. (3RGI) (Laura Wright) –Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 68)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - RCS Services (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 69)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Sage + Honey (The Beanery & Cafe) (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 70)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Saldino’s Kiddie Cottage (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 71)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Seams Possible Upholstery (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 71)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Sheehy Auto Store, Toyota of Laurel (Sheila Jackson) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 73)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Spring Dell Center (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 74)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Straight Forward Painting (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 75)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - St. Mary’s County Government (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 76)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Talbot County Public Schools (Pam Luby) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 77)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Aneta Lefterov) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 78)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Go-Glass Joy, LLC (Logan Dean) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 79)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Shore Sheet Metal, Inc (Logan Dean) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 80)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Abbtech Professional Resources, Inc. (Aneta Lefterov) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 81)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Total Craftsman, Inc. (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](ITEM 82)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - Worcester County Public Schools (Alicia Dennis) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 83)
See Item 84 for Council vote. - The Y in Central Maryland (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 84)
A motion to approve items 24-84 and supplemental item 6 and 7 with discussed revisions to item 46 (to add explicit language about requiring OSHA training) was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Preston, and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
Chairman Cavey stated that agenda items 24-84 and supplemental items 6 and 7 are all eligible employer requests for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program and he asked the Council if they had questions or concerns regarding any of those items.
See Item 84 for Council vote.
Agenda item 85 was tabled for the end of the meeting, following the presentation of the supplemental agenda items.
Chairman Cavey directed the Council to the Supplemental Agenda.
St. Mary’s County Public Schools. (Chris MacLarion) –Request for registration of standards of apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Teacher. (SUPP. ITEM 1)
Mr. Maclarion stated that he was joined by Mr.Jeff Maher from St. Mary’s County Public Schools to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for the occupation of Teacher. He provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if the program is struggling to reach their diversity goals being located in St.Mary’s County.
Mr.Maclarion said that the opportunity is not just limited to those in St.Mary’s County and that the school system is more diverse than private industry.
Ms.Durant asked why the sponsor did not incorporate the school to apprenticeship option.
Mr.Maclarion said it's very possible that they will add that later on.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr.Preston and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
- Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 486 (Angela Harkness) – Request for posthumous completion of a Registered Apprentice. (SUPP ITEM 2)
Ms.Harkness requested Council approval for posthumous completion of a Registered Apprentice for Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 486 and provided some background information.
A motion to approve the request for posthumous completion of a Registered Apprentice was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 26 JATC (Logan Dean) – Request for registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (SUPP ITEM 3)
Mr.Dean requested registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 26 JATC. He provided some brief background information and offered to take any questions.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Associated Builders and Contractors, Greater Baltimore (Logan Dean) – Request for registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training.(SUPP ITEM 4)
Mr.Dean requested registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit for Associated Builders and Contractors, Greater Baltimore.
Mr.Maclarion provided some clarity on the situation and went on to explain why the apprentice needs to be registered with 50% credit.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Heidelberg Materials (Teresa Mena) – Request for registration of apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (SUPP ITEM 5)
Ms.Mena requested registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit for Heidelberg Materials. He provided some brief background information and offered to take any questions.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent). - Preston Ford (Jackie Trieu) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH](SUPP ITEM 6)
See Agenda Item 84. - Preston Hyundai (Jackie Trieu) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (SUPP ITEM 7)
See Agenda Item 84.
A motion to close the meeting in order to discuss the status of East End Driving and Placements Services’ apprenticeship program was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Wilford, and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
- East End Driving and Placement Services (Chris MacLarion) – Request for voluntary cancellation of standards of apprenticeship. (ITEM 85)
A motion to reopen the meeting in order to publicly vote on the status of East End Driving and Placements Services’ apprenticeship program was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Wilford, and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
A motion to approve the voluntary cancellation of standards of apprenticeship for East End Driving and Placement Services was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Wilford, and unanimously approved (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
Chairman Cavey welcomed Delaware Elevator to recognize the graduation of one of their Youth Apprentices.
Ms.Georgeta Wainwright and Mr. Chad Prettyman from Delaware Elevator spoke about the hard work that this youth apprentice has put in and presented him with a certificate of completion. They went on to congratulate him and wished him success for his future in apprenticeship.
Chairman Cavey entertained a motion to adjourn. Mr. Wilford made the motion to adjourn, Mr.Shmelzer seconded and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:28 a.m. (Public Representative, Shuanta Chapple, and Employer Representatives, Minah Woo, Michelle Butt, Tasha Cornsih were absent).
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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