January 9, 2024 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Councilmembers* - Title/Affiliation
Brian S. Cavey - Chairman/Employee Representative
Lateefah Durant - Public Representative
Shaunta Chapple - Public Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr. - Employee Representative
Terreia Smalls - Employee Representative
Neil E. Wilford, Jr. - Employee Representative
Stephanie Anderson - Employer Representative
Michelle L. Butt - Employer Representative
Tasha Cornish - Employer Representative
Grant Shmelzer - Employer Representative
Minah Woo - Employer Representative
* Before the meeting convened,Public Representative, Shaunta Chapple, notified Director, Chris Maclarion that she would arrive late. Before the meeting convened, Employee, Harry Preston, also informed Director, Chris Maclarion that he had a scheduling conflict and would be unable to attend.
Other Attendees -Title/Affiliation
Portia Wu - Secretary, Maryland Department of Labor (MD Labor)
Erin Roth -Assistant Secretary of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL), MD Labor
John Feaster - Deputy Assistant Secretary, DWDAL
Leza Griffith - Maryland Assistant Attorney General
Christopher D. Maclarion - Director, Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP), MD Labor
Wayne Salter - MATP, MD Labor
Sheila Jackson - MATP, MD Labor
Jennifer D. Runkles - MATP, MD Labor
Jane Sinclair - MATP, MD Labor
Kevin Hunt - MATP, MD Labor
Gina Best - MATP, MD Labor
Coral Crawford - MATP, MD Labor
Ellie Marts - MD Labor, DWDAL
Susan Kaliush - MD Labor, DWDAL
Jamie Mangrum - MD Labor
Elissa (Last name not
- MD Labor
Charles Wallace - Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)
Jennifer Griffin -MSDE
Nicholas Burdick -U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL), Office of Apprenticeship
Lynn Stone -US DOL Office of Apprenticeship
Kerry Owings -Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED)
Berlyn Best MOED
Steve Patt Carter Machinery
Donna Kopf -Chaney Enterprises
Judith Keeler - Chaney Enterprises
Jeremy Timko - Charles County Sheriff’s Office
Jody Lamberti - Family Child Care Alliance of Maryland (FCCAMD)
James Reamy - Finishing Trades Institute (FTI)
Jeff Richmond - Howard Community College
Jim Hoos -Insulators, Local 24
Julio Caicedo -Insulators, Local 24
William Murphy - JATC, Local 26
Chip Williams -Lywood Electric
Carlos Mongalo -National Flooring Contractors Apprenticeship Program (NFCAP)
Samantha Windle -Nickle Electrical
Heather Sherpe -Nickle Electrical
Darryl Chisley -Reliance Fire
Cindy Rauner -Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO)
James Hewitt -SMECO
Jason Atherton -SMECO
Joseph Mattingly -SMECO
Joe Pickens - Sheet Metal Workers, Local 100
illegible name
Chairman Cavey called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. at the Plumbers and Gasfitters Local 5 Training Facility, 5000 Forbes Blvd. Lanham, MD.
Chairman Cavey welcomed all Council members, staff and guests to the January Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council (MATC) meeting and the first Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council (MATC) meeting of 2024.
He also recognized and thanked Council member T. Smalls and UA Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5 for hosting the meeting and for providing breakfast.
Chairman Cavey recognized the attendance of Maryland Secretary of Labor, Portia Wu. He thanked her for participating and invited her to say a few words.
Secretary Wu welcomed everyone and wished them a happy new year. She started by thanking the Council for all of their hard and tireless work and highlighted a handful of recent achievements. She shared that there are now over 11,000 Apprentices in Maryland and that the state has approved over 250 Youth Apprenticeship programs! In addition, Secretary Wu said that there now are over 800 active Youth Apprentices and over 2,000 completers. She congratulated the Council on their achievements and also recognized Department of Labor staff for all the hard work they do on the Apprenticeship front. She went on to say that the Governor is a huge proponent of Registered Apprenticeship and drew attention to the fact that there are even more ambitious goals outlined in the Blueprint for Maryland’s future, including the goal of 60,000 apprenticeships for high school juniors and seniors.
Secretary Wu recognized the amount of time and effort that goes into reaching these goals and commented on the length of the Council meetings. She said that the Department has come up with several ways that they will do their part to ensure maximum efficiency while also upholding the standards and quality of apprenticeship in Maryland. Secretary Wu said that, moving forward, the Department will be sure to provide the Council with the packet at least 10 days prior to Council meetings to give members adequate time to review and ask staff any questions at least 5 days prior to the meeting so that the Council can move quickly through the agenda during meetings.
Finally, Secretary Wu shared that the United States Department of Labor posted their proposed Apprenticeship Regulations and mentioned that Maryland may want to consider some key policy changes in 2024. She asked that the Council establish a subcommittee to discuss and resolve matters such as lengthy Council meetings, meeting style, potential policy changes, new approaches, etc. She closed by thanking everyone for their time and gave the floor back to Chairman Cavey.
Chairman Cavey asked Council members, staff, and guests to introduce themselves.
Prior to her departure for an event with the Governor Secretary Wu thanked all of the employers for their dedication and participation in the Apprenticeship system and thanked UA Local 5 for hosting.
Chairman Cavey thanked the Secretary for her remarks. He also thanked Mr.Smalls again for hosting and invited him to say a few words.
Mr.Smalls welcomed everyone and invited them to help themselves to breakfast. He also encouraged folks to explore the training facility and offered to give a tour to anyone interested following the meeting.
Chairman Cavey invited Assistant Secretary Roth to speak, however, in the interest of time, she stated that she would like to advance to the next item on the agenda. Chairman Cavey thanked Assistant Secretary Roth and gave Nicholas Buurdick with USDOL’s Office of Apprenticeship an opportunity to speak about the recently released proposed Apprenticeship Regulations. Mr.Burdick explained that this notice of proposed rulemaking is a big deal as the regulations have not been changed since 2008 and there are a lot of significant changes. He went on to explain how the process works, and stated that the proposed regulations are currently posted on the apprenticeship.gov website and will soon be posted to the Federal Register. He said once posted to the Federal Register, it will open up for a 60 day public comment period and encouraged everyone to take a look and leave any comments or concerns. He said that the regulation itself is proposed and that the document will be revised based on feedback from the public comment period.
Chairman Cavey thanked Mr.Burdick and offered Chuck Wallace to say a few words on behalf of MSDE. Mr.Wallace declined in the interest of moving through the agenda items.
Chairman Cavey proceeded to ask the Council if they had an opportunity to review the minutes and they collectively confirmed that they reviewed the minutes in full.
II. Minutes of the November 14, 2023 Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting.
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Ms.Butt, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved at 9:19 a.m. (Employer Harry Preston and Public Representative Shaunta Chapple were absent).
Chairman Cavey asked Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program Director Chris Maclarion to present the Director’s Report.
Mr.Maclarion addressed the Chairman Cavey, Secretary Wu, Assistant Secretary Roth, Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster and the Council. He welcomed everyone to the January MATC meeting and wished all a Happy New Year. Mr. Maclarion went on to thank the Chairman and the Council for their time and echoed the Chairman’s appreciation for Council Member T Smalls, Training Director Chris Biondi, Ashley Taylor and the JATC for hosting and for providing breakfast to the guests.
Mr. Maclarion provided an Apprenticeship Training Fund update:
- Total Fund Balance as October 31, 2023 after all obligations is $1,423,426.30
- November contributions: $28,513.50
- December contributions: $14,226.61
- Payments from the fund totaled $20,000.00
Mr. Maclarion shared that two Apprenticeship Navigators have left the Department and accepted other positions. He recognized both Faith Ramsburg, who started with another program in late December 2023, and Roslyn Edson who also departed in late December for her new position with the US Department of Veterans Affairs. He wished them both luck and thanked them for their service. Mr.Maclarion also announced that the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP) has extended offers to 3 individuals for Apprenticeship Navigator positions to cover the Susquehanna region, Southern Maryland and Eastern Shore. He shared that all 3 individuals accepted their offers and are expected to start in February
Mr.Maclarion also recognized Mr.John Taylor who will celebrate 50 years of state service next week. He thanked Mr.Taylor for his commitment to the state and his dedication to Registered Apprenticeship. He also shared that Mr.Taylor has helped mentor and guide him personally over the past 7 plus years and expressed his gratitude.
As mentioned in a Director’s report from 2023, Mr.Maclarion said that he and his staff have begun to visit Apprenticeship Sponsors to provide technical assistance on anything the program might need help with, including providing information on the local workforce areas, American Job Centers (AJCs), grants and tax credits. Mr.Maclarion shared that with recent staffing challenges, MATP has had to reduce the frequency of visits, however, they are aiming to do a minimum of 1-2 visits per sponsor, per year (ideally, one visit would be in person and the other via phone) going forward. He went on to say that these visits may be scheduled or unannounced and will ideally be conducted when Apprentices are scheduled to be in Related Instruction. Additionally, he added that the goal of these visits is to make sure Sponsors, especially those with smaller programs, have an established personal connection to their designated Apprenticeship Navigator to provide them with guidance. Mr.Maclarion went on to say that the review for Primus, in the agenda, demonstrates the need for continuous technical assistance and monitoring to help programs not only stay in compliance but also to help make sure the program runs correctly to ensure that the apprentice and the sponsor get the full benefit of Registered Apprenticeship. Additionally, Mr.Maclarion added that the visits will also help to make sure documentation is being submitted to MATP in a timely manner and will allow for staff to assist programs as issues arise instead of waiting for a compliance review.
Mr.Maclarion provided an update on Youth Apprenticeship Expansion saying that all 24 school systems are participating and there are youth apprentices in nearly every school system. Mr.Maclarion echoed Secretary Wu, recognizing another milestone and shared that 800 youth apprentices are actively earning and learning as part of their high school graduation path. He took the time to thank all the school systems and MSDE for their partnership and contributions.
Mr.Maclarion provided an update from the November MATC meeting. He shared that the East End Driving and Placement Service LLC apprenticeship program had a date set with the Office of Administrative Hearings for December 6th but that hearing was canceled at the request of the Counsel for East End Driving and Placement Service. He went on to say that the new dates for the hearing will be January 24th through 26th. Additionally, Mr.Maclarion said that the Assistant Attorney General for the hearing is currently working with the Counsel from East End to inquire about a possible voluntary settlement of the case prior to the hearing.
Finally, Mr.Maclarion reminded the Council that Maryland’s legislative session will begin tomorrow. He also reminded the Council that they may testify on bills, however, he informed them that they must follow the procedures for notification to the Governor’s Legislative Office and the Office of the Secretary. He provided a copy of the requirements for the Council members and directed them to look at the Council section that begins on page 2 under the title of “Board, Commission and Advisory Council Members as well as the notification form and address to submit it to on Page 3.
Mr. Maclarion thanked Chairman Cavey, the Council and esteemed guests and said he would be happy to answer any questions.
A motion to approve the Director’s Report was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston and Public Representative Shaunta Chapple were absent).
- National Flooring Contractors Apprenticeship Program (NFCAP). (Chris MacLarion).
Request for registration of standards of apprenticeship and equal employment opportunity
plan for the occupation of Floor Coverer. Related Instruction to be provided by the sponsor.
(Item 1).
Ms.Best began by addressing the Chairman, the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, the Council and guests and thanked them for their time and attention. She said she was requesting the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for the occupation of Floor Coverer. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to answer any questions from the Council.
Mr.Wilford asked what the ratio of virtual to in-person learning is for this program.
Ms.Best explained that the online classes will take place 30 mins a day Monday-Thursday with a 2.5 hour hands-on lab on Friday mornings. She added that the Apprentice is responsible for completing 2 hours of additional virtual training per week on their own time.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Ms.Butt and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston and Public Representative Shaunta Chapple were absent). - Charles County Sheriff’s Office. (Chris MacLarion). Request for registration of standards of
apprenticeship and equal employment opportunity plan for the occupation of Police Officer.
Related Instruction to be provided by the sponsor and the Southern Maryland Criminal
Justice Academy. (Item 2)
Mr.Maclarion, again, addressed the Assistant Secretary, the Chairman and Council members. He stated that he was joined by Sargent Timko to request the registration of standards of apprenticeship and equal employment opportunity plan for the occupation of Police Officer at the Charles County Sheriff's Office. He went on to provide the Council with some background information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Mr.Klusmann asked why the program says it is 13 to 24 months.
Mr.Maclarion explained that it is possible for an individual to transfer in from another program and transfer their credit so that they don't have to complete the full program over again. Therefore, under normal circumstances, an apprentice would complete the full 24 month program, however, an individual who has already completed half of the program somewhere else could transfer in and only need to complete 13 months of the program.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an equal employment opportunity plan was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston and Public Representative Shaunta Chapple were absent). - Family Child Care Alliance of Maryland (FCCAMD). (Chris MacLarion). Request for
registration of standards of apprenticeship for the occupation of Childcare Professional.
Related Instruction to be provided by the sponsor via ChildCareEd. (Item 3)
Mr.Maclarion addressed the Chairman, Council and guests. He stated that he was joined by Jody Lamberti to request registration of standards of apprenticeship for the occupation of Childcare Professional. He went on to provide some additional information on the program and the occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.
Mr.Klusmann asked about the “medical report for childcare” and asked what that consists of.
Mr.Maclarion explained that MSDE requires child care providers to complete the medical report. Furthermore, he explained that the apprentice will bear no cost and stated that the report is essentially a basic physical assessment.
A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Woo and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston and Public Representative Shaunta Chapple were absent).
- Chaney Enterprises. (Jane Sinclair). Request for revision of standards of apprenticeship to
add the occupation of Diesel Mechanic. Related Instruction to be provided by the sponsor in
conjunction with manufacturer and vendor training. (Item 4).
Ms.Sinclair addressed the Chairman Cavey, Secretary Wu, Assistant Secretary Roth, Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster and the Council. She said that was joined by Donna Kopf from Chaney Enterprises to request a revision of standards of apprenticeship to add the occupation of Diesel Mechanic. Ms.Sinclair went on to provide additional background on the program and occupation and offered to take any questions from the Council.
Ms.Durant said that appendices A, B and C appear to be for the Diesel Mechanic and asked if those appendices are also being used for the occupation of Concrete Driver.
Ms.Sinclair said no, they are not. She explained that there is a separate appendix A, B, and C each separate occupation and that those appendices were not included in the packet for the occupation of Concrete Driver.
Mr.Klusmann expressed that he felt that safety and OSHA should be prioritized considering the apprentice’s exposure to dust and chemicals and that OSHA should be moved to the top of the list.
Ms.Kopf explained that safety is certainly a top priority throughout the program and added that OSHA 10 is included in the onboarding of new employees.
Mr.Maclarion said that he will move OSHA to the top of the curriculum list and state that OSHA10 is provided at the front end of related instruction.
A motion to approve this program revision with a change to the order of the curriculum list was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Mr. Smalls and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston and Public Representative Shaunta Chapple were absent).
- Howard Community College. (Sheila Jackson). Request for revision of standards of
apprenticeship to add the occupations of Hotel Lodging Manager and Restaurant Manager.
Related Instruction to be provided by the sponsor. (Item 5)
Ms.Jackson addressed the Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Council members and guests. She said that she was joined by Mr.Jeff Richmond from Howard Community College. She said that MATP received written communication from HCC to request the addition and approval of two new occupations, hotel manager and restaurant manager. Ms.Jackson provided some additional information on the program and occupation for the Council and then offered to field any questions.
Mr.Shmelzer asked if an individual can complete and graduate the course and apprenticeship without taking classes that do not directly align with the occupation (such as the arts and humanities and social and behavioral science classes).
Mr.Richmond explained that the employers designed the program for apprentices to complete their associates and applied science degree.
Mr.Klusmann asked if the employer is paying for the classes.
Mr.Richmond confirmed that the employer will be covering the cost.
A motion to approve this program revision was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Ms.Anderson, Ms.Woo abstained and all other Council members in attendance voted in favor of approval (Employer Harry Preston was absent). - Finishing Trades Institute. (Chris MacLarion). Request for revision of standards of
apprenticeship to remove drug testing requirements from qualification and selection
procedures. (Item 6)
Mr.Maclarion addressed the Chairman, Council and guests. He stated that he was joined by James Reamy from the Finishing Trades Institute to request a revision of standards to remove the drug testing requirement from qualification and selection procedures. He provided some additional background information for the Council and offered to answer any questions.
Mr.Klusmann expressed his concern in removing the requirement.
Mr.Maclarion assured Mr.Klusmann that the individuals are aware of the laws and understand that they may not show up to the job or classes under the influence in any way.
Mr.Wilford asked if the sponsor would be willing to share the outcomes of this revision and the removal of the drug testing requirement.
The sponsor indicated that they would be willing to share the outcomes of this decision.
Mr.Smalls added that his program still conducts drug testing, however, they no longer test for Marijuana.
A motion to approve this program revision was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Wilford and unanimously approved. (Employer Harry Preston was absent). - Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO). (Jane Sinclair). Request for revision of
standards of apprenticeship to update wage progression to reflect an increase in
journeyworker wage from $44.15 to $49.39 per hour. Addition of an updated collective
bargaining agreement document for the occupation of Electrical Line Repairer. (Item 7)
Ms. Sinclair addressed the Chairman Cavey, the Council and esteemed guests. She stated that she was joined by Cindy Rauner and several other individuals from SMECO to request a revision to the standards of apprenticeship to update wage progression to reflect an increase in journeyworker wage. She provided the Council with some background information on the program and the revision requested and said that she would be willing to answer any questions from the Council.
Chairman Cavey thanked all of the SMECO staff that showed up for the meeting to demonstrate their support and dedication.
A motion to approve this program revision was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved. (Employer Harry Preston was absent). - Davis Ulmer Fire Protection. (Jane Sinclair). Request for revision of standards of
apprenticeship to update wage progression to reflect an increase in journeyworker wage
from $30.00 to $35.00 per hour. (Item 8)
Ms.Sinclair addressed the Chairman, Council and guests. She stated that she was joined by Darryl Chisley from the Davis-Ulmer Fire Protection to request a revision of standards to update the wage progression to reflect an increase in journeyworker wage. She provided some additional background on the requested revision and the program. She also pointed out a typo in the original packet where the occupation was listed as sprinkler-fitter instead of protective signal installer. She offered to field any of the Council member’s questions.
A motion to approve this program revision was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Ms.Durant and unanimously approved. (Employer Harry Preston was absent).
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS ( Five (5) or More Apprentices):
- United Union of Roofers, Water-Proofers and Allied Workers Local #34 Joint Apprenticeship
and Training Committee. (Coral Crawford). (Item 9)
Ms. Crawford addressed Chairman Cavey, the Deputy Secretary, the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Council members and guests. She requested the approval of a compliance review for the United Union of Roofers, Water-Proofers and Allied Workers Local #34 JATC. She said that she conducted the compliance review herself and shared some background information about the program and the compliance review with the council. She closed by offering to take questions.
A motion to approve this review was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Ms.Butt and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston was absent). - Western Maryland Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Industry.
(Coral Crawford). (Item 10)
Ms. Crawford addressed Chairman Cavey, the Deputy Secretary, the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Council members and guests. She requested the approval of a compliance review for Western Maryland JATC for the Electrical Industry. She went on to provide the Council with additional information on the review as well as the program itself. FInally, Ms.Crawford offered to answer any questions from the Council.
Mr.Klusmann asked Ms.Crawford if the sponsor provided a reason as to why the female participation rate is so low.
Ms.Crawford said that they did not explain why the participation was low, however, they did discuss how to increase participation moving forward.
A motion to approve this review was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Ms.Woo and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston was absent).
D. PROGRAM REVIEWS ( Fewer Than Five (5) Apprentices):
The following program reviews were performed and the programs were found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner. [No Council Action Required]:
- Primus Aerospace. (Coral Crawford). (Item 11)
Mr.Maclarion will have staff follow up more frequently than every two years in order to provide the sponsor the assistance they need to be successful.
- Lynnwood Electric. (Chris MacLarion). Request for registration of one apprentice Electrician
with credit beyond the fifty percent (50%) level for both On-the-Job Training and Related
Instruction. (Item 12)
Mr.Maclarion addressed the Chairman, Council and guests. He stated that he was joined by Mr.Chip Williams from Lynnwood Electric to request the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit for both OTJ and Related Instruction. He went on to provide some additional information on the apprentice and the program and offered to address any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Wilford, and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston was absent).
Mr.Williams thanked the Council for their approval and all of the important work they do. - Nickle Electric. (Chris MacLarion). Request for registration of one apprentice Electrician
with credit beyond the fifty percent (50%) level for both On-the-Job Training and Related
Instruction. (Item 13)
Mr.Maclarion addressed the Chairman, Council and guests. He stated that he was joined by Ms.Samantha Windle and Ms. Heather Sherpe from Nickle Electric to request the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit for both OTJ and Related Instruction. He assured the Council that the sponsor provided all the necessary paperwork to validate the apprentice’s credit and recommended the Council’s approval. Finally, Mr. Maclarion offered to field any of the Council member’s questions.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Klusmann, and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston was absent). - Washington D.C Electricians JATC, IBEW Local #26. (Chris MacLarion). Request for
registration of one apprentice Electrician with credit beyond the fifty percent (50%) level
for both On-the-Job Training and Related Instruction. (Item 14)
Mr.Maclarion, again, addressed the Chairman, Council members and guests. He stated that he was joined by Mr.Bill Murphy, Training Director at IBEW Local 26, to request the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit for both OTJ and Related Instruction. He went on to provide some additional information to assure the Council that all the necessary requirements have been met and offered to take any questions.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann, and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston was absent).
Chairman Cavey stated that agenda items 15-46 are eligible employer requests for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program and he asked the Council if they had questions regarding any of those items.
Ms.Durant asked how the Governor’s new minimum wage requirement will be addressed with regards to the Youth Apprenticeship programs. Mr.Maclarion said that every Youth Apprenticeship employer has been notified of the new minimum wage of $15 and is required to adhere to the law.
Ms.Durant asked why MATP staff conducted site visits for some Youth Apprenticeship employers and not others.
Mr.Maclarion said that due to recent staffing shortages MATP has been receiving assistance from the schools to do the site visits for non hazardous occupations. He said that MATP still conducts the site visits with hazardous materials and that they try to visit as many as possible giving staffing capacity.
See Item 46 for Council vote
- Baltimore County Revenue Authority. (Coral Crawford). Request for approval as an eligible
employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 15)
Mr.Wilford asked why the Baltimore County Revenue Authority is doing their Related Instruction though Harford County schools instead of Baltimore County schools?
Ms.Crawford clarified that both the Apprenticeships are for the Golf Club that is based in Harford County which is most likely why they are working with Harford County school systems.
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Beitzel Corporation & Pillar Innovations, LLC. (Jennifer Runkles). Request for approval as an
eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item
Ms.Durant asked MATP staff to speak to the expectations for the welding apprenticeship as she did not see them listed in the packet.
Ms.Runkles said that the employer provided a more detailed job description that was shared with the school system.
See Item 46 for Council vote. - BIITECH. (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 17)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Buddy's Auto-Marine Inc. (Coral Crawford). Request for approval as an eligible employer for
the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 18)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Cavano's Perennials, Inc. (Logan Dean). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 19)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Cecil County Public Schools. (Chris MacLarion). Request for approval as an eligible employer
for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 20)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Chris Church Children’s Center. (Jennifer Runkles). Request for approval as an eligible
employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 21)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - City of Frederick. (Jennifer Runkles). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 22)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Clark Construction. (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 23)
Ms.Durant noted that Montgomery County is listed as the school district, however, the description references Montgomery County and Prince George’s County. She asked if it was for Montgomery and Prince George’s County school systems or just Montgomery County.
Ms.Jackson said that there was a typo on the cover sheet and that it is meant to cover both Prince George’s County as well as Montgomery County.
See Item 46 for Council vote. - The Eastern Sales and Engineering Co. (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as an eligible
employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 24)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Envista Growers, LLC. (Coral Crawford). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 25)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Fairlawn Tool, Inc. (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 26)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Frito-Lay. (Coral Crawford). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 27)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Harford Day School. (Coral Crawford). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 28)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Hawkins Landscaping, Inc. (Jennifer Runkles). Request for approval as an eligible employer
for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 29)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Health Tech Alley, Inc. (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 30)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Little Jacks Corner. (Jennifer Runkles). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 31)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Maryland Golf and Country Club. (Coral Crawford). Request for approval as an eligible
employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 32)
Ms.Durant asked about Harford County’s Greenskeeper occupations that take courses at the University of Georgia. She asked what the plan was for monitoring course completion and who is covering the cost.
Mr.Maclarion replied that the Georgia course is used for groundskeepers for registered apprenticeship programs as well and that the school systems will be covering the cost for the Youth Apprentices.
See Item 46 for Council vote. - McHale Landscape Design. (Jane Sinclair). Request for approval as an eligible employer for
the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 33)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Montgomery County Recreation. (Logan Dean). Request for approval as an eligible employer
for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 34)
Mr.Shmelzer expressed his concern that the occupation was presented differently to the Council during the last meeting. He also said that there are 60 youth apprenticeship opportunities listed and asked if there are 60 job opportunities for youth apprentices upon program completion.
Mr.Maclarion explained that in the previous Council meeting the occupation was listed differently. He said that upon a second review with MSDE they discovered that the occupation, as it was listed, was not apprenticeable. Mr.Maclarion said that MATP worked with the employer to ensure that the program included all requirements of the apprenticeable occupation. He went on to address Mr.Shmelzer second concern regarding the number of employment opportunities upon completion of the Youth Apprenticeship program. He said that there are thousands of approved apprenticeable occupations, however, it doesn't mean that all of them have active sponsors and apprentices. He said that there may not be 60 spots available right now, however, they can find sponsors to further develop the program. He explained that this is the starter step, and confirmed that the program has an approvable occupation and the required education.
Mr.Wilford asked if there will be 60 Journeyworkers to supervise the apprentices.
Mr.Maclarion confirmed that they have the capacity to meet the ratio requirement and stated that the employer is aware that they need to meet the 1:1 requirement. He also added that the school systems are required to conduct a site visit to each employer at least once every two years.
Mr.Wilford and Mr.Shmelzer noted their hesitancy in approving Montgomery County Recreation as an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program.
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Montgomery County Revenue Authority (MCRA). (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as
an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship).
(Item 35)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Radius Services. (Chris MacLarion). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 36)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Red Lotus Float Spa. (Jane Sinclair). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 37)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Rush Services, Inc. (Jennifer Runkles). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 38)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - SciTech2u. (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 39)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Streaks Hair Designs. (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 40)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Trinity Lutheran Christian School and Early Learning Center. (Coral Crawford). Request for
approval as an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth
Apprenticeship). (Item 41)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - True Power Solutions. (Coral Crawford). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 42)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - W.L. Gore. (Chris MacLarion). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 43)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Washburn's Boatyard. (Jane Sinclair). Request for approval as an eligible employer for the
Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 44)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Westminster Automotive Tire Pros. (Sheila Jackson). Request for approval as an eligible
employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 45)
See Item 46 for Council vote. - Wise Choice Child Development Center. (Coral Crawford). Request for approval as an eligible
employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth Apprenticeship). (Item 46)
A motion to approve items 15-46 was made by Mr.Klusmann, seconded by Ms.Durant, Mr.Smalls abstained, and all other council members voted yea (Employer Harry Preston was absent). Mr.Shmelzer and Mr.Wilford both noted their hesitancy and discontent regarding the approval of Item 34.
Chairman Cavey directed the Council to the Supplemental Agenda.
i. PROGRAMS REVIEWS: (Five (5) or more Apprentices):
- Cumberland Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 489 JATC. (Jennifer Runkles). (Supplemental
Item 1)
Ms.Runkles addressed the Chairman, Council and guests and requested approval for the program review of Cumberland Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 489 JATC. She went on to provide some background information on the program and the review and offer to answer any questions from Council members.
Mr.Klusmann asked if the minority participation rate could be monitored more recently.
Ms.Runkles said that in the workforce analysis it shows that of the total population in the three counties that make up Western Maryland (Washington County, Allegheny County, and Garret county) only about 10.9% of the population identify as minority. She went on to say that this is a very small percentage of the working population, making it much more difficult for sponsors in the region to recruit and retain minority apprentices.
Mr.Smalls added that the Sponsor has reached out to him and UA Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5 to ask about recruitment and retention strategies for minority apprentices.
Mr.Maclarion added that the sponsor has not onboarded any new apprentices for the past 2 years which would explain why there hasn't been any improvement in diversity.
Ms.Anderson asked why they haven't had any cohorts in the past 2 years.
Ms.Runkles explained that the participating employers were at capacity and did not need to hire anyone.
A motion to approve this review was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Ms.Butt and unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston was absent).
ii. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Five (5) or More Apprentices):
- Carter Machinery Company Inc. (Chris MacLarion). Request for registration of one
apprentice Electric Power Generator Technician with credit beyond the fifty percent (50%)
for both On-the-Job Training and Related Instruction.
Mr.Maclarion addressed the Chairman, Council members and guests and requested the registration of an apprentice with credit beyond the fifty percent (50%) Carter Machinery Company Inc. He explained that the apprentice is an Electric Power Generator Technician and has credit beyond the fifty percent (50%) for both On-the-Job Training and Related Instruction. He shared that he was joined by Steve Patt from Carter Machinery and went on to provide some additional information on the program and the apprentice. In closing he offered to take any questions from the Council.
A motion to approve the registration of an apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved. (Employer Harry Preston was absent).
Chairman Cavey asked the Council members if there is any other business that they would like to discuss.
Chairman Cavey shared that, as previously stated by Secretary Wu, MATC and the Department of Labor have worked out a new system to distribute the agenda items and packets to the Council members early so that they have time to provide feedback prior to meeting. He said that this new process should increase meeting efficiency, however, Chairman Cavey also requested the Council’s approval to establish a subcommittee to help make other recommendations on how to make MATC meetings more efficient moving forward.
Mr.Klusmann made a motion to approve the creation of a MATC Efficiency Subcommittee, Mr.Wilford seconded and the request was unanimously approved (Employer Harry Preston was absent).
Chairman Cavey stated that he will chair the Subcommittee. He also shared that Employee Representative, Stephanie Anderson, Employer Representative, Neil Wilford, and Public Representative, Lateefa Durant will sit on the Subcommittee as well. In addition, the Chairman added that, at least initially, MATC Staff members, Chris Maclarion and Gina Best, will also attend Subcommittee meetings. Finally, he added that he will work with Mr.Maclarion to establish a date for the first Subcommittee meeting that will most likely be held in person with a remote option.
Mr.Shmelzer asked Mr.Maclarion and Assistant Secretary Roth asked if the Department was aware of any planned events occurring during National Youth Apprenticeship Week.
Assistant Secretary Roth responded saying that they are currently surveying the local school systems to see what events that have scheduled for the near future and also mentioned that the Department is planning to have a meeting with MSDE soon to discuss plans moving forward. She said that the Department will most likely have an update during the next Youth Apprenticeship Advisory Committee (YAAC) meeting.
Ms.Durant asked about future opportunities to coordinate the efforts and increase the efficiency of Apprenticeship review in Maryland by aligning the YAAC and MATC and other official apprenticeship bodies.
Assistant Secretary Roth said that coordinating efforts for Apprenticeship bodies, councils and committees (MATC, YAAC, the 2030 Commission, and the CTE Committee) is something that the Department is currently exploring. She said that, hopefully, the Department will have updates to provide to the Council soon.
Chairman Cavey entertained a motion to adjourn. Mr.Wilford made the motion to adjourn, Ms. Woo seconded and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:45 a.m. (Employer Representative Harry PReston was absent).
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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