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November 19, 2024 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council

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Councilmembers* - Title/Affiliation
Brian S. Cavey - Chairman/Employee Representative
Lateefah Durant - Public Representative
Shuanta Chapple - Public Representative
Neil Wilford, Jr. - Employee Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr.- Employee Representative
Terreia Smalls - Employee Representative
Stephanie Anderson - Employer Representative
Grant Shmelzer - Employer Representative
Minah Woo - Employer Representative
Tasha Cornish - Employer Representative
Chris Hadfield - Employer Representative

* Before the meeting convened, Employee Harry Preston notified Director Chris MacLarion that he would be unable to attend. Director Chris MacLarion and Employer Representative Grant Shmelzer left early due to a scheduling conflict with another National Apprenticeship Week event.

Other Attendees -Title/Affiliation
Jason Perkins-Cohen Deputy Secretary, Maryland Department of Labor (MD Labor)
Erin Roth - Assistant Secretary, Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL), MD Labor
John Feaster - Deputy Assistant Secretary, DWDAL, MD Labor
Amanda Denison - Maryland Assistant Attorney General
Tracy Kyttle -Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)
Jeffrey Smith Office of Apprenticeship (OA) , United States Department of Labor (USDOL)
Joey Heavner Office of Apprenticeship (OA) , United States Department of Labor (USDOL)
Christopher D. MacLarion - Director, Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP), MD Labor
Logan Dean - MATP, MD Labor
Jane Sinclair - MATP, MD Labor
Gina Best - MATP, MD Labor
Jennifer Runkles - MATP, MD Labor
Teresa Mena - MATP, MD Labor
Sheila Jackson - MATP, MD Labor
Lynn Stone - MATP, MD Labor
Kevin Hunt - MATP, MD Labor
Aneta Lefterov - MATP, MD Labor
Roseanne Fish - MATP, MD Labor
Karen Parker - MATP, MD Labor
Mark W. Howe - MATP, MD Labor
Wayne Salter - MATP, MD Labor
Angela Harkness - MATP, MD Labor
Coral Crawford - MATP, MD Labor
Marshel Pollock - MATP, MD Labor
Angela Clark - MATP, MD Labor
Lloyd Day -MD Labor, DWDAL
Ellie Marts -MD Labor, DWDAL
Anahitta Mian -MD Labor, DWDAL
Tayaabah Quazi -MD Labor, DWDAL
Kelton Addison -General Public
Kathy Gress -Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Cumberland Valley (CVC)
Adrian Curtis -Prince George’s County Sheriff’s Office
Baxter Richard -Prince George’s County Sheriff’s Office
Ricardo Jaimez -Prince George’s County Sheriff’s Office
Rich Cerkovnik -Montgomery Community College
Andrew Capelle -Allied Drilling, LLC
Jay Bouis -Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)
Noell Damron -Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC)
Lindsay Hohl -W.M. Schlosser
Tracy Schlusser -W.M. Schlosser
Paul Genco -W.M. Schlosser
Steven Cullun -UAW, ST Eng./Middle River Aircraft Sys. Local 738
Juan Caicedo -Heritage Care, Inc.
Elizabeth Wojtisek -CCBC
Jim Sniezek -Montgomery Community College
Yesenia Barrera -Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED)
Georgeta Wainwright -Delaware Elevator
Casandre Opoku-Anane -Astra Zeneca
Kyle Sweeney -Allied Drilling, LLC
Andy Capelle -Allied Drilling, LLC
Mark Saxman -GSK
Chad Mullican -Heidelberg Materials
Walter Smith -Heidelberg Materials
Tobie Thomas MOED
Chuck Marquette -Baltimore City Community College (BCCC)
Elaine Carroll -Maryland Philanthropy Network, Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative
Howard Simon -Middle River Aircraft Systems
Michael Mehalick -Montgomery Community College
Ebonee Baker -Elocin global Logistics
Tammi Ledley -Carroll Community College
Nicole Francis -Elocin Global Logistics
Saidah Spinner -Elocin Global Logistics
Che Evans -Elocin Global Logistics

Chairman Cavey called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. at the Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry (2701 W. Patapsco Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21230).


Chairman Cavey welcomed all Council members, staff and guests to the November Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council (MATC) meeting. He extended his thanks to the Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry for hosting the meeting and providing breakfast for guests.

Chairman Cavey asked Council members, staff, and guests to go around the room and introduce themselves.

Following introductions, the Chairman thanked all for attending. He wished all a Happy Holidays and invited Deputy Secretary Jason Perkins-Cohen to say a few words on behalf of the Maryland Department of Labor (MD Labor).

Deputy Secretary Perkins-Cohen thanked Chairman Cavey. He went on to thank everyone in attendance, including all staff, guests, and Council members for their dedication and commitment to advancing Apprenticeship in Maryland. He specifically took the time to acknowledge the hard work of the Apprenticeship staff and ask them all to stand up to be recognized.

Deputy Secretary Perkins-Cohen shared that there are currently 12,535 active Registered Apprentices spread across 125 occupations and pointed out that Maryland currently has more active Apprentices than ever before. He went on to say that he doesn't want to lose sight of what the figures represent-12,535 Marylanders that are provided the opportunity to earn sustainable wages while learning new skills and advancing through a career pathway while also benefiting Maryland’s business by connecting them with skilled talent.

Deputy Secretary Perkins-Cohen shared that Governor Moore will be speaking Friday afternoon (November 22nd, 2024) and will be laying out his vision for the future and his plan to grow Apprenticeship, providing more individuals and businesses the opportunity to reap the benefits of Apprenticeship.

Deputy Secretary Perkin-Cohen went on to highlight the significance of two key words that come to his mind when thinking about what it’ll take to grow Apprenticeship; “urgency” and “balance”. He said when it comes to urgency, we, as a state, want to connect as many Marylanders as possible to Apprenticeship opportunities right now, however, “balance” is needed to maintain the integrity and value of the Apprenticeship system.

Finally, Deputy Secretary Perkin-Cohen concluded his remarks by presenting a proclamation from Governor Moore for National Apprenticeship Week (November 17 - November 23, 2024). The Deputy Secretary read the proclamation out loud to attendees and presented it to Chairman Cavey.

Chairman Cavey invited Erin Roth, Assistant Secretary for the Maryland Department of Labor’s Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL) to say a few words.

Assistant Secretary Roth thanked the Chairman, wished everyone a happy National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), and echoed the Deputy Secretary’s remarks.

Chairman Cavey thanked the Department of Labor for their remarks and asked if the Council members had an opportunity to review the minutes from the last MATC meeting in September. Council members collectively confirmed that they reviewed the minutes in full.

II. Minutes of the September 10, 2024 Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting. (MATC) MEETING.

Apprenticeship Director for MD Labor, Chris MacLarion, pointed out a correction to the minutes. He said the occupation for the first item under “New Programs”: “Anne Arundel Detention Facilities” should say “Correctional Officer” instead of “Food Service Manager”.

A motion to approve the minutes with the suggested correction was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klussman and unanimously approved at 9:15 a.m .(Employee Harry Preston was absent).


Mr. MacLarion addressed Chairman Cavey, Deputy Assistant Secretary Feaster, the Council members and guests and welcomed everyone to the November MATC meeting. Mr. Maclarion thanked Mike McHale, Council Member Neil Wilford, David Springham and the Baltimore Electrical JATC for hosting the meeting and for providing breakfast to the guests. He also gave a special shoutout to the Baltimore Electrical JATC as they have hosted the November MATC Meeting for NAW since 2017 and, again, extended his thanks and appreciation.

Mr.MacLarion said that this week is the 10th annual NAW, a 5 days period of activities that highlights the Registered Apprenticeship system, sponsors, employers, colleges, school systems, workforce areas, other partners, and most importantly, Apprentices and Apprenticeship graduates. He shared that there are dozens of events going on during the week all over the state and encouraged everyone to visit the Department’s website as well as the United States Department of Labor’s (USDOL) Office of Apprenticeship's (OOA) Website to find lists of events that may be of interest. Mr.MacLarion went on to say that there are several events being hosted by programs affiliated with Council Members and encouraged everyone to attend.

Mr.MacLarion piggy-backed on Deputy Secretary Perkins-Cohen’s remarks about not losing sight of the significance of data figures and remembering that each number represents an individual or business that is benefiting from participation in the Apprenticeship system. He shared that yesterday (Monday, November 18, 2024) USDOL hosted a NAW kickoff event that was co-emceed by Ms. Grecia Lopez, a third year plumbing Apprentice from the Plumbers Local 5 JATC in Maryland. In addition to USDOL recognizing Ms.Lopez, they hosted another event featuring two more Apprentices from Maryland, Mr.Malik Myles, a second year electrical Apprentice with IEC, employed by Colonial Electric and Ms.Dejanica Covington, a carpenter Apprentice in her fourth year with the Mid Atlantic Carpenters Union. She is due to graduate early next year and is already slated to begin running job sites. Finally, Mr.MacLarion said there will be a webinar presented by USDOL OA called: “Transitioning from Incarceration”. The Webinar will feature John Carroll, a recent graduate of Ironworkers Local 5 who will talk about how Apprenticeship helped him succeed after returning home from incarceration, how the ironworkers supported him, and how he's become a journeyworker and homeowner. Mr.Maclarion encouraged Council members, staff and guests to sign up for that webinar on Workforce GPS’s website.

Mr.MacLarion informed everyone that he has a scheduling conflict with another NAW event and will have to leave the MATC meeting early.

Mr. Maclarion provided an Apprenticeship Training Fund update:

  • Total Fund Balance as of October 31, 2024 after all obligations is $1,372,006.08
  • September contributions: $22,432.59
  • October contributions: $23,794.39
    • Fund expenditures during the period totaled $227,047.73

Mr.Maclarion commented on the figures the Deputy Secretary shared earlier, that there are currently over 12,500 active Apprentices registered across more than 100 occupations across the state. He added that there are also over 1,800 Apprentices who have completed their programs so far this year and if the state exceeds 2,000 graduates for 2024, it will be the first time that Maryland has consecutively graduated more than 2,000 Apprentices per year.

Mr.MacLarion said that the agenda is very large with 100 items and nearly 1,500 pages of supporting documentation. He said that there are 3 new programs seeking approval for the occupations of well driller, biotechnology associate and police officer, adding that all three occupations were previously approved by the Council. Mr.MacLarion also said that there are two programs on the agenda seeking to add new occupations: Automation Associate and Community Health Worker- both of which have also been previously approved by the Council.

He went on to say that the agenda is also exciting in that another community college is seeking registration and they bring with them employers who will be investing in their Apprentices and providing an Associates Degree at no cost to the Apprentice. He added that today, Secretary Wu will be delivering NAW remarks to staff from Montgomery Community College, Work source Montgomery, sponsors, employers and job seekers and will highlight this new program requesting approval.

Mr.MacLarion shared that the CTE Committee’s Policy on Apprenticeships for High School Students Under the Blueprint for Maryland’s FutureYouth Apprenticeship Expansion has been approved by the Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) and added that he anticipates a comprehensive update for the Council on any changes at the January, 2025 Council meeting

Mr.MacLarion said that staff is still in the process of modifying the way the Council’s packet is assembled and shared. He said that the packet now has each item bookmarked AND lists each item by name. He said that staff had a few challenges with Google Drive and has some corrected documents for the Council today. He took the time to thank the Council members for their patience while he continues to merge a team of 26 into the Apprenticeship system and collect documentation statewide.

Finally, Mr.MacLarion said that, with this being the last meeting of the year, the Council must vote on meeting locations for the upcoming year. He then thanked the sponsors that had already volunteered to host a meeting in 2025 (Choptank Electrical Cooperative, Delaware , Elevator, and Baltimore Electrical JATC) and opened the floor for Council discussion and votes. The following dates and locations were agreed upon by the Council.

2025 Meeting Locations:

  • January - Choptank Electrical Cooperative
  • March - Plumbers & Gasfitters UA Local 5
  • May - Delaware Elevator
  • July - Howard Community College (HCC)
  • September - Insulators Local 24
  • November- Baltimore Electrical JATC

A motion to approve the 2025 meeting schedule was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).

A motion to approve the Director’s Report was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).

Chairman Cavey thanked Mr.MacLarion for his presentation of the Director’s Report and proceeded to invite the presentation of agenda items. He welcomed Ms.Best to the podium to present Agenda Item 1.



  1. Allied Well Drilling, Inc. (Gina Best) – Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Well Driller. (ITEM 1)

    Ms.Best wished all a good morning and said that she was joined by Andy Capelle and Kyle Sweeney from Allied Well Drilling, Inc. to request the registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Well Driller. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to answer any questions from the Council.

    Mr.Hadfield asked for Ms.Best or the sponsor to further explain the in-house/virtual model.
    Ms.Best said that there is a mix of online instruction and in-house learning.
    Mr.Hadfield asked how the online hours are tracked.
    Ms.Best said that the online system they use tracks each student's hours for them.

    Mr.Shmelzer asked if there are instructor resumes contained within the provided documentation.
    Ms.Best said that they are not currently included in the packet but that they are on-file and she can provide them for the Council.

    Mr.Shmelzer said that there are no educational requirements or testing for this program and expressed his concern that candidates may not be prepared for the course work the program requires.

    Mr.Capelle confirmed that there are no education requirements up-front as to not exclude anyone from the program, however, he said that there is testing that occurs regularly as the students work through the different modules to gauge their understanding and inform their instructors if they are ready to advance to the next module.

    Mr.Shmelzer reiterated his concern with online learning and questioned if there could be Apprentices that could fall behind in the program due to the fact that the educational requirements were more advanced than expected or difficulty with learning online.

    Ms.Anderson asked how many in-person lab hours the program requires?
    Mr.Capelle said that about 75-80% of the lab hours are in-person.

    Mr.Smalls asked what the residency requirement meant?
    Ms.Best said that there is no residency requirement for this program, meaning that Apprentices do not have to live in a specific region in order to participate in the program.

    Mr.Klusmann stated that he is in favor of not having as many barriers to entering a program (such as not requiring a GED or High school diploma), however, he recommended adding more guidelines so that it is clear what the program requires in terms of education and physical capability.

    A motion to approve this new program and the registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Hadfield and unanimously approved. (Employee Harry Preston was absent).

    Prior to advancing to Agenda Item 2, Chairman Cavey invited Jeff Smith, Workforce Liaison at USDOL OA to present in front of the Council, staff and guests.

    Mr.Smith addressed the Council, staff, and guests and said that it is a pleasure for him to return home and present in front of MATC. He shared that it is the 10th anniversary of NAW and that he has had the honor of serving as USDOL OA’s National Apprenticeship lead for 2024. Mr.Smith said he is excited to share that this year there are over 2,360 NAW activities spread across all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 4 U.S. territories, ultimately setting a new record for NAW events across the Country. He said that Maryland has been a huge driver in achieving new records with regard to Apprenticeship on a national scale, not just in 2024, but since the inception of NAW. He applauded Maryland for the role they play in advancing Apprenticeship across the U.S. and they way the state’s Apprenticeship ecosystem is geared toward raising awareness of Apprenticeship through information sessions, job fairs, Apprentice graduations etc. Finally, he recognized the work of the Council in promoting and diversifying the State’s Apprenticeship system and briefly spoke about the value the Council brings to the greater Apprenticeship system as a whole.

    Mr.Smith asked the Chairman to join him at the podium and presented a Proclamation on behalf of President Biden on NAW 2024. He once again commended Maryland on their advancement of Apprenticeship and said that it is his pleasure to present the Council with a Proclamation from President Biden.

    Chairman Cavey thanked Mr.Smith and directed the Council to advance to Agenda Item 2.

  2. Montgomery College (Sheila Jackson) – Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Biotechnology Associate. (ITEM 2)

    Ms. Jackson stated that she was joined by Mr. Rich Cerkovnik from Montgomery College to request the registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Biotechnology Associate. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council.

    Shmezler asked about how Montgomery College is planning to track OJT hours for the students.
    Ms.Jackson said that the college coordinator will track OJT hours. She added that the employer is required to send the OJT hours to the sponsor.

    Mr.Shmelzer asked how they are planning to notify employers of Apprentice absences.

    that the college will sponsor will notify the employers via email of grades and absences each semester per class. Mr.Shmelzer expressed some concerns and said that he would like to see a system where employers are notified regularly with regard to attendance and OJT.

    Mr.MacLarion clarified that sponsors are only required to notify the employer of absences once the Apprentice’s absence can no longer be recovered to complete the program. He said that there is built in “make-up” time for students to account for their absence. Therefore, he said it is not a requirement to notify the employer of every Apprentice absence per class, with the exception of instances where an Apprentices attendance or grades are jeopardizing their progress through the program.

    Ms.Woo pointed out that in looking at the rating system, she said 40 points are provided for individuals with an Associate degree and she asked if they are referring to a degree in a different field (aside from biotechnology) The sponsor confirmed that they are referring to a degree in a different field.

    Mr.Klusmann asked, looking at the rating system and qualifications, if this program is geared toward individuals that are already enrolled in college.

    Mr.MacLarion assured Mr.Klusmann that the rating system is neutral and blind, however, the occupation does have some minimum education requirements.

    Mr.Wilford asked the hypothetical question of “If an Apprentice is laid-off by a contractor, does the cost of education then fall on the Apprentice?”.

    Mr.MacLarion clarified that a semester of education for an Apprentice is covered up front, so in a scenario where an Apprentice is laid-off at the beginning of the semester, they are still able to learn for free for the remainder of the semester. He added, though, that once that semester is over there is no obligation on the employer to cover any costs.

    Mr.Smalls asked for more clarity on the ranking system for the application.
    Mr.MacLarion said that there is no minimum score to enter the Apprenticeship, applicants are ranked so that each individual has a fair opportunity to enter the program provided they have some educational background.

    A motion to approve this new program was made by Ms.Woo and seconded by Mr.Shmelzer. Mr.WIlford and Mr.Smalls voted against the approval of this program, while the majority of Council members in favor of approval. This program was approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).

  3. Prince George’s County Office of the Sheriff (Karen Parker) – Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Police Officer (Sheriff). (ITEM 3)

    Ms. Parker stated that she was joined by Mr.Adrian Curtis, Mr.Richard Baxter, and Mr.Ricardo Jaimez from the Prince George’s County Office of the Sheriff to request the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and an Affirmative Action Plan for the occupation of Police Officer (Sheriff). She provided some additional background information on the occupation and the program and offered to field any questions from the Council.

    Ms.Durant pointed out that it appears that there are greater restrictions for male hairstyles than females.
    Mr.Curtis clarified that there are similar hair exceptions and allowances for men. He said that generally their rules and restrictions apply the same to both males and females.

    Mr.Klusmann asked if veterans can use their veteran’s benefits to help offset the costs Mr.Curtis responded affirmatively.

    A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).

  4. WM Schlosser Company Incorporated (Karen Parker) – Request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship and Affirmative Action Plan for a new program for the occupation of Carpenter. (ITEM 4)

    Ms.Parker requested the Council's approval and registration of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Child Care Professional on behalf of WM Schlosser Company Inc. She provided some additional background information on the program and occupation and offered to field any questions from the Council. Ms.Parker added that there was a typo in the original packet, however, she handed out an updated form that clarified that the program is time-based.

    Mr.Klusmann pointed out that safety is listed last for the OJT schedule and suggested that it be moved up in the schedule.
    Ms.Parker said that she will work with the sponsor to move the safety part of the OJT to the beginning of the schedule.
    Ms.Durant asked if the employer has considered adding the School to Apprenticeship option as part of their program.
    Mr.Dean clarified that the sponsor doesn't have to add the clause in their documentation but still have the ability to take on an Apprentice that is still in high school as long as they meet the other qualifications.

    A motion to approve this new program with the suggested revisions was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).


  1. Community College of Baltimore County (Angela Harkness) – Request to reactivate the occupation of Cyber Security Support Technician. (ITEM 5)

    Ms.Harkness stated that she was joined by Mr.Jay Bouis, Mr.Noell Damron and Ms.Elizabeth Wojtisek from the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC), to request the reactivation of the Cyber Security Support Technician occupation. She provided some additional background information on the occupation and program and offered to field any questions from the Council.

    Ms.Klusmann asked why the occupation was deactivated.
    Ms.Parker said the deactivation occurred due to a lack of staffing at the time.
    Mr.Dean clarified that there were no Apprentices in the program, therefore, there were no formal Apprentice cancellations.

    Mr.Wilford asked the sponsor if they have individuals in the pipeline to participate in the program.
    Mr.Bouis confirmed that individuals have expressed interest and will enter the program upon approval.

    Chairman Cavey pointed out that Agenda Item 6 is requesting a revision to the same program and asked if Ms.Harkness could present both Items together so the Council can vote on both at once.

    See Item 6 for Council vote.
  2. Community College of Baltimore County (Angela Harkness) – Request for revision of Standards to modify Affirmative Action Plan and related instruction for the occupation of Cyber Security Support Technician. (ITEM 6).

    Ms.Runkles requested the Council's approval for a revision of Standards to modify Affirmative Action Plan and related instruction for the occupation of Cyber Security Support Technician on behalf of CCBC. She provided more information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Mr.Shmelzer pointed out that there are multiple certifications that a student can receive through the program. He asked if the student gets to decide what certification they want to pursue and if the certification is a condition to completing the program.

    Mr.Bouis said that the employer decides what certifications the students pursue and that at the end of the program all students will have received at least on certification
    Ms.Runkles said that the Asian American Center of Frederick is actively conducting extensive outreach and has recruited both male and female minorities for the program.

    A motion to approve this reactivation and revision of Standards (Agenda Items 5 and 6) was made by Ms.Woo, seconded by Ms.Cornish and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  3. Elocin Global Logistics (Marshel Pollock) – Request to reactivate the occupations of Truck Driver Heavy and Truck Driver Light - Including Delivery and Route Workers; and for revision of Standards to modify Affirmative Action Plan and type of program from Individual to Group Non-joint. (ITEM 7).

    Ms.Pollock said that she was joined by Ms.Nicole Francis and Ms.Ebonee Baker from Elocin Global Logistics to request the reactivation of the occupations of Truck Driver Heavy and Truck Driver Light (including Delivery and Route Workers) and for a revision of Standards to modify their Affirmative Action Plan and change the type of program from Individual to Group Non-joint. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the modifications to the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Mr.Shmelzer asked if there is only 1 participating employer.
    Ms.Pollock said that there are two participating employers and that the second employer is G&g School Bus Transportation. Mr.Shmelzer asked how many Journeyworkers they would have between the two employers. He said that all the numbers will have to be updated in the paperwork since the second employer wasn't listed.

    Mr.Dean clarified that there are 10 Journeyworkers total and said that they will update the 990 document and other paperwork to accurately reflect the program and revisions.

    A motion to accept this reactivation and revision of Standards with the recommended changes was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  4. Heidelberg Materials (Teresa Mena) – Request for revision of Standards to modify related instruction and work processes for the occupation of Millwright. (ITEM 8).

    Ms.Mena said that she was joined by Mr.Chad Mullican and Mr.Walter Smith from Heidelberg Materials to request the Council's approval for a revision of Standards to modify the related instruction and work processes for the occupation of Millwright. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Ms.Anderson asked if the entire course is online with no in-person labs.
    Ms. Mena said that the course is entirely online.
    Ms.Anderson expressed concern that welding is being taught entirely online with no classroom instruction or hands-on learning outside of the OJT.

    The Sponsor clarified that the book curriculum is taught online, however, OJT starts in a controlled shop environment, not a work site, therefore the Apprentices are highly supervised and mentored while using the tools for the first time.
    Ms.Anderson recommended altering the language in their documentation to strengthen their program and clearly show that the program is not being done entirely online.

    Mr. Klusmann suggested that the safety curriculum be addressed first as part of the Related Instruction.

    Ms.Shmelzer asked if the Related Instruction is benchmarked.
    The Sponsor said that each student that comes in has their own start date and the sponsor will create a schedule for each individual based on their start date.

    Ms. Kyttle suggested organizing the documentation differently in the future to make the delineation between OJT and Related Instruction clear.

    Mr.Hadfield asked if the program is time-based. He also asked how the online Related Instruction hours are being tracked.
    The sponsor said that the program is time based and that the online system they use monitors and tracks each student’s Related Instruction hours.

    A motion to approve this revision of Standards was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr.Smalls and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  5. Heritage Care Inc. (Karen Parker) – Request for revision of Standards to add the occupation of Community Health Worker. (ITEM 9).

    Ms.Parker said that she was joined by Mr.Juan Caicedo for Heritage Care Inc. to requisition the revision of Standards to add the occupation of Community Health Worker. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Mr. Klusmann expressed his concerns regarding some of the testing questions.
    Ms.Parker said that the test questions are not testing content or knowledge they are more geared towards evaluating reading and math comprehension. She added that Apprentice do not need to get all the questions correct in order to pass.
    Mr.Dean clarified that reading comprehension, language skills, communication skills, report writing, etc. are qualifications for the Community Health Worker occupation.

    Ms.Chapple expressed some concerns regarding some of the testing questions. She asked where the test came from?
    The sponsor said that the test and questions were derived from a CNA program that is also run through Heritage Care Inc.
    Mr.Shmelzer encouraged the sponsor to work with their curriculum provider to help with developing appropriate questions to validate that the students are prepared to enter into the program.

    Ms.Woo recommended partnering with the third party, CASAS, as a partner for developing mathematics and reading comprehension assessments.

    Mr.Dean added that the occupation of Community Health Worker is also regulated and approved by the Department of Health, emphasizing that MATC is not the only body reviewing this curriculum and Standards.

    A motion to approve this reactivation provided the sponsor develops a new test that appropriately assesses the student preparedness for the Community Health Worker prior to their 1-year review was made by Ms.Chapple, seconded by Ms.Woo and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).

    Deputy Secretary Roth offered the sponsor assistance from MD Labor’s DWDAL to help with accessing vetted assessments for their program.
  6. Human Genome Sciences, Inc (GSK) (Aneta Lefterov) – Request for revision of Standards to add the occupation of Automation Associate.(ITEM 10)

    Ms.Lefterov said that she was joined by Mr.Mark Saxman from Human Genome Science, Inc to request a revision of Standards to add the occupation of Automation Associate. She provided some additional information on the occupation and the program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Ms.Shmelzer asked for the sponsor to speak to the electrical OJT hours there are in their schedule.
    The sponsor further explained the reasoning behind their OJT schedule. He said that the during the first portion of the Apprenticeship the goal is to familiarize the students with the basics of automation (getting familiar with control cabinets etc.), therefore, the first portion is heavy on electrical so that the Apprentices have a foundational understanding of their work and learn the safety protocol upfront.

    Mr.Wilford asked what an Automation Associate is and what they do.
    Mr.Saxman said that GSK is a manufacturing facility and Automation Associates augment the equipment used at the facility (managing temperature, sterilization, etc.). He provided an example where an Automation Associate is instructed to augment a vessel so that it maintains a specific temperature for a certain amount of time and said that the Associate would then program the vessel so that it meets the needs of the client.

    Mr.Dean suggested that the sponsor strike the language regarding electric installation and add a disclosure statement about not being able to perform electrical work without a license.

    Mr.Shmelzer commended the sponsor for all of the safety guidance built into the Related Instruction and said that he would like to see it mentioned within the documentation.

    Ms.Anderson asked if the Apprentices would be taking on a full college course-load during year 1.
    The sponsor said that the students will be doing part time school while also working.

    A motion to approve this revision of Standards was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and unanimously approved provided that the sponsor implements the recommendations to strike certain language, add a disclosure statement, and include their safety training in the documentation (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  7. Middle River Aircraft Systems JAC (Angela Harkness) – Request to reactivate the occupations of Electrician (Maintenance), Machine Repairer, Millwright, Pipe Fitter, and HVAC Technician. (ITEM 11).

    Ms.Harkness said that she was joined by Mr.Steven Cullun and Mr.Howard Simon from Middle River Aircraft Systems JAC to request reactivation of the following occupations: Electrician (Maintenance), Machine Repairer, Millwright, Pipe Fitter, and HVAC Technician. She explained that the program became inactive due to a change in ownership and provided some additional information on the occupations and the program before offering to field any questions from the Council.

    Ms.Anderson asked if there is an in-person lab where Apprenticeship can engage in hands-on learning.
    The sponsor confirmed that there will be hands-on learning components provided in-person.

    Mr.Shmelzer asked that the sponsor ensures that any electrical Apprentices get their electrical license.

    Mr. Klusmann asked how many Apprentices there will be in the program.
    The sponsor said there will be 8-10 Apprentices.

    Mr.Wilford asked how many electricians there are currently.
    The sponsor said that they currently have 8 electricians.
    Mr.Wilford asked if they have a maintenance electrician curriculum and asked if they would be willing to share it.
    The sponsor said that they have the curriculum and would be willing to share it.

    Mr.Smalls asked if the sponsor has plumbers.
    The sponsor said no.
    Mr.Smalls asked who performs the plumbing work.
    The sponsor said that the pipefitters handle the plumbing related work.

    A motion to approve this reactivation was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Ms.Shmelzer and approved. (Employee Harry Preston was absent).

Chairman Cavey called for a 10-minute comfort break before advancing to Agenda Item 12.


  1. Baltimore City JATC Local #44 (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with 5 or more Apprentices. (ITEM 12)

    Ms.Crawford presented a program review for Baltimore City JATC #44. She said that program was adversely impacted by staffing issues and the pandemic and as result their Apprenticeship administrators not being adequately briefed on the correct processes. Since the review, Apprenticeship Navigators has assisted the sponsor to update their system and provided all the necessary paperwork. Ms.Crawford said that negotiations are ongoing to secure funding for Related Instruction. She said that staff plans to attend a JATC meeting to offer further technical assistance and recommended approval of this program with another review in 1 year. She offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Chairman Cavey asked why Apprentices are being paid at a Journey Worker rate.
    Ms.Crawford said that they were being paid at that rate due to confusion about how the program operates.

    Chairman Cavey asked if the Apprentices are being delayed in advancing through the program due to a lack of funding for Related Instruction. Ms.Crawford said yes, however, she added that funding is being released bit by bit.

    Mr.Dean added that they are meeting with the sponsor regularly to assist them with securing funds for Related Instruction.

    Mr.Durant requested that staff provide an update on this item at the next meeting.

    Mr.Shmelzer asked if there was a program review done for this sponsor in 2022.
    Mr.Dean said that, unfortunately, due to a lack of staffing there was no review conducted in 2022.

    Mr.Shmelzer said that the colleges have funding available for students and said that maybe sponsor’s local community college could assist with funding for Related Instruction.

    A motion to approve this review provided that staff provide continuing updates on this program at future MATC meetings was made by Ms. Durant, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and approved. (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  2. Baltimore Bricklayers JATC Local 1 (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with 5 or more Apprentices. (ITEM 13)

    Ms.Crawford presented a program review for Baltimore Bricklayers JATC Local 1. She provided a brief overview of the program and noted that staff found a deficiency in registering female Apprentices, however, she added that they have shown significant improvement. She recommended approval of this program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    A motion to approve this review was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Wilford and approved. (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  3. Digital Network Group (Kinetic Potential) (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with 5 or more Apprentices. (ITEM 14)

    Ms.Crawford presented a program review for Digital Network Group (Kinetic Potential). She provided a brief overview of the program and noted that staff found the sponsor did not meet their goal for registering female Apprentices, however, she added that they have shown a good faith effort. She said that staff also noted a deficiency in their ratio and recommended that they work with a regional navigator to address the ratio issues in their standards. She recommended approval of this program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Mr.Shmelzer asked how the sponsor was allowed to exceed the ratio.
    Mr.Dean said it was an administrative error that will be resolved right away.

    Ms. Anderson asked how the sponsor will resolve the issue without getting rid of Apprentices.
    Mr. Dean explained that it is a non-hazardous occupation so that ratio can be expanded to 2:1.

    Mr. Denninson, legal counsel for MD Labor, clarified that the Council can temporarily approve the expanded ratio with the expectation that the sponsor formally applies for an expanded ratio through the department.

    A motion to temporarily approve this review through January 14, 2025 with the expectation that the sponsor submits a formal application to expand their ratio was made by Mr.Smalls, seconded by Mr.Durant and approved. Mr.Wilford voted against the motion (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  4. Dr. Masica Jordan LLC (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with 5 or more Apprentices. (ITEM 15)

    Ms.Crawford presented a program review for Dr.Masica Jordan LLC. She provided a brief overview of the program and pointed out a typo in the packet, she said this program was listed as a group joint sponsor, when it is in fact, a group non-joint sponsor. She said that staff noted a deficiency in submitting late cancellation forms and met with the sponsor to identify why so many Apprentices are being cancelled at once. Ms. Crawford recommended approval of the program and offered to take questions from the Council.

    Ms.Durant asked for more information about the 38/40 cancellations.
    Ms.Crawford said that the number of cancellations was due to the fact that they were originally working with an employer that took on 38 Apprentices, however, after the Apprentices were registered the employer became nonresponsive and the Apprentices were unable to participate in Related Instruction. She said that there was a delay in the cancellations because the sponsor was hopeful that they could get the employer back on board but ultimately that was not the case and the Apprentices were cancelled.

    Conversation ensued surrounding the validity of the program and integrity of the employer. Council members questioned whether there was a financial incentive to take on the Apprentices and then cancel them.

    Ms. Kyttle said the employer was a recipient of a grant from the Department of Commerce that ended in 2024.

    Mr. Dean said they will look into this issue more.

    Deputy Secretary Roth said that the sponsor is a recipient of a grant through the Department's Office of Strategic Initiative and suggested that staff also check with Director Mary Keller to verify the standing of this sponsor.

    Ms. Woo echoed the concern about the Apprentices not receiving the training and recommended that another review is performed in 1 year instead of 2.

    Mr. Shmelzer respectfully disagreed and recommended tabling this item for the next meeting to get further clarification on the situation.

    Mr. Shmelzer introduced a motion to request further information on the sponsor from staff. Ms. Anderson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent). This item will be reintroduced when staff is able to inquire with the Department of Commerce and MD Labor’s Office of Strategic Initiatives and present more information to the Council on the sponsor’s funding sources and the reasoning for cancellations.
  5. IBSS Corp (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with 5 or more Apprentices. (ITEM 16)

    Ms.Crawford presented a program review for IBSS Corp. She provided a brief overview of the program and noted that the sponsor failed to meet their workforce goal of registering female Apprentices but did not note it as a deficiency due to the fact they have shown a good faith effort. She recommended approval of this program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    A motion to approve this review was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and approved. (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  6. JMT Services, Inc. (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with 5 or more Apprentices. (ITEM 17)

    Ms.Crawford presented a program review for JMT Services, Inc. She provided a brief overview of the program and noted that staff found a deficiency in that the sponsor failed to meet their workforce goal of registering minority and female Apprentices. She said that a Navigator will work with the sponsor to further diversify their program. She concluded by recommending approval of this program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Ms.Anderson pointed out that it says in the packet that the sponsor re-enrolls the Apprentices if there are attendance competencies issues. She asked if that means that re-enroll them in the year that they have the attendance issues or the following year. She added that it is unacceptable that the sponsor is not receding attendance reports as it is a requirement.

    Ms.Crawford confirmed that Apprentices are re-enrolled. She also said that she was told that they do have attendance reports, though she didn't see them during her visit. She said that they showed her a spreadsheet that compiled the information from the attendance reports.

    Mr.Shmelzer said that if an Apprentice misses six days the Apprentice would be unable to meet the required 144 hours and is concerned that Apprentices are meeting the total amount of hours required due to the fact that Delaware doesn't have as many make up days.
    Ms.Crawford said that from her review she didn't come across any attendance issues.

    Mr. Klusmann asked if the sponsor had a reason why there weren't any female applicants. Ms.Crawford assured the Council that the sponsor is not discriminating, they just haven't received any female applicants. Mr. Klusmann asked if the sponsor is conducting outreach to recruit females into the program. Ms.Crawford said that there were not sufficient recruitment efforts and explained that is why they are being connected with a Navigator to resolve those issues. Mr. Klusmann expressed concern and said that it is unacceptable that they have no female applicants.

    A motion to approve this review was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and approved. (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  7. Lywood Electric Incorporated (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with 5 or more Apprentices. (ITEM 16)

    Ms.Crawford presented a program review for Lywood Electrical Incorporated. She provided a brief overview of the program and noted that staff found a deficiency in that the sponsor failed to meet their workforce goal of registering minority and female Apprentices. She said that a Navigator will work with the sponsor to connect them to events that will help with recruitment efforts to diversify the program. She concluded by recommending approval of this program with another review scheduled in 2 years and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Mr. Smalls pointed out that in 2021 the percentages of minority Apprentices was 18% and female Apprentices was 0% and in 2024 it shows significant improvement but breaks out the number by “upper shore” and “lower shore”. He asked if those variables were not used in 2021.
    Mr. Dean said that the variables have remained the same but the reports from 2021 to 2024 could have been written differently. He said that he could pull the data out for Mr. Smalls if he wants.

    Mr. Smalls asked why the payroll information was classified.
    Ms. Crawford said that the sponsor was reluctant to share the complete folder containing payroll information because they said it contained confidential information regarding the company.
    She clarified that she was able to see all the necessary documentation during her review (OJT, Related Instruction, application, wage records, etc).
  8. Prince George’s County Fire and EMS (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with 5 or more Apprentices. (ITEM 19)

    Ms.Crawford presented a program review for Prince Geroge’s County Fire and EMS. She provided a brief overview of the program and noted that the sponsor failed to meet their workforce goal of registering female Apprentices but did not note it as a deficiency due to the fact they have shown a good faith effort. She recommended approval of this program and offered to take any questions from the Council.

    Mr. Wilford asked why the sponsor doesn’t have the Apprentice’s phone numbers.
    Ms.Crawford said she was unsure but said that it was probably due to the way their business is set up- having most of the recruitment handled through their personnel department. She said that she will request that they collect Apprentice’s phone numbers.

    Mr. Shmelzer asked if she was able to interview the Apprentices via email.
    Ms.Crawford said she was unable to interview the Apprentices and that she will require phone numbers upon the next communication with the sponsor.

    Mr. Shmelzer said that, in his opinion, the review is incomplete due to the fact that Ms. Crawford was unable to interview Apprentices.

    A motion to approve this review pending additional information (specifically Apprentice interviews) was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Smalls and approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).


Chairman Cavey stated that Items 20-21 are program reviews with fewer than 5 Apprentices. He said that the programs were found to be satisfactory and no Council action is required.

  1. Olive Consulting (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with fewer than 5 Apprentices. (ITEM 20)

    Council members pointed out that the report is missing.

    Mr. Dean will send the report from Olive Consulting to Council members.

    This Item will be tabled until the next meeting to allow time for the Council to review the missing report.
  2. Summit Anchor (Coral Crawford) – Request for approval of program review for a registered sponsor with fewer than 5 Apprentices. (ITEM 21)

    Ms.Anderson said that both Apprentices voiced dissatisfaction and expressed concern that the program wasn't up to par.
    Ms.Crawford said that they are in the process of revising their standards.
    Ms.Runkles said that she spoke with the Apprentices and said that they are happier now. She said that there was unexpected turnover at the company that impact the Related Instruction and OJT and that could have impacted the Apprentices level of satisfaction

    Ms. Anderson made a motion requesting that the sponsor’s program is reviewed again in 6 months to ensure they’ve revised their standards. Mr. Wilford seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).


Chairman Cavey stated that Item 22-30 are requests for cancellations of Apprenticeship Standards. He added that Items 22, 29, and 30 are involuntary cancellations and require no Council action. He asked the Council members to entertain a motion to group them together.

See Item 30 for Council vote.

  1. Adcor Industries, Inc. (Marshel Pollock) – Request for involuntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship for a defunct program. (ITEM 22)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.
  2. BBB of Greater MD Inc. (Marshel Pollock) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 23)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.
  3. Carlstan Machining Inc. (Marshel Pollock) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 24)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.
  4. The Chesapeake Machine Company (Marshel Pollock) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 25)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.
  5. Chesapeake Woodworking (Marshel Pollock) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 26)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.
  6. Keystone Electric Company Inc. (Marshel Pollock) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 27)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.
  7. Rising Generations Early Learning Center (Karen Parker) – Request for voluntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship. (ITEM 28)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.
  8. Tree Keepers (Pam Luby) – Request for involuntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship for a defunct program. (ITEM 29)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.
  9. Window Master, Inc. (Jane Sinclair) – Request for involuntary cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship for a defunct program. (ITEM 30)

    See Item 30 for Council vote.

Mr.Shmelzer made a motion to group together and approve cancellations for Items 22-30. Mr.Wilford seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent)..


  1. ABC Cumberland (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 31)

    Ms.Runkles said she was joined by Ms.Kathy Gress to request Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of ABC Cumberland. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.

    A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Shmelzer and approved. Ms.Anderson abstained (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  2. Asian American Center of Frederick (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for registration of Apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 32)

    Ms.Runkles requested Council approval for the registration of Apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of the Asian American Center of Frederick. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.

    A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  3. Camden Dream Center Technology Training School (Gina Best) - Request for registration of Apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 33)

    Ms.Best requested Council approval for the registration of 2 Apprentices with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of Camden Dream Center Technology Training School. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.

    A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr.Shmelzer, seconded by Mr.Wilford and approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  4. ITEM 34. Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC)- Chesapeake (Sheila Jackson) – Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 34)

    Ms.Jackson requested Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of Independent Electrical Contractors- Chesapeake. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.

    A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr.Wilford and approved. Mr.Shmelzer abstained (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  5. IEC Kreiger (Sheila Jackson) – Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 35)

    Ms.Jackson requested Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of IEC Kreiger. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.

    Mr.Shmelzer clarified that the Apprentice’s previous employer was not a participating employer in Registered Apprenticeship and he was only doing the program for the Related Instruction.

    A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Ms.Woo and approved. Mr.Shmelzer abstained (Employee Harry Preston was absent).
  6. Nickle Electrical Companies (Gina Best) – Request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training. (ITEM 36)

    Ms.Best requested Council approval for the registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit granted for prior work experience and training on behalf of Independent Electrical Contractors- Chesapeake. She provided some background information and offered to answer any questions from the Council.

    A motion to approve the request for registration of an Apprentice with over 50% credit was made by Ms.Anderson, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Employee Harry Preston was absent).

Chairman Cavey stated that agenda Items 37-100 are all eligible employer requests for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (AMP). He opened the floor for Council discussion on any items regarding Youth Apprenticeship.


Ms.Durant asked if there is a way that employers could indicate (perhaps in the application process) if their Youth programs include an Industry Recognized Credential (IRC).

Deputy Secretary Roth said the CTE Committee reviewed and approved some new policy guidance that has yet to be distributed. She said that MD Labor will be working closely with the CTE Committee and MSDE to work through that and should be able to provide an answer at the next Council meeting.

Mr.Dean said that Council’s role regarding Youth Apprenticeship is detailed in the MD Labor’s Youth Apprenticeship policy which is separate from the guidance the CTE Committee follows. He said that once the CTE guidance is clear staff can go back to revise the policy and clarify the role that MATC plays as well as requesting that Youth employers indicate whether their program includes an IRC.

Mr.Shmelzer said that the Youth Advisory meetings are continually getting rescheduled while waiting on the new guidance. He said that he has had conversations with the Chairman about bringing in someone from the CTE Committee to speak to the new guidance at a future Council meeting.

Ms.Kyttle said that most of the Youth applications submitted from Cecil County were missing the course descriptions. She added that MSDE needs the course descriptions to be able to approve the program.

  1. Agape Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Physical Therapist Aide. [YOUTH] (ITEM 37)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  2. Allegany County Public Schools (Angella Moon) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Information Technology Specialist. [YOUTH] (ITEM 38)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  3. Allied Precision Inc. (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Machinist. [YOUTH] (ITEM 39)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  4. Anchor Pharmacy & Medical Supplies (Teresa Mena) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Pharmacy Technician Apprentice. [YOUTH] (ITEM 40)

    Mr.Smalls asked what a Youth Apprenticeship program looks like for the occupation of Pharmacy Technician.
    Ms.Durant said that there are a number of Youth programs across the country that train Pharmacy Technicians.
    Mr.Smalls expressed concern about youth handling potentially dangerous drugs.
    Staff and Council members assured Mr.Smalls that the students will be supervised.

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  5. Anne Arundel County Public Schools (Jane Sinclair) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Athletic Director Assistant. [YOUTH] (ITEM 41) Ms.Durant pointed out that the cover memo and the company application from the packet for this item.

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  6. ARS Fleet Service (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Diesel Mechanic. [YOUTH] (ITEM 42)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  7. Autism Connection (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Peer Specialist. [YOUTH] (ITEM 43)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  8. B & C Engineering LLC (Marshel Pollock) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Computer Aided Drafting and Design. [YOUTH] (ITEM 44)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  9. Best Friends Fur Ever (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Dog Groomer. [YOUTH] (ITEM 45)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  10. Bill’s Portable Welding Inc. (Angela Harkness) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Welder. [YOUTH] (ITEM 46)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  11. Boys & Girls Clubs of Harford & Cecil Counties (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Recreation Coordinator. [YOUTH] (ITEM 47)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  12. Budd’s Creek Equipment (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupations of Agriculture Mechanic Technician, Product Manager, and Finance Manager. [YOUTH] (ITEM 48)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  13. Caroline County Public Schools (Jackie Trieu) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Teacher.. [YOUTH] (ITEM 49)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  14. Cecil County Parks & Recreation (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Recreation Supervisor. [YOUTH] (ITEM 50)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  15. Celebree - Eldersburg (Teresa Mena) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Teacher Aide. [YOUTH] (ITEM 51)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  16. Celebree - Germantown (Aneta Lefterov) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Teacher Aide. [YOUTH] (ITEM 52)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  17. 53. Celebree - Hampstead (Teresa Mena) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Teacher Aide. [YOUTH] (ITEM 53)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  18. 54. OMNI Technologies, LLC (Amy Belt) - Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program. [YOUTH] (ITEM 52)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  19. 55. ITEM 55. Celebree - Tech Court (Teresa Mena) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Teacher Aide. [YOUTH] (ITEM 53)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  20. 56. Celebree - Westminster (Teresa Mena) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Teacher Aide. [YOUTH] (ITEM 56)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  21. 57. Chaps Pit Beef (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Line Cook. [YOUTH] (ITEM 57)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  22. 58. Charles County Public Schools (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupations of Admin Specialist, Education Asst., IT Field Support, Multimedia Graphic Designer, and Operations Manager. [YOUTH](ITEM 58)

    Ms.Durant pointed out that the Related Instruction documentation is missing from the packet for this Item.

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  23. Chick-fil-A Forest Hill & Bel Air (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Food Service Manager. [YOUTH] (ITEM 59)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  24. Community Title Network (Alicia Dennis) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Paralegal Assistant. [YOUTH] (ITEM 60)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  25. CrissCross Applesauce (Aneta Lefterov) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Instructor. [YOUTH](ITEM 61)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  26. Crouch Automotive (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Mechanic. [YOUTH] (ITEM 62)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  27. Crystal Steel Fabricators, Inc. (Jackie Trieu) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupations of Machine Operator, Laborer, and Fitter-Welder. [YOUTH] (ITEM 63)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  28. Dark Desire Window Tint (Teresa Mena) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Window Tint Technician. [YOUTH] (ITEM 64)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  29. Dream Weaver Events and Catering LLC (Laura Wright) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Culinarian. [YOUTH] (ITEM 65)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  30. Flowers by Bauers (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Florist. [YOUTH] (ITEM 66)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  31. Four Eleven Kitchen (Jackie Trieu) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupations of Prep Clerk and Administrative Clerk. [YOUTH] (ITEM 67)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  32. Guilford Hall Brewery (Marshel Pollock) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Accounts Payable. [YOUTH] (ITEM 68)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  33. Harford Government (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. [YOUTH] (ITEM 69)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  34. Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Printing Press Operator. [YOUTH] (ITEM 70)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  35. Heartwood Landscaping and Tree Services (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Landscaping and Groundskeeping Worker. [YOUTH] (ITEM 71)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  36. Highland Academy LLC dba Highland Academy Playschool (Sheila Jackson) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Assistant Teacher. [YOUTH] (ITEM 72)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  37. Hold Hard Enterprises LLC, dba Fallston Auto Service (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Auto Tech.[YOUTH] (ITEM 73)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  38. Kathleen McCadden, DVM Veterinary House Call Services (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Veterinary Assistant. [YOUTH] (ITEM 74)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  39. KC Aquatics, LLC DBA British Swim School (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Recreation Supervisor. [YOUTH] (ITEM 75)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  40. KLG Services (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of HVAC Technician. [YOUTH] (ITEM 76)

    Ms.Kyttle said that this item is missing the RTI for Cecil County.

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  41. MaGerk’s Pub (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Line Cook. [YOUTH] (ITEM 77)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  42. Michael M. Cauldron Company, Inc. (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Machinist. [YOUTH] (ITEM 78)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  43. Michaels Ins & Fin Svcs, Inc. (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Sales Associate. [YOUTH] (ITEM 79)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  44. Millers Collision and Automotive Refinishing (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Automotive Body and Related Repairer. [YOUTH] (ITEM 80)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  45. Newark Toyota World (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Auto Tech. [YOUTH] (ITEM 81)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  46. NJP Ventures dba Kitchens Rx (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Carpenter. [YOUTH] (ITEM 82)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  47. Pierce Plumbing LLC (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Plumber [YOUTH] (ITEM 83)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  48. Pleasantville Animal Hospital (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Veterinary Assistant. [YOUTH] (ITEM 84)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  49. Preston Automotive Group (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Automotive Tech. [YOUTH] (ITEM 85)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  50. Queen Bee Enterprises (Alicia Dennis) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Line Cook. [YOUTH] (ITEM 86)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  51. Sai Pharma LLC (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Accounting Clerk. [YOUTH] (ITEM 87)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  52. Sande Properties Inc dba Rummur Lounge (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Line Cook. [YOUTH] (ITEM 88)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  53. Snow Machines, Inc. (Angella Moon) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Electrical Panel Builder. [YOUTH] (ITEM 89)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  54. Somerset Community Services (Alicia Dennis) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupations of Special Education Teacher and Nursing Assistant. [YOUTH] (ITEM 90)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  55. Stamper Electric, Inc. (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Electrician. [YOUTH] (ITEM 91)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  56. Stateline Truck and Trailer Center LLC (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Welder. [YOUTH] (ITEM 92)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  57. TG Designs, Inc. (Jennifer Runkles) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Horticulture Assistant. [YOUTH] (ITEM 93)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  58. The Christian Childcare Center of Whiteford (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Childcare Aide. [YOUTH] (ITEM 94)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  59. The City of Aberdeen (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators [YOUTH] (ITEM 95)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  60. The Final Cut Lawncare, LLC (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Landscaper. [YOUTH] (ITEM 96)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  61. Trident Marine Group LLC (Pam Luby) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Marine Service Technician. [YOUTH] (ITEM 97)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  62. Tropical Smoothie Café, The Metz Group LLC (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Food Service Manager. [YOUTH] (ITEM 98)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  63. Utilitrain, LLC (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Facilities Specialist. [YOUTH] (ITEM 99)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.
  64. Wildlife Adventures (Amy Belt) – Request for approval as an eligible Youth Apprenticeship employer in the Apprenticeship Maryland Program for the occupation of Animal Care Giver. [YOUTH] (ITEM 100)

    See Item 100 for Council vote.

Mr.Shmelzer left prior to voting on Items 37-100 due to a scheduling conflict.

A motion to approve Items 37-100 was made by Mr.Wilford, seconded by Mr. Klusmann, and unanimously approved.

Deputy Secretary Roth took a few minutes to recognize the work of the staff. She thanked them all for their hard work and diligence on behalf of the Department of Labor and the State.


Chairman Cavey entertained a motion to adjourn. Ms.Anderson made the motion to adjourn, Mr.Wilford seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:45 p.m. (Employee Harry Preston, and Employer Representative Grant Shmelzer were absent).

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council

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