March 13, 2018 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Mr. William C. Taylor called the Council meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Washington, D.C. Electricians JATC, I.B.E.W. Local No. 26, 4371 Parliament Place, Suite A, Lanham, Maryland 20706 and welcomed all Council members, staff and guests in attendance. He recognized Mr. George Hogan, Business Manager for I.B.E.W. Local No. 26, and thanked them for hosting the Council meeting. Mr. Hogan welcomed the Council meeting to their building. He noted that the lower portion of the building is for apprenticeship classes and added that since they are daytime classes, there are always apprentices in the building. In the evening, the lower level is used for other I.B.E.W. training. Mr. Christopher Cash, Training Director, also welcomed the Council meeting to their building and invited those in attendance to stay after the meeting and observe some of the classes in session.
William C. Taylor - Chairperson,
Public Representative
Brian S. Cavey - Employee Representative
Alexander E. Poling - Employee Representative
David J.Wilson, Sr. - Employee Representative
Leon W. Bromley - Employer Representative
Michelle L. Butt - Employer Representative
Edwin Cluster - Employer Representative
Grant B. Shmelzer - Employer Representative
David Smarte - Employer Representative
Ronald Leonard - USDL/OA Ex Officio Consultant to the Council
James Rzepkowski - Assistant Secretary for Workforce Development and Adult Learning, DLLR
Christopher D. MacLarion - MATP
Gina Best - MATP
Lorella Dicks - MATP
Kevin Hunt - MATP
André Keyser - MATP
Mark Millen - MATP
John P. Taylor - MATP
John F. Vontran - MATP
Craig Bobar - Maryland Burglar and Fire Alarm Association
Tim Bonjanowski - The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools
Mark Brandt - Operating Engineers Local 99
Nicole Brown - CENTS
Stacey Butler - CVS Health
Romina Byrd - Miller and Long
Adam Cadwallader - Worthington Armstrong Venture (WAVE)
Christopher M. Cash - Washington, D.C. Electricians JATC, I.B.E.W. Local No. 26
Troy Cooper - Cooper Electrical Services, Inc.
Lloyd Day - DLLR/DWDAL
Berry Gilroy - Operating Engineers Local 77 JATC
Kathy Gress - Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Cumberland Valley Chapter
Timothy T. Haley - Washington, D C. Joint Plumbing Apprenticeship Committee
Scott Harris - NPower
Michael Kelleher - Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Inc.
Becky Kemp - Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Inc.
Charmin Lloyd - Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation, Workforce Services Division
Eric B. London - DLLR/OAG
Jane McDermott - Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare
Charles McGee - Operating Engineers Local 37 JATC
Cathy Morgan - NPower
Lewis Ray - W.L.Gore and Associates, Inc.
Tamara E Robinson - 1199 SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund
Virgil Roundtree - ConnectWork, LLC
Brad Shipp - Maryland Burglar and Fire Alarm Association
Jeffrey W. Smith - DLLR/DWDAL
Laura Spada - Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare
David Springham - Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry
Jeffrey Swilley - Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation, Workforce Services Division
Nancy Tretick - Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., Chesapeake Shores Chapter
Gail Wahl - Allstate Floors
Charles Wallace - Maryland State Department of Education
Neil E. Wilford, Jr. - Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry
Charnetia Young - CVS Health
I. The first order of business was the approval of the minutes of the January 9, 2018 Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting. The minutes of the January 9, 2018 Council meeting were approved as submitted.
A. It was reported to Council members that the balance in the Apprenticeship Training Fund was $700.540.38 at the end of February. During January 2018 contributions of $45, 540.35 came into the fund and during the month of February 2018 $24,248.53 came into the fund.
B. A flyer for the DLLR job fair for veterans that would be held on May 3, 2018 at the Randallstown Community Center from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. was distributed. Mr. MacLarion stated that from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. it would be open only to veterans and then open to the general public at 11:00 a.m. He added that as of the date of the Council meeting, 25 registered apprenticeship program sponsors had confirmed that they would be taking part in the job fair.
C. Mr. MacLarion informed the Council that the transition to the Registered Apprenticeship Partners Information Data System (RAPIDS) was going extremely well although there were some things that still needed to be taken care of. He added that webinars would be conducted over the next six months to assist sponsors to integrate with RAPIDS.
D. Council members were advised that there had been changes made to Maryland’s Open Meetings Act and that two Council members were needed to volunteer for a 20 minute online training class covering those changes. Council members David Wilson, David Smarte and Michelle Butt volunteered to take this class.
E. Mr. MacLarion noted that about a month ago a unique program had been started with the Howard County Public Schools, I.E.C. contractors doing work in County public schools, the Howard Workforce system and the Department of Labor for a preapprenticeship program. It started with 17 students and jobseekers from out of the workforce center with 15 remaining half way through the program. He added that he would update the Council on the outcome of this program at the following Council meeting.
F. Council members were informed of the new Apprenticeship Ambassador program which would utilize apprenticeship program sponsors and other organizations that have a vested interest in registered apprenticeship to spread information about what registered apprenticeship has to offer to jobseekers as well as the workforce. Mr. MacLarion stated that there was a process for making nominations for sponsors and other organizations to become Apprenticeship Ambassadors.
G. Mr. MacLarion provided Council members with an update on the status of the grants. He stated that the Accelerator grant was due to end at the end of June, however, we were well ahead of the pace and had finished our grant work on January 31, 2018 with all funds expended. The Apprenticeship USA grant, the larger one, would be finished sometime in the spring or early summer of 2018. He also informed the Council that it has been announced that the U.S. Department of Labor had begun to award the next round of grants and Maryland had been notified that we would be a grant recipient. Since the start of the grants, Maryland had approved 22 new apprenticeship program sponsors, 13 inactive apprenticeship program sponsors had been reactivated and that 3 apprenticeship program sponsors had added new occupations. He also updated the Council on the number of registered apprenticeship program that were now on the Eligible Training Provider List, the number of tax credit applications and the number of apprentices receiving funding for related instruction classes through Maryland Business Works with just under $220,000 from that fund.
Mr. Rzepkowski brought greetings from Secretary Kelly Schulz who was away at a meeting with the Home Builders in Frederick, Maryland and praised her for being one of the premier advocates for registered apprenticeship.
1. ConnectWork, LLC (John F. Vontran) Occupations of Railcar Remediator (Tank Cleaner) and Railcar Repairer. Related instruction will be provided by multiple providers as per Appendix B. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and time- tables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Mr. Virgil Roundtree who was present at the meeting representing ConnectWork, LLC.
Mr. Shmelzer inquired as to why the qualifications for apprenticeship stated a minimum age of 21 years old or older. Mr. Roundtree responded that prior to the apprenticeship program, his company had done a lot of recruitment for employers in the railroad industry and observed that there had been a greater retention rate for older candidates.
Mr. Cluster asked whether there was a set curriculum for each of the related instruction providers listed in Appendix B. Mr. Roundtree replied that they were industry-based and that they had several companies that they work with to provide specific pieces of the instruction.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Cluster and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
2. Cooper Electrical Services, Inc. (Kelton Addison) – Occupation of Electrician. Related instruction to be through the Harford County Electrical Contractors Association, Inc. and Delcastle Vo-Tech Adult Education. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
As Mr. Addison was not able to be present at the Council meeting, Mr. Millen presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Mr. Troy Cooper who was present at the meeting representing Cooper Electrical Services, Inc.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
3. CVS Health (John F. Vontran) – Occupations of Pharmacy Technician and Manager (Retail Store). Related instruction to be provided by the CVS Regional Learning Center. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Ms. Stacey Butler and Ms. Charnetia Young who were present at the meeting representing CVS Health.
Mr. Shmelzer inquired about the minimum age being no less than 17 years old and stated that for those individuals under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian would have to sign their Apprenticeship Agreements. Ms. Butler responded that the State of Maryland allows someone 17 years of age to work as a Pharmacy Technician.
Mr. Cluster noted that this is a competency-based apprenticeship program and requested to know how they would track the apprentices’ competencies. Ms. Butler responded by explaining how they would track both related instruction and on-the-job learning competencies.
Mr. William Taylor had a question about their recruitment process. Ms. Young answered that they have a department called Workforce Initiatives where they do specialty recruitment that targets individuals with barriers to employment.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
4. Maryland Burglar and Fire Alarm Association (John F. Vontran) - Occupation of Security and Fire Alarm Installer. Related instruction to be provided by the Maryland Burglar and Fire Alarm Association. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and
timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and noted that it is a 3,000 hour time-based apprenticeship program. He introduced Mr. Brad Shipp and Mr. Craig Bobar who were present at the meeting representing the Maryland Burglar and Fire Alarm Association.
Mr. Smarte had a question about the ratio. Mr. Vontran replied that the ratio was one (1) apprentice to one (1) journeyworker.
Mr. Shmelzer questioned Mr. Shipp why it was stated in the qualifications for apprenticeship that applicants for apprenticeship had to be Maryland residents and why they would not accept applicants from Washington, D.C. and Virginia when they probably have members that perform work in all three jurisdictions. Mr. Shipp responded that he had thought that it was a Maryland program for Maryland residents. He stated that they would be open to opening it up to residents of Washington, D.C. and Virginia as well to Maryland residents.
There was considerable discussion about who would supervise apprentices in those phases of the work where there was overlap with work performed by Electricians. Mr. Shipp replied that they were in compliance with local codes in all of the jurisdictions where their members perform work.
There was also considerable discussion of the level of detail in the qualifications for apprenticeship regarding physical condition. Mr. Vontran suggested that a more general statement such as “ability to perform the job duties” would be sufficient. Mr. Shipp was agreeable to making that change.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship with the minimum qualifications amended to read “ability to perform the job duties” was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and approved with seven (7) Council members in favor of the motion, none opposed and one (1) Council member not voting.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and approved with six (6) Council members in favor of the motion, none opposed and two (2) Council members not voting.
5. NPower (John F. Vontran) – Occupation of IT Generalist. Related instruction to be provided by Npower. Request for Registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Ms. Cathy Morgan and Mr. Scott Harris who were present at the meeting representing NPower.
Mr. Shmelzer questioned the ratio of two (2) apprentices to one (1) journeyworker. Mr. MacLarion reviewed with Council members the report from the ratio subcommittee that had been approved at the January 9, 2018 Council meeting. Mr. Vontran added that this program was not for a construction occupation and is the same ratio that was approved for TranZed Apprenticeship Services, LLC when the Council approved their Standards of Apprenticeship.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
Mr. MacLarion informed the Council that all of the new programs would have a review within their first year.
6. The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools (John F. Vontran) – Occupations of Digital Media Specialist, IT Services and Administrative Specialist. Request for for registration of and Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran presented this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship to the Council and introduced Mr. Tim Bonjanowski who was present at the meeting representing the Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools.
Mr. Shmelzer asked Mr. Bonjanowski to explain exactly how the program would work. Mr. Bonjanowski explained that the Foundation would work in collaboration with the Career and Technology program in the Baltimore County Public Schools to help fill some of the gaps that the school system was lacking.
A motion to approve this request for registration of Standards of Apprenticeship was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
A motion to approve the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously approved.
1. 1199 SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund (John F. Vontran) - Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices.
Mr. Vontran introduced Ms. Tamara Robinson who was present at the meeting representing the 1199 SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund.
Ms. Robinson stated that their apprenticeship program was registered November 14, 2017 and they now have onboard 23 apprentices to be registered.
A motion to approve the revision to add an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and time- tables for minority and female apprentices was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
2. Allstate Floors (Jane Sinclair) – Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship with the modification of the term of apprenticeship from 8,000 hours to 6,000 hours, revision of the apprentice wage progression schedule and an increase in the average journeyworker hourly wage rate.
Mr. Vontran stated to the Council that Mr. Millen would be presenting this request to the Council in the place of Ms. Sinclair who was away at a conference. Mr. Vontran introduced Ms. Gail Wahl who was present at the meeting representing Allstate Floors.
Mr. Smarte stated that he wanted to know many apprentices had completed the apprenticeship program prior to it becoming inactive. Ms. Wahl responded that four (4) of the seven (7) apprentices registered had completed.
A motion to approve the request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship with the requested revisions was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
3. Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare (John F. Vontran) - Revision to add the occupation of Surgical Technologist. Related instruction to be through the Community College of Baltimore County – Randallstown. Revision to the apprentice selection procedure for the occupation of Surgical Technologist.
Mr. Vontran introduced Ms. Laura Spada and Ms. Jane McDermott who were representing the Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare at the meeting.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Poling and unanimously approved.
4. Karl Manufacturing Company, Inc. (Lorella Dicks) – Request for Reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Machinist with updates to the related instruction schedule, on-the-job work processes, apprentice wage progression schedule and average journeyworker hourly wage rate.
Mr. Vontran informed Council members that he had been contacted by a representative of Karl Manufacturing Company, Inc. stating that a situation had developed at the business preventing anyone from the company from being present at the Council meeting and requesting that their request be postponed to the May 8, 2018 meeting.
A motion to table this request until the May 8,2018 Council meeting was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
5. Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Inc. (John F. Vontran) Revision to add the occupations of Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing and Welding Technician. Related instruction to be through the Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Inc.
Mr. Vontran introduced Mr. Michael Kelleher and Ms. Becky Kemp who were present at the Council meeting representing the Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Inc.
Mr. Vontran announced that when approved by the Council, the apprenticeship for Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing would be the first in the nation.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
6. W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc. (John F. Vontran) – Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupations of Maintenance Electrician, Multi-craft Maintenance Mechanic and Machinist with updates to on-the-job training work processes and related instruction.
Mr. Vontran introduced Mr. Lewis Ray who was present at the Council meeting representing W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc.
Mr. Shmelzer asked whether all of the related instruction for Maintenance Electrician would be presented in-house. Mr. Ray explained the work performed by their Maintenance Electricians and stated that they send them to Delaware Technical and and Community College for the Electrical Engineering program there.
Mr. John Taylor noted that at one time there were about 12 divisions at W.L. Gore and Associates, Inc. and that each division had had separate registered apprenticeship programs. Mr. Ray replied that that would not be the case now. It is one company and they would have one registered apprenticeship program for the entire company.
A motion to approve this request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship with revisions to the on-the-job learning work processes and related instruction was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
7. Worthington Armstrong Venture (WAVE) (John F. Vontran) Request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupations of Tool & Die Maker, Maintenance Electrician and Maintenance Mechanic, to add Penn Foster as a related instruction provider and to revise the term of apprenticeship for Tool & Die Maker from 10,000 hours to 8,000 hours.
Mr. Vontran introduced Mr. Adam Cadwallader who was present at the Council meeting representing Worthington Armstrong Venture (WAVE) at the Council meeting.
A motion to approve this request for reactivation of Standards of Apprenticeship with the requested revisions was made by Ms. Butt, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Five (5) or More Apprentices):
1. Eastern Elevator Service and Sales Company (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
2. Goel Services, Inc. (Ginamarie Best).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved.
3. Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local No. 24 JAC (Ginamarie Best).
Employee Representative Brian S. Cavey recused himself from this item of Council business.
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Poling, seconded by Mr. Bromley and approved with six (6) Council members in favor of the motion [One Council member had already left prior to the conclusion of the meeting], none opposed and one (1) abstention.
4. Judd Fire Protection, LLC (Mark Millen).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Poling, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
5. Maryland Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors, Inc. (Jane Sinclair).
A motion to accept this review, with staff findings and recommendations, was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved.
D. PROGRAM REVIEWS (Fewer Than Five (5) Apprentices):
1. The following program review had been performed and the program was found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner. [No Council Action Required]:
a. University of Maryland Medical Center (André Keyser) - Occupation of Building Automation Technician.
1. Bel Air Health & Rehabilitation Center effective January 3,
The request for cancellation of Standards of Apprenticeship for Bel Air Health & Rehabilitation Center effective January 3, 2018 was accepted.
1. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of Elec Con Corporation (Christopher D. MacLarion).
The recommendation to proceed with the deregistration of the Apprenticeship Standards of the defunct apprenticeship program of Elec Con Corporation was accepted.
2. Recommendation for deregistration of Apprenticeship Standards for the defunct apprenticeship program of O.N.E., Inc. Christopher D. MacLarion).
The recommendation to proceed with the deregistration of the Apprenticeship Standard of the defunct apprenticeship program of O.N.E., Inc. was accepted.
3. Request for the approval of AllCool Refrigerant Reclaim, LLC to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
4. Request for the approval of All Around Plumbing, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
5. Request for the approval of BaneBio LLC to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
6. Request for the approval of D.M. Bowman to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Bromley, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
7. Request for the approval Fountaindale Auto, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Cavey, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
8. Request for the approval of Herald-Mail Media to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Cavey and unanimously approved.
9. Request for the approval of Hub Labels, Inc. to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
10. Request for the approval of Trinity Salon and Spa to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
11. Request for the approval of Wagner’s Meats, LLC to be an eligible employer for Apprenticeship Maryland (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith).
A motion to approve this request was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved.
Mr. Leonard informed those in attendance of several upcoming events. He stated that the Apprenticeship Taskforce public meeting would take place in Washington, D.C. on March 15, 2018. The third annual Apprenticeship Initiative Grantee meeting would be held from April 23 through April 25, 2018 also in Washington, D.C. He also stated that while there was nothing official yet, he understood that the next National Apprenticeship Week would be held in November during the week of Veterans Day.
Mr. Wallace reminded everyone that the 45th annual Skills USA- Maryland state competitions would be held on April 13, and April 14, 2018.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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