November 15, 2022 - Minutes of Public Meetings - Apprenticeship and Training Council
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Councilmembers* - Title/Affiliation
Brian S. Cavey - Chairman/Employee Representative
Dr. Shaunta Chapple - Public Representative
Ryan Sackett - Public Representative
Norbert R. Klusmann, Sr. - Employee Representative
Neil E. Wilford, Jr. - Employee Representative
Leon W. Bromley - Employer Representative
Michelle L. Butt - Employer Representative
Grant Shmelzer - Employer Representative
David Smarte - Employer Representative
**Employee Representative Allen B. Clinedinst III, Employee David J. Wilson, Sr., and Employer Representative Stephanie Anderson notified Director Chris MacLarion that they were unable to attend before the meeting convened.
Other Attendees -Title/Affiliation
James Rzepkowski - Assistant Secretary for Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL),
Maryland Department of Labor
Lloyd Day - Director Office of Workforce Development, Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning (DWDAL), Maryland Department of Labor
Erin Roth - Deputy Assistant Secretary, DWDAL
Leza Griffith - Maryland Assistant Attorney General
Jeffrey Smith - Manager, Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program (MATP)
Gina Marie Best - Manager, MATP
Coral Crawford - MATP
Kevin L. Hunt - MATP
Sheila Jackson - MATP
Faith Ramsburg - MATP
Jennifer D. Runkles - MATP
Wayne Salter - MATP
Jane Sinclair - MATP
Robert J. Zimberoff - MATP
Charles Wallace - Maryland State Department of Education
David White - Pohanka Automotive Group
Wayne Bowen - Pohanka Automotive Group
David Springham - Baltimore Electrical JATC Local 24
Sierra Somerville - Baltimore Electrical JATC Local 24
Danny Rivenburg - Baltimore Electrical JATC Local 24
Ronn Blaney - Harford County Electrical Contractors Association
JeanMarie Makres - Harford County Electrical Contractors Association
Alicia Fales - Baltimore County Public Schools
Doreen Shahan - ABC Metro Washington
Bonnie Speedy - ABC Metro Washington
Georgeta Wainwright - Delaware Elevator
Doug Meekins - Mickey’s Car E.R.
Sabina Spicher - Spichers Appliances
Carmine Dionisio - Nationwide Marketing Group
Susan Renna - Kinsley Steel
Bobby Chenault - Kinsley Steel
Durell Orendorf - Beitzel Corporation
Melissa Johnson - Beitzel Corporation
Anna Lettieri - Central Maryland Area Health Education Center
Paula Blackwell - Central Maryland Area Health Education Center
Joyce Martin - Solutions Management and Consulting
Nick DeMatteo - Mid-Atlantic Carpenters Training Centers
Mike Funk - International Union of Operating Engineers Local 37
Nijel Redrick - IBSS Corporation
Christopher Marshall - Cisco Systems
Marie Zwickert - Cisco Systems
Niki Rogers - Community College of Baltimore County
James Balderson - Steamfitters UA Local 602
Stephanie Strlanse - Dr. Masica Jordan, LLC/Jordan Peer Recovery
Dan Schneckenburger - Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board
Vennard Wright - Wave Welcome
Joseph Kearns - Ironworkers Local 5
Katie Guy - Reliance Test & Technology
Chuck Marquette - Baltimore City Community College
Kevin Dufour - Jarvis, Inc.
Gina Schmitt - Cropp Metcalfe Services
Michael Alexander - Baltimore City Joint Apprenticeship Committee
Sharlene Trusty - Baltimore City Joint Apprenticeship Committee
Derek Loeffler - Baltimore Police Department
Chairman Brian Cavey called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. at the Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry, 2701 W. Patapsco Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21230.
Chairman Cavey welcomed all attendees to the meeting, wished everyone a good morning, introduced himself and asked those in attendance to introduce themselves.
Following the introductions, Chairman Cavey invited Maryland Department of Labor Assistant Secretary James Rzepkowski to make opening remarks. Mr. Rzepkowski said this Council meeting coincided with National Apprenticeship week and at least 26 events in Maryland were planned for the week.
Mr. Rzepkowski said, following the November 8 election, that Governor Larry Hogan was preparing to complete his eight-year term and begin the transition to the next governor. Mr. Rzepkowski said he was reminded of when the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program was moved to the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning in 2016. Mr. Rzepkowski said at the time, the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council held meetings in the Labor office basement and attendance was minimal. Mr. Rzepkowski said that now banquet halls were needed, as evidenced by the host facility for this meeting. Mr. Rzepkowski asked those in attendance without agenda items to raise their hands. Roughly 10 people raised their hands, and Mr. Rzepkowski said, lightly “now we have fans,” to polite laughter.
Mr. Rzepkowski said that since 2016, apprenticeship had grown in Maryland by more than 50 percent, with roughly 8,000 apprentices registered in 2016 and more than 12,000 apprentices registered as of the date of this Council meeting. Mr. Rzepkowski said more and more new trades and occupations were joining the apprenticeship community in Maryland.
Mr. Rzepkowski said much of the growth reflected the work of Council members who were appointees of the governor. Mr. Rzepkowski presented a governor’s citation to Chairman Cavey on behalf of the Council. Mr. Rzepkowski thanked the Council members, and said they were “a model of functionality, collegiality and respect,” as both union and nonunion members. Mr. Rzepkowski thanked Council members for their many hours of service and dedication to apprenticeship in Maryland.
Mr. Rzepkowski asked Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program staff to stand and be recognized for the role they played in program growth. Mr. Rzepkowski said regular attendees might have noticed that longtime program staffer John Taylor was absent though Mr. Taylor was a staple at past meetings for many, many years. Mr. Rzepkowski said Mr. Taylor asked to be excused from the meeting because he had too much office work, and this too was a symbol of the extreme growth of formalized apprenticeship in Maryland. Lloyd Day, director of Maryland’s Office of Workforce Development, said Mr. Taylor was registering new apprentices. Mr. Taylor received a round of applause.Mr. Rzepkowski thanked Chairman Cavey for allowing him time to speak then presented a governor’s proclamation to the chairman on behalf of the entire Council and thanked Council members once again for their service.
Mr. Rzepkowski said there were two types of apprenticeship agencies, U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) offices and state apprenticeship agencies (SAA). Mr. Rzepkowski said Maryland was celebrating 60 years of being an SAA and created a commemorative challenge coin to celebrate the 60th anniversary. Mr. Rzepkowski awarded a challenge coin to the chairman and each Council member.
Chairman Cavey invited DWDAL Deputy Assistant Secretary Erin Roth to speak. Ms. Roth thanked the chairman and said she had recently returned from a 12-week hiatus to welcome a new baby boy to the family. Ms. Roth said she attended a NAW event in Howard County the day before this meeting. Ms. Roth said there were 50 job seekers including roughly 20 Spanish speakers with translators present. Ms. Roth said job seekers were very engaged and asking questions, and said she was very impressed with the event.
I. Minutes of the September 20, 2022, Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meeting.
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
Chairman Cavey requested that the director’s report be presented.
A. Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Program Manager Jeffrey Smith presented the Director’s Report. Mr. Smith thanked everyone in attendance during the eighth annual National Apprenticeship Week.
B. Mr. Smith said Maryland Department of Labor Secretary Tiffany Robinson was unable to attend and offered well wishes on the secretary’s behalf.
C. Mr. Smith offered the Apprenticeship Training Fund update:
- Total Fund Balance as of October 32, 2022 after all obligations: $1,251,423.23
- September contributions: $11,017.78
- October contributions: $19,856.20
D. Mr. Smith said MATP Director Chris MacLarion was unable to attend the Council meeting because he was attending a National Apprenticeship Week event at the White House. Mr. Smith said Mr. MacLarion sent his regrets, and previously emailed council members to inform them of the scheduling conflict. Mr. Smith said Mr. MacLarion’s invitation to the White House event reflected the hard work of Council members, sponsors, employers and staff that have led to successes in Maryland, and Mr. Smith thanked everyone involved.
E. Mr. Smith said, as a reminder, there was still time to add events to the online USDOL National Apprenticeship Week event tracker.
F. Mr. Smith said that 21 of 24 of Maryland’s school systems were participating in Youth Apprenticeship, formally known as the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (AMP). Mr. Smith said from the beginning of the school year to the date of the meeting, registration of new youth apprentices far outpaced registrations in past years. Mr. Smith said 395 youth apprentices were registered at the time of this meeting, and this was nearly twice the prior year’s number. Mr. Smith said the Youth Apprenticeship Advisory Committee was in the final stages of producing and publishing the new Youth Apprenticeship Policy. Mr. Smith said most of the major issues related to that policy were resolved.
G. Mr. Smith thanked the Council and asked if there were any questions.
Mr. Shmelzer asked if the Youth Apprenticeship Policy was on pace to be released in December. Mr. Smith said the intent was for the policy to be released in December, but he couldn’t say for certain it would stay on schedule.
A motion to accept the Director’s Report was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Wilford and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
- Baltimore City Police Department (Ginamarie Best) - Request to add Baltimore
City Community College as an additional Related Instruction provider. (Item 1)
Mr. Smith said the representative for the Baltimore City Police Department was not present to begin the meeting because of an emergency response, but he was on the way. Mr. Smith requested that this item be moved to the end of the agenda. Chairman Cavey approved Mr. Smith’s request and asked the Council to move to item 2.
This item was heard after Item 3.
A motion to approve this program revision was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Ms. Butt, and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - IBSS Corporation (Ginamarie Best) - Revision to amend the program Standards
from time based to competency based. (Item 2)
Mr. Shmelzer said 400 hours of related instruction was a lot for one year and asked how this would be achieved. Ms. Best said the apprentices would be paid for the instructional hours. Mr. Wilford asked why the journeyworker rate decreased by $12 per hour? Ms. Best said the pay rate decreased but the cost of benefits increased. Mr. Wilford asked if the benefits were previously self-paid by apprentices. Ms. Best said no, but the costs of benefits increased.
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
- Solutions Management and Consulting (Ginamarie Best) - Occupation of Photographer, Still. Related Instruction to be provided in-house and online using Udemy Online by the sponsor at their site in Fort Washington, Maryland. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures, goals, and timetables for minority and female apprentices. (Item 3)
Mr. Sackett asked if the pay progressions were above Maryland Minimum Wage. Ms. Smith answered yes.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Cintas Fire Protection (Sheila Jackson) - Occupation of Fire Alarm Inspection Test Maintenance Technician. Related Instruction to be provided by the sponsor in-house and online at their site in Jessup, Maryland. (Item 4)
This item was tabled to the January meeting because a prospective sponsor’s representative was unable to attend this meeting. - Kinsley Steel (Faith Ramsburg) - Occupation of Ironworker. Related Instruction to be provided by the sponsor in-house at their site in York, Pennsylvania. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures, goals, and timetables for minority and female apprentices. (Item 5)
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Shmelzer and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Spicher's Appliance and Security, Inc. (Faith Ramsburg) - Occupation of Residential & Commercial Appliance Technician. Related Instruction to be provided on site and online by: Fred's Appliance Academy, Dyer Appliance Academy, Master Samurai Tech Academy, and HIS. (Item 6)
Mr. Sackett asked if $12.50 per hour would be enough to recruit apprentices to the program. Mr. Sackett gave the example of Dunkin Donuts which offered $17 per hour as an entry level wage. Ms. Ramsburg said she could address this with the prospective sponsor’s owner.
Mr. Shmelzer asked if the first two weeks of training was all paid. Ms. Ramsburg said yes. Mr. Shmelzer said the prospective sponsor would need a master electrician on staff for certain portions of the training.
A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Sackett and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Jarvis, Inc. (Faith Ramsburg) - Occupation of Residential & Commercial Appliance Technician. Related Instruction to be provided on site and online by: Fred's Appliance Academy, Dyer Appliance Academy, Master Samurai Tech Academy, and HSI. (Item 7)
Mr. Wilford said if the prospective sponsor planned to work in electrical applications, a master electrician would need to be on staff. Ms. Ramsburg asked the prospective sponsor’s representative if a master electrician was on staff. The prospective sponsor’s representative spoke from the audience and said there was not a master electrician on staff but one would be hired.
Mr. Wilford asked how the first progressive wage would affect the ability to attract people, and gave the example of the entry level wage at Dunkin Donuts. Brought up Dunkin Donuts. Mr. Wilford said his program, for example, was competing with Amazon. Mr. Wilford said to bear this in mind. Mr. Klusmann said he agreed with Mr. Wilford.
Mr. Sackett asked if the journeyworker rate, and the related wage progressions, were minimum thresholds. Mr. Klusmann said they were minimum thresholds, and a sponsor could always pay more but couldn’t pay less.
A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Central Maryland Area Health Education Center (Faith Ramsburg) - Occupation of Community Health Worker. Related Instruction to be provided by the Central Maryland Area Education Center at their Baltimore, Maryland site with remote options. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures, goals, and timetables for minority and female apprentices. (Item 8)
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Wilford and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).\ - Mickey's Car ER, LLC (Faith Ramsburg) - Occupation of Automotive Service Mechanic. Related Instruction to be provided by the Community College of Baltimore County. (item 9)
A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Reliance Test & Technology (Jane Sinclair) - Occupations of: Engineering Technician, Network Communications Technician, and Systems Administration Technology. Related Instruction to be provided by the College of Southern Maryland. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures, goals, and timetables for minority and female apprentices. (item 10)
Mr. Klusmann said many of the work processes said “demonstrate” and asked how such abilities would be demonstrated. Mr. Klusmann asked if there was an exam or if journeyworkers would sit next to the apprentices. Ms. Sinclair said apprentices would work directly with apprentices to assure demonstration of the skills.
Mr. Shmelzer asked if the related instruction provider would provide seat hours? Ms. Sinclair answered yes.
Mr. Sackett asked how costs of related instruction would be covered. Ms. Sinclair said all course costs related to the apprenticeship would be covered by the employer.
Mr. Klusmann asked if apprentices were paid to go to school. Mr. Klusmann said he was concerned about the course schedule and that apprentices would be “docked” pay for attending classes during normal business hours. Ms. Sinclair said the times of the classes were variable. Mr. Klusmann said this appeared to be a cost associated to the apprentice with potential for lost wages and lost fringes since the apprentice would be short on full time working hours. A prospective sponsor’s representative spoke from the audience and said apprentices would be paid for the instructional hours in question and wouldn’t be “docked.” Mr. Klusmann said he was satisfied with the response from the prospective sponsor’s representative but wanted this potential pay issue to be considered when the provisional review was conducted.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Pohanka Automotive Technology Training Center (Robert J. Zimberoff) - Occupation of Automotive Technician. Related Instruction to be provided by the Pohanka Automotive Technology Training Center at their Salisbury, Maryland site. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures, goals, and timetables for minority and female apprentices. (Item 11)
Mr. Shmelzer said there were many hours of related instruction in the first year. Mr. Shmelzer asked how the sponsor would assist apprentices in staying on pace and what would happen if an apprentice missed classes. Mr. Zimberoff said this was a 6,000-hour program which would typically last three years, but this program was built to last 3-1/2 years because of the extra related instruction hours. The prospective sponsor’s representative spoke from the audience and said he was the leading instructor for the program. The prospective sponsor’s representative said the textbooks related to the courses were all available online and had online tracking features. The prospective sponsor’s representative said if apprentices missed classes, they would be expected to keep up with the instruction through the online features.
Mr. Zimberoff said that in many cases, because of the rural nature of the prospective sponsor’s region, other apprenticeship programs were challenged by educational facilities being far away from employers. Mr. Zimberoff said that the prospective sponsor’s related instruction facility was centrally located among the employers, that the sponsor was already running classes, and in many cases, the employees in training were walking to the instructional facility and the employer facilities.
A motion to approve this new program and registration of an Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
Harford County Electrical Contractors Association, Inc. (Kelton Addison) - Request for registration of updated Standards of Apprenticeship for all registered occupations, Affirmative Action Plan and Selection Procedures. (Item 12)
Mr. Smith presented on behalf of Mr. Addison who was absent because of a death in the family.
Mr. Sackett said a wage progression at 50 percent of $22 per hour was below minimum wage and asked if this would have to be modified before Council approval. A prospective sponsor’s representative spoke from the audience and said the way the progressive wage was written in the standards, this progression would be 50 percent or at least minimum wage since this was a group program with varying journeyworker rates. Mr. Klusmann said he would like to see this clarified in the standards. Mr. Smith said clarifying language would be included in Appendix C and presented to Council at the next meeting as an update.
A motion to approve this revision to include clarifying language on the wage progression and minimum wage was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley, and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
2. CMH, Inc. d/b/a Cropp Metcalfe, Inc. (Ginamarie Best) - Request for modification of Work Process Schedules for On-the-Job training. (Item 13)
A motion to approve this revision was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
3. Beitzel Corporation & Pillar Innovations, LLC (Jennifer D. Runkles) - Revisions to add the occupation of Heavy Equipment Operator with Related Instruction to be provided by the sponsor in-house utilizing the NCCER curriculum. (Item 14)
Mr. Shmelzer said qualifications for the occupation listed reliable transportation to the work site and asked if a driver’s license was required to operate heavy machinery. Ms. Runkles said she was confident a driver’s license was not required. A sponsor’s representative spoke from the audience, said a driver’s license was not required, and apprentices would learn how to operate heavy equipment as part of their training.
A motion to approve these revisions was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS [Five (5) or More Apprentices]:
- lronworkers Local S JATC (Ginamarie Best). (Item 15)
Chairman Cavey complimented this sponsor for its female participation.
A motion to approve this review was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Wilford, and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Associated Builders and Contractors, Metropolitan Washington Chapter (Coral
Crawford). (Item 16)
Ms. Crawford passed updated documents to the Council members. Based on the results of the review and the updated documents presented to Council, Ms. Crawford included staff recommendations to approve the regular two-year review with the caveat that the sponsor supply a schedule of classes to staff.
A motion to approve this review including staff recommendations was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
Mr. Shmelzer asked for clarification of staff recommendations and the motion. Ms. Crawford said she changed her recommendation because of the materials she provided to the Council during the meeting. - Prince George's County Public Schools (Coral Crawford). (Item 17)
Chairman Cavey said he assumed female participation went down because a female apprentice graduated. Chairman Cavey complimented the program for its female participation. Mr. Klusmann said there was no way to know if a female apprentice graduated because of poor record keeping. Mr. Klusmann said, as a Prince George’s County resident, he was disappointed in the record keeping related to related instruction, and as a Council member, he thought it was important to assure the apprentices were getting the education they deserved according to the program standards.
A motion to table this item to the January 2023 meeting to receive more information was made by Mr. Klusmann and seconded by Mr. Shmelzer (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
Chairman Cavey asked for questions on the motion. Ms. Crawford said the Sponsor was working to address issues in record keeping in years three and four by changing educational providers, and staff viewed this as taking proper action. Mr. Klusmann said the reason for the change was a result of the review. Mr. Klusmann said sponsors need to adhere to rules and regulations.
Mr. Smith recommended that Department of Labor staff make an attempt to collect the relevant records from the educational provider.
Mr. Klusmann said community colleges need to understand that this is an apprenticeship program, and records reflecting seat hours were needed.
Mr. Shmelzer said the review was conducted in late July. Mr. Shmelzer asked what became of the students who were moving from the community college to ABC as the sponsor shifted educational providers. Ms. Crawford said the transfer had not yet occurred as of the date of this meeting.
Mr. Sackett said the difficulties of administering the program were understandable. Mr. Sackett said the sponsor’s accurate adherence to all the rules of apprenticeship was challenging by nature. Mr. Sackett asked if the record-keeping challenges were a result of staffing challenges. Ms. Crawford said the Sponsor was looking to hire someone to help administer the program but the position was vacant to the best of her knowledge.
Mr. Wilford said he agreed with Mr. Klusmann. Mr. Wilford said there was no way of knowing if the apprentices were learning, being held back, or how they were progressing. Ms. Crawford said the apprentices were progressing, and the Sponsor was communicating with the school to assure progression. Ms. Crawford said the apprentices were paid during the COVID pandemic, and there was a good faith effort to progress the apprentices.
Mr. Shmelzer said the record-keeping issues related to third- and fourth-year apprentices. Mr. Smith said the Maryland Department of Labor would work carefully with the Sponsor to address the issues related to record keeping.
The motion to table this item to the January 2023 was amended to include a request for documentation of attendance, a timeline of transfer from Prince George’s County Community College to ABC and that a sponsor’s representative be required to attend the January 2023 meeting. The motion including these amendments unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Fire & Life Safety America, Inc. (Coral Crawford). (Item 18)
A motion to approve this review was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Ms. Butt and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
D. PROGRAM REVIEWS [Fewer Than Five (5) Apprentices]:
- The following program review was performed and the program was found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner. [No Council Action Required]:
- Harford County Government JAC - Occupations of Plumber, HVAC/R Technician, and Electrician (Coral Crawford). (Item 19)
- TranZed Apprenticeship Services, LLC - Occupations of: IT Professional, Level 1, IT Professional, Level 2, Digital & Social Media, Cyber Security, Level 1, Cyber Security, Level 2, Secure Software Programming, Medical Assistant, Behavioral Health Aide, Data Science & Analytics, Level 1, and Patient Care Technician (Coral Crawford). (Item 20)
- Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission – Occupations of Electrician, HVAC/R Technician, and Plumber (Coral Crawford). (Item 21)
- Matthews and Pierce Masonry, Inc. - Occupation of Bricklayer (Jane Sinclair). (Item 22)
Chairman Cavey called for a 10-minute comfort break at 10:43 a.m., said to be back at 10:53 a.m. and the meeting reconvened at 10:55 a.m.
- Dr. Masica Jordan, LLC (Ginamarie Best). (Item 23)
A motion to accept this provisional review was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Prince George's Arts and Humanities Council (Ginamarie Best). (Item 24)
Mr. Klusmann asked if the sponsor had registered an apprentice. Ms. Best answered yes.
A motion to accept this provisional review was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Conagra Brands, Inc. (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 25)
Mr. Shmelzer asked what entity provided related instruction. Ms. Runkles said ToolingU with assistance from the Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership.
A motion to accept this provisional review was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Fabricated Extrusion Company of Maryland, LLC (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 26)
A motion to accept this provisional review was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Hub Labels, Inc. (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 27)
Mr. Wilford asked, for his own knowledge, about Additive PostScript Printing Tech job details. Mr. Wilford asked how the occupation was different from printer. Ms. Runkles said the sponsor produces unique labels and other unique products. Ms. Runkles said the sponsor produces products like labels for bottles, as well as wraps for cars and trucks, so the printing processes were highly specialized.
A motion to accept this provisional review was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Western Maryland Area Health Education Center-West (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 28)
Mr. Klusmann, asked to verify the journeyworker rate of $16.03. Ms. Runkles said this was the average of the employers’ rates in the group program. Ms. Runkles said very few journeyworkers were earning less than $16.03.
A motion to accept this provisional review was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
1. American Life Safety Fire Protection, LLC. Effective October 18, 2022. (Item 29)
A motion to approve this voluntary cancellation was made by Mr. Sackett, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
- Baltimore City Joint Apprenticeship Committee, CUB Local No. 800 - Request for registration of one apprentice Housing Inspector with credit beyond the fifty percent (50%) level for both On-the-Job Training and Related Instruction (Faith Ramsburg). (item 30)
A motion to approve this registration was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Bromley and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Recommendation for deregistration of Standards of Apprenticeship for the defunct apprenticeship program of Beretta USA Corporation (MATC No. 1963). (Ginamarie Best). (item 31)
Mr. Shmelzer made a motion to combine items 31 and 32, Mr. Klusmann seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
A motion to deregister the programs in items 31 and 32 was made by Mr. Shmelzer, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Recommendation for deregistration of Standards of Apprenticeship for the defunct apprenticeship program of Creative Hairdressers, Inc. (MATC No. 2111). (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 32)
See item 31. - Request for the approval of Keller Williams Preferred Properties to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Ginamarie Best). (Item 33)
Chairman Cavey said items 33 through 67 were all youth apprenticeship eligible employer applications. Chairman Cavey asked if the Council would consider combining items 33 through 67 in one vote.
Mr. Shmelzer asked if Department of Labor staff would publish the new Youth Apprenticeship policy by the end of the year. Mr. Smith said this was the intent.
A motion to combine items 33 through 67 into one vote was made by Mr. Smarte, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
A motion to approve items 33 through 67 was made by Mr. Smarte, and seconded by Mr. Bromley, with Mr. Shmelzer abstained, all other Council members voted yea (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent). - Request for the approval of Johns Hopkins -Applied Physics Laboratory to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Sheila Jackson). (item 34)
See item 33. - Request for the approval ofFreestate Baltimore, LLCto be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 35)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Celebree School of Forest Hill to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 36)
See item 33. - Request for the approval ofBizerba USA, Inc. to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 37)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of KCI Communications Infrastructure to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 38)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of North County Unlimited d/b/a Hereford Collision Center to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (item 39)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of MTBR LLC-Bulle Rock Golf Course to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 40)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Fallston Veterinary Clinic to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (item 41)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Keene Company, Inc. to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 42)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Dare-It Auto Center to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 43)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Baltimore Fabrication to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (item 44)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Maryland Auto Insurance to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 45)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Emerald Technical Solutions and Staffing, Inc. to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 46)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Play and Learn at Eastpoint to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 47)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Mickey's Car ER. to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 48)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of JARVIS, INC. to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Faith Ramsburg). (Item 49)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Anything Printed to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 50)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Clear Spring Creamery to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 51)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Williamsport Retirement Village to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 52)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of RCI Custom Products to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 53)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Badaki Law Firm to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 54)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of First Works Horizon Homes to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jennifer D. Runkles). (Item 55)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Bailey & Shipp Electric to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jane Sinclair). (Item 56)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Fixed Right & Guaranteed, LLC to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jane Sinclair). (Item 57)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Pro-Air, Inc. to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (Item 58)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Acer Exhibits and Events to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program {Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (Item 59)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Graphic Production Systems, Inc. d/b/a Fastsigns White Marsh/Joppa to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (Item 60)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Plaza Ford to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (Item 61)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Skyline Technology Solutions to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (Item 62)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Bob Bell Chevrolet to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (Item 63)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of M&J Complete Auto Care to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth). (Jeffrey W. Smith) (item 64)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Spartan Surfaces to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Jeffrey W. Smith). (item 65)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Maryland Broadband Cooperative to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Robert J. Zimberoff). (Item 66)
See item 33. - Request for the approval of Worcester County Public Schools to be an eligible employer for the Apprenticeship Maryland Program (Youth) (Robert J. Zimberoff). (item 67)
See item 33. - Proposed schedule of Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council meetings for calendar year 2023. (item 68)
Chairman Cavey took a Chairman’s privilege to move this item to the end of the meeting following the items in the supplemental agenda.
After returning to this item, following item 73 but before the closing comments, Mr. Smith reiterated the proposed dates. Mr. Smith said there were no concerns related to potential holiday interruptions, and the proposed November 2023 date coincided with National Apprenticeship Week.
A motion to approve the dates was made by Mr. Wilford, seconded by Mr. Klusmann and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
Following the vote to approve the dates, Mr. Smith asked if anyone in attendance would like to host any of the 2023 Council meetings.
Mr. Wilford volunteered to host the November 2023 National Apprenticeship Week meeting at the Baltimore JATC for the Electrical Industry. Ms. Roth said this was now a tradition.
Mr. Sackett said he would like to host a meeting from the Youth apprenticeship perspective, but he would have to ask permission to volunteer. Mr. Sackett said he would like to tentatively set the March 2023 meeting at the Center of Applied Technologies North in Severn, and he would follow up.
Georgeta Wainwright offered to host the May 2023 meeting at Delaware Elevator in Salisbury.
Mr. Shmelzer offered to host the January 2023 meeting at the Independent Electrical Contractors – Chesapeake facility in Laurel.
An audience member offered to host the September meeting at the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 37 in Baltimore.
Chairman Cavey offered to host the July meeting at the Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local No. 24 in Laurel.
Supplemental Agenda
10. Camden Dream Center Technology Training School (Ginamarie Best) - Occupations of Network Technician and Cyber Security Support Technician. Related Instruction to utilize CISCO Academy curriculum available through the Camden Dream Center Technology Training Center administered at multiple sites and available online. Request for registration of an Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures, goals, and timetables for minority and female apprentices. (Item 69)
Mr. Sackett asked what sort of certifications apprentices would receive. A sponsor’s representative spoke from the audience and detailed two different certifications. Mr. Sackett asked if both were Cisco certifications and the sponsor’s representative answered yes.
A motion to approve this new program was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr. Sackett and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
4. Mid-Atlantic Carpenters Training Centers, Washington, DC (Ginamarie Best) - Request for registration of updated Standards of Apprenticeship for all registered occupations, Affirmative Action Plan and Selection Procedures. (Item 70)
Mr. Smarte said the journeyworker rate for cabinetmaker was set at $300 per hour. Ms. Best said this was a typographical error and would be corrected.
A motion to approve this revision to include a correction to the journeyworker rate for cabinetmaker was made by Mr. Sackett, seconded by Mr. Smarte and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
5. Dr. Masica Jordan, LLC (Ginamarie Best) - Request for reactivation of both the Standards of Apprenticeship for the occupation of Certified Peer Recovery Specialist and also the Affirmative Action Plan with apprentice selection procedures and goals and timetables for minority and female apprentices. (Item 71)
A motion to approve this reactivation and Affirmative Action Plan was made by Mr. Klusmann, seconded by Mr. Wilford and unanimously approved (Mr. Clinedinst, Mr. Wilson and Ms. Anderson absent).
C. PROGRAM REVIEWS PROGRAM REVIEWS [Fewer Than Five (5) Apprentices]:
1. The following program reviews were performed and the programs were found to be conducted in a satisfactory manner. [No Council Action Required]:
e. Wingard and Company - Occupations of Tool and Die Maker and Tool Designer (Coral Crawford). (Item 72)
f. Tate Engineering Systems, Inc. - Occupation of HVAC/R Technician
(Coral Crawford). (item 73)
Chairman Cavey asked for closing comments and invited Charles Wallace of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to speak. Mr. Wallace said Apprenticeship Program staff would soon receive roughly 430 new youth apprenticeship agreements.
Mr. Wallace then asked what the next steps would be when the new youth apprenticeship policy was released. Ms. Roth said much of the policy memorializes current procedures, but some new procedures would roll out with the new youth apprenticeship policy.
Ms. Roth said Department of Labor representatives planned to meet with MSDE soon after this meeting and Mr. Shmelzer was invited to attend. Ms. Roth said she didn’t want to speak for Mr. Shmelzer, but the new policy would allow stakeholders to “dig in” to the role of MSDE, related instruction, and whether or not the related instruction would occur concurrently, and Ms. Roth felt the new policy would help alleviate concerns raised by Mr. Shmelzer in past months.
Mr. Smith said once the new policy was officially promulgated, Department of Labor staff would host a technical assistance meeting with MSDE and local school systems.
Mr. Shmelzer said the coming MSDE conference would probably be the appropriate time to address various issues. Mr. Shmelzer suggested “going back and cleaning up” the youth apprenticeship program.
Mr. Shmelzer said a participating employer was utilizing IEC for instruction for youth apprenticeship at the time of this Council meeting, but it might use another school system going forward. Mr. Shmelzer said how to handle such things related to youth apprenticeship was not well defined.
Mr. Shmelzer suggested scheduling an extra MATC meeting in 2023 to address employers formerly approved for youth apprenticeship. Mr. Shmelzer said this was important to create a more level playing field for the sake of youth apprentices. Mr. Smith said that in prior Council meetings when youth apprenticeship was in the pilot phase, staff did not present the related instruction to be approved by Council. Mr. Shmelzer asked at what point a program should become inactive.
Mr. Smith said in recent months, staff conducted a comprehensive survey that resulted in 15 or 16 employers no longer participating in youth apprenticeship for various reasons.
Mr. Shmelzer said, to Mr. Wallace’s initial question on the new policy, “we got to figure it out.”
Mr. Sackett asked if apprenticeship program staff would review youth apprenticeship programs like registered apprenticeship programs, and if so, more staff would likely be necessary. Mr. Sackett said he didn’t want school systems to monitor employers because it would be a conflict of interest.
Chairman Cavey asked if there was any other business. When no one answered, he wished attendees a happy holiday season.
Chairman Cavey entertained a motion to adjourn, Mr. Smarte made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Bromley seconded the motion, and the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher D. MacLarion
Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council
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- November 15, 2016
- September 13, 2016
- July 14, 2016
- May 26, 2016 Special Called Council Meeting
- May 10, 2016
- March 8, 2016
- January 12, 2016
- November 10, 2015